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Beef Jerky!

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Yeah that's right, a thread about beef jerky. Pretty sweet, I know.


Anyways, I love this stuff. If it weren't so pricey, I'd eat it every day. I really like the Jack Link jerky. Teriyaki, smokehouse, BBQ, whatever...I love it all. As good as it is, I've been told that homemade beef jerky is way better than the commercial stuff they have at most stores.


I don't have time to make it myself, it's pretty much an all day job if you do that. So where can you buy the homemade stuff? I'm curious as to what you guys think, and what you prefer. What's your favorite jerky? :cool:

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Yeah that's right, a thread about beef jerky. Pretty sweet, I know.


Anyways, I love this stuff. If it weren't so pricey, I'd eat it every day. I really like the Jack Link jerky. Teriyaki, smokehouse, BBQ, whatever...I love it all. As good as it is, I've been told that homemade beef jerky is way better than the commercial stuff they have at most stores.


I don't have time to make it myself, it's pretty much an all day job if you do that. So where can you buy the homemade stuff? I'm curious as to what you guys think, and what you prefer. What's your favorite jerky? :cool:


Try nuking that Jack Link stuff in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Take out the white preservative pack first though. Taste even better ;)

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its certainly not an all day process.. search box fan jerky it takes maybe an hour to prep the meat and marinade, and then 10 mins for put them on the furnace filters and strap them to the box fan.. I got the idea off food tv but use my own marinade

10 oz worcestershire sauce

5 oz soy sauce

1/8 cup lemon juice

1/8 cup red pepper

1/2 bottle of tobasco

1/8 cup of onion salt

half a bottle of liquid smoke..2 oz


thats a "cajun" recipe, but its the shit i've made about 15 lbs so far, and tried it in the oven, in the dehydrator, microwave and lastly the box fan way, which came out the best and move efficient. the oven was good but took forever to do

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Store bought jerky is alright. I like Jack Links, and a couple of other brands, but theres nothing like making it yourself. It tastes so much better. I love the fat, and store bought jerky just doesnt have any fat.


TurboRust's recipe sounds about the same as what I've used before, except I left out the Tabasco, red pepper and liquid smoke.


+1 for ostrich jerky


As a South African I am obligated to say that Jerky sucks balls, Biltong is better....which it is.


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Jack Links is an ok last resort. Homemade/local made FTW.


There's a few places down here in C-ville you can get some good homemade jerky. Beef jerky is good, deer jerky is great, alligator wasn't bad but didn't impress me. Haven't tried ostrich or elk though.

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its certainly not an all day process.. search box fan jerky it takes maybe an hour to prep the meat and marinade, and then 10 mins for put them on the furnace filters and strap them to the box fan.. the oven was good but took forever to do


Yep, +1 here. I like to let the meat marinade for longer than an hour, but whichever works best for you. Plus, it will make your house smell like tasty jerky, and there isn't any funky crap in there unless you put it in there.

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A couple guys I used to work with brought in homemade Jerky all the time. Believe it or not fish is really good as Jerky too. Walleye or Perch I believe.


As for the rest of the Jerky I have had everything except elk, ostrich, and gator. But I'd be down to try anything but the gator. I'm a reptile fan and have seen what they do to those guys at gator farms. Absolutely horrible.



And I really like the Jack Links tenders. I open a bag and sit back and watch sasquatch beat the hell out of people.

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