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so you drove all the way from Maine... you my friend are a retard.


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So the kid who was saposed to trade me cars today drove all the way from the state of maine and showed up and the car was beat as fuck!


I went from 8k to 6k to trading this guy for his jetta plus 1k.


His car had 146k my car 110k.

His car was missing vents everywhere, holes down to the metal on the floorboards paint was fucked up everywhere. Looks like and smelled like a dog lived in it. every latch was broken on everything.

Headrests were missing. One side mirror was missing. Only thing my car does. Not have is back seats and wipers.


Kid then told me that the pictures were sent when he first got. The car. I told the kid with 2k and his car i still wouldn't do it.


I feel bad for not trading but i gave the kid 50bux and sent him back home. I wish I had pics of he car so bad I feel I have let u all down. Lol


Fuck people that send pics of there stuff and get you all hyped up to trade then show up with junk.



End rant

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So was he trading for your jetta? :confused: or just looking to trade + $. Either way I hope he learned his lesson. My time is too valuable to be driving 10++ hours just to go home empty handed. People need to learn how to just be upfront and honest. It saves a lot of headaches in the end. Oh and travel time.
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I feel I have let u all down.


You have let us down, you really have. I am so disappoint. :nono:


This news has ruined my whole week. I think you should give $50 to everyone who posts to this thread, as a way of making-up for your miserable fail. I know you've got the cash ...... you're debt-free now because of Dave Ramsey. (yes, I can break a C-note)

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Guest 614Streets
Is Ebay not an option with no reserve? Its Illegal to have a friend bump the price around on no reserve. People always want what they can't have. Whats my commision for what was just explained? :devil laughing:
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Damn, you're not having any luck with the people that are trying to buy your car. Maine douche should have known better than to try and pull that shit, I woulda been pretty pissed. Awfully nice of you to give him some cash
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