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Yea, if you have problems with your professor than the next higher up person would be the head of whatever area you are studying. If that doesn't get you anywhere then you'll have to start working up the ladder of your school's administration which can be very tough. Mind explaining what happened? PM me if you want, I know people here at OSU who have had to do this and it can be solved if you're willing to argue with enough people.
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The dean of your program, would be a good place to start.


This would be your best bet. I had an issue like this when I got my first degree and it got results. If he has had complaints in the past or been a problem there is a good chance you could maybe get something reviewed.


The best advice I can give is do not go in there guns blazing, be adult and professional and it will get you far.

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Guest tbutera2112

what college? if its a reputatble university like OSU or OU or something like that, the dean of the program should be able to help you or atelast review it


if its a community college or some hole in the wall online school, you may not get very far...if i wanted to dispute a grade at columbus state, i think i would be SOL...

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what college? if its a reputatble university like OSU or OU or something like that, the dean of the program should be able to help you or atelast review it


if its a community college or some hole in the wall online school, you may not get very far...if i wanted to dispute a grade at columbus state, i think i would be SOL...


When I went to CSCC in the early 90's they were very fair if you have a question about your grades. IMHO CSCC is very well ran, at least it was when I was there.

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Guest tbutera2112
When I went to CSCC in the early 90's they were very fair if you have a question about your grades. IMHO CSCC is very well ran, at least it was when I was there.



its not the same at all...its even changed over the past couple years that ive been there


they have so many people crammed in there now, that its non-personal...its like a bunch mice shoved into a cage...they dont give a damn about anybody


theres like 32k students now and the facility is the same size for the most part...its out of control, you cant even park there during the day, all the parking lots, garage, and any surrounding parking lot are all full now...i drove around for an hour and a half one day finding a spot, and still didnt get one so i ended up going home...hell me and my girl stopped in the cafeteria and got lunch one day, and there was nowhere on campus to sit down and eat...no spots in cafeteria, that whole building all the benches were taken, the two student lounges were completely full, no seats...all the tables outside and benches all occupied, even the brick walls used for landscaping people were sitting on...you would have to go there around noon some day to understand (summer quarter isnt bad at all, but the rest of the year is miserable)


that place needs help, im so glad im done taking classes there

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Another option would be to approach your adviser. They should be able to direct you to the correct person to talk to based on the situation. If they don't know, they can find out. Sorry to hear that CSCC has outgrown its campus. I too was there in the early 90s and it was great.
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Different universities have different policies. If you go to a legit school they should have that policy listed on their website. I know I can fill out a formal complaint, which then goes to a higher up. They mediate between the teacher and student, both presenting evidence of why said grade is deserved/not deserved.
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School is CSCC. Beginning of quarter we were assigned groups for a project(I didnt like this to begin with) due at the end of quarter. Project was a walk in the park. I took the lead on it and assigned each person a different part. We were done in a few days. We agreed we would have 1 presenter(present to class). We get to the last class of the quarter and the other 2 groups decide each of their members would give their own portion. These guys were studdering sweating, just giving shitty presentations. Our presenter said he gives presentations all the time and felt comfortable doing it alone, great. 10 mins before its our turn, our group made up of young 20somethings gets nervous and also decides they want to each present their portion. Each presentation was suppose to be 15 mins, something I confirmed with the professor a few class's earlier. 3 hrs in and its not our turn yet. I finally tell him I have to go, I had other plans I wasnt going to miss. He was informed of how our group would be presenting 6 times throughout the quarter and there was no issue. He told me he would take it as a personal offense if I leave. So I left. I get my final grade and my leaving took my grade from an A to a final B. When I checked the other group members they all received A's. I did a majority of the project, organized everyone, did the portions of those students who dropped the class 1/2 way through and everything. He refuses to address this issue. Am I wrong here? I am pissed because my other classes were all A's and I just wanted to get the best grade I could.
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Guest tbutera2112

thats a sticky situation....i would chock it up as a failure to be honest man...you can try to dispute it, but he could say he knocked you points for participation, or any other number of things that you get graded on without being actually part of the project


are you saying your group all decided to present their own part, and you were not present for the actual presentation? if so, ide say youre fucked and stuck with the B...sorry, hard to understand what you meant in parts of that

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I guess he probably has the mindset that it can't really matter that much to you if you got up and left because something was more important than his presentation.


Also, if it was a group presentation and you left, then you weren't a team player in his eyes, no matter what went on behind the scenes.


Id probably take it as a learning experience and move on.


PS. Fuck group projects.

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For me, college is a joke and a waste of time. I will never work for a company who puts stock in a piece of paper and I dont care to take any course to learn anything. I do wish to be credited for the work I did though. I emailed the head of the dept. and he is checking into it.
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CSCC doesn't give a shit about their students. I took a speech class there a few years ago, and the old ass professor was too busy coughing up a lung to make it to class half the time (no joke, she would RARELY show up). When she did make it to class she would give us an assignment, tell us to read something in our worthless book, and 5 minutes later class would be over. Totally worth the 30 minute drive downtown and the $450 I spent on that class, right? :rolleyes:


Anyway, bitch took 15% off my grade (I went from an A to a C) because I never went to some voluntary speech critique class. Well obviously I didn't need it since I had an A, right? I complained to my student adviser or whatever they are called, and they didn't give a shit.


Another class I took called "Freshman Seminar" (mandatory bullshit, HUGE joke of a class). I skipped a few classes on days when there wasn't tests or quizzes (it was a Friday morning class) because I had already done the work and turned it in. Well as a result, my A got knocked down to a C because of missing classes aka "participation points." WTF ever. I didn't bother trying to appeal because I didn't have a good reason, but it was still bullshit.


CSCC is a mixed bag. Some professors are awesome, and some are absofuckinglutely terrible. It doesn't even matter what classes you take, all that matters is what professor you get.

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The guy I thought I would have the biggest issue with was actually pretty cool at the end. The one class was a business mngt course and we were assigned to read from a book. I stood up the first class and asked if it was a joke. I told him if someone walked into any business and attempted to use those terms they would be considered retarded. There was no practical use to the class. Everyone said they wanted to be rich and thats why they were taking the class. 3/4 of the class couldnt even hold a basic conversation let alone get a job at any company where they have the opportunity to become rich. When he challenged me on what I said to him, I told him to lets visit his house and then we'll visit mine, then share a glimpse at each others bank accounts and then we'll see who should be teaching who. I had already googled his address and did a background check on him so I knew what I was getting into. I am surprised I actually got an A in that course.
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The one class was a business mngt course and we were assigned to read from a book.


I took a business management course and had an EXCELLENT professor. He actually taught us useful business sense and made the class interesting, not just reading bullshit from a book all day. Everything we studied and were tested on had a purpose and it actually taught you something that mattered. I wish the rest of my classes were like that.

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