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Obamas my hero!!!


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Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions... the most they have given to any president, ever. They also spend about $16 million ever year lobbying to influence energy policy.


Sorry to burst your bubble Thorne, but he's not going to kick anyones ass... he (and many other crooks) will have their asses handed to them eventually.




Don't let the facts get caught in your wool, sheep.

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Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions... the most they have given to any president, ever. They also spend about $16 million ever year lobbying to influence energy policy.


Sorry to burst your bubble Thorne, but he's not going to kick anyones ass... he (and many other crooks) will have their asses handed to them eventually.




Don't let the facts get caught in your wool, sheep.


All politicians are crooks.


Ive been known to be a crook.


Id like to kick someones ass over this mess.

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The worst part is that people are boycotting BP gas stations because they think they're sticking it to the man. The only people you're hurting are those who live in your community trying to make a living at a minimum wage job.
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Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions... the most they have given to any president, ever. They also spend about $16 million ever year lobbying to influence energy policy.


Sorry to burst your bubble Thorne, but he's not going to kick anyones ass... he (and many other crooks) will have their asses handed to them eventually.




Don't let the facts get caught in your wool, sheep.


Finally someone that is informed.


Thorne find a new hero. Obama is a joke and will get eaten alive for this bullshit.

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You are also talking about campaign contributions that were dealt out years ago. Its like Anthony receiving money from sponsors of CR and having them later be responsible for some tragedy that he has no part of.


I am sure Tylenol gave out billions in campaign funds as well but Obama wasn't marked as a jack ass when they had their recall.

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Why is there never a word about the people on the rig that died?


Don't you see the environment is being killed which is much more important than human life. It's like the reporting from Afghanistan, if Afghan civilians aren't involved, then the news doesn't care how many US service members are killed.


Got to say 2012 can't come fast enough.

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Got to say 2012 can't come fast enough.


It took a Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan - I CAN'T WAIT for 2012!!


By the way - Obama never visited the flooded people in Nashville did he? Must mean he hates white people (per liberal "logic" applied to Bush & Katrina)


My feelings about Obama (in his own words) "He's an asshole" (Obama's description of Kanye West - now on that I can agree with him!)

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It took a Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan - I CAN'T WAIT for 2012!!


By the way - Obama never visited the flooded people in Nashville did he? Must mean he hates white people (per liberal "logic" applied to Bush & Katrina)


My feelings about Obama (in his own words) "He's an asshole" (Obama's description of Kanye West - now on that I can agree with him!)


Amen to that! I mean for instance, the Commander in Chief can't go visit Arlington cemetary on Memorial Day, what kind of message does that send?

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Don't you see the environment is being killed which is much more important than human life.


Those people dying is a tragedy, it's very sad and my heart goes out to their families. The oil leak will probably (most definitely) have far more reaching consequences than 11 people dying (was it 11, not sure if I'm remembering that 100% right). If left to do it's own thing this 'spill' could ruin the eco system in the Gulf for our lifetimes. This isn't me spouting some hippie bullshit, that's just common sense. That would effect far more peoples lives than the 11 that died and their families.


I will say this with the caveat of I'm not going to get into a existential argument about what 1 human life is worth.

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Those people dying is a tragedy, it's very sad and my heart goes out to their families. The oil leak will probably (most definitely) have far more reaching consequences than 11 people dying (was it 11, not sure if I'm remembering that 100% right). If left to do it's own thing this 'spill' could ruin the eco system in the Gulf for our lifetimes. This isn't me spouting some hippie bullshit, that's just common sense. That would effect far more peoples lives than the 11 that died and their families.


I will say this with the caveat of I'm not going to get into a existential argument about what 1 human life is worth.


Even then, the environment is a side piece to the nature of the press. They seem to be caring more about if BP did something wrong, what our government will do about it, and of course of action done by you know who. It does suck, but the whole coverage of this oil spill seems to be more focused on the political BS or some sort of scandal going on.

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How is a goddamn fucking oil spill a political issue? Oil covering our beaches, no-fishing-zones the size of several states... can't we all just agree that this fucking sucks? Does it matter who the president is or what kind of underpants he wears?


Seriously people, if I spilled oil all over your shit you wouldn't ask me who I voted for. Well, BP just spilled a bunch of oil all over our shit. It sucks. I really don't understand how people bring up politics at all during this.


I saw a bit of Bobby Jindal on Fox News this weekend, and he was doing exactly that... no party line bullshit, no pointing the finger at Obama... He was just talking about how shitty this is for Louisiana. And it was refreshing.

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Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions...



Millions huh?

Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years


Stick to the construction field, reading is obviously not your strong point. support of Obama or not, he is going to have to go after them if he even wants to consider being reelected.

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I love how this has turned into Obama's fault. It's been going on for so long is Obama's fault.

Lets face it..BP I am sure is doing everything possible to get this thing contained. They have to be using every resource or expert available to get this stopped. There's no way they want to continue leaking oil into the ocean. What the fuck more could the government do...send in the military that will employee the same experts to use robots to work on the 5,000ft break along side BP people.

This is no ones fault but BPs. They simply didn't think such a thing could happen and got lazy on safety. Now they have a major problem. A well 18,000ft below the Earth...what a mess!

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Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions... the most they have given to any president, ever. They also spend about $16 million ever year lobbying to influence energy policy.


Sorry to burst your bubble Thorne, but he's not going to kick anyones ass... he (and many other crooks) will have their asses handed to them eventually.




Don't let the facts get caught in your wool, sheep.



heh i just read that and posted it on facebook before i poped in here. I hate all the so called public servants. on both sides anymore.

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All politicians are crooks.


Ive been known to be a crook.


Id like to kick someones ass over this mess.


Ditto. But it's always "someone else's president", never the one they voted for. If it had been a Republican president, we'd hear the same people placing blame now, protecting their choice in presidents and the other side would be blaming the gov'n. :lol: All this shit cracks me up. Believing and following a political party these days makes as much sense as organized religion. It's bullshit and your hardass views and beliefs skew your perceptions and then they use that to seperate us into groups. If we fight amongst ourselves, how can we fight against them?


Even then, the environment is a side piece to the nature of the press. They seem to be caring more about if BP did something wrong, what our government will do about it, and of course of action done by you know who. It does suck, but the whole coverage of this oil spill seems to be more focused on the political BS or some sort of scandal going on.


Agreed. And at the same time, expected. How can you not expect it? It happens no matter who's in office. I can't understand how people so quickly forget. It's like everyone's memory is wiped clean when a new president or election comes along. Wait! Maybe, that's it. I've finally realized the true conspiracy! :rolleyes: Nah, I think it's more likely people are just f'n ignorant and/or stupid.


I love how this has turned into Obama's fault. It's been going on for so long is Obama's fault.

Lets face it..BP I am sure is doing everything possible to get this thing contained. They have to be using every resource or expert available to get this stopped. There's no way they want to continue leaking oil into the ocean. What the fuck more could the government do...send in the military that will employee the same experts to use robots to work on the 5,000ft break along side BP people.

This is no ones fault but BPs. They simply didn't think such a thing could happen and got lazy on safety. Now they have a major problem. A well 18,000ft below the Earth...what a mess!



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Amen to that! I mean for instance, the Commander in Chief can't go visit Arlington cemetary on Memorial Day, what kind of message does that send?


"Instead of visiting Arlington cemetery, Obama and the first lady will participate in a Memorial Day ceremony at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Ill., about 50 miles south of Chicago. Moreover, not every president has spent Memorial Day at Arlington. In 1983, President Reagan was at a summit meeting, and the deputy secretary of defense -- not even the veep! -- placed the wreath. Nine years later, President George H.W. Bush passed off the wreath to Vice President Dan Quayle (who had used family connections to get a slot in the National Guard during the days of the Vietnam War draft). And in 2007, Vice President Dick Cheney took on the wreath mission, while President George W. Bush was in Texas. "


Don't act like the guy shit on the military b/c he wasn't at Arlington. He honored them at another ceremony in Illinois. He was at Arlington last year as well. According to the article above the conservative lord and savior Reagan skipped out on it in 83. I'm sure whatever he was doing was very important, just tossing it in there for some perspective. I get the impression you feel if the guy stood there and pissed on the monument.


I also agree with others that how much a company contributes to a campaign has absolutely nothing to do with 'connecting' a president to a disaster. That's really grabbing for straws folks.


By the way - Obama never visited the flooded people in Nashville did he? Must mean he hates white people (per liberal "logic" applied to Bush & Katrina)


Is this seriously how you feel? We have offices in Nashville and Memphis and each time I've visited I never got the impression that it was a very 'white' area. Is that really liberal logic or logic of a d-bag rapper??

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