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Piece of shit cop


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gotta look for the silver lining....you had steady ass for 7 years and now you get to start all over with a new piece of ass and it didn't cost you a house, child support, or half of your retirement. The fact she did this means that you can put ALL the blame on her and not walk around like some of the other poor bastards wondering what they did wrong.
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Well after 7 years my fiancee decided that she wanted out. Well that was the first shitty part of my week. Two days later my cell phone bill came and I noticed a couple of hundred texts to the same number over and over from her phone. When I looked into it a bit further I discovered that it was a piece of shit local cop/parttime fireman who IS MARRIED. He apparently hit on her while married and still is during a childs gym class. He of course lied and said that he and his wife were splitting due to her cheating which when I looked into turned out to be a full out lie. I guess one more reason to not like most cops. This piece of shit is supposed to be trustworthy and protect our safety yet he is doing his best to destroy my life and happiness. FUCK HIM Don't get me wrong she is in the wrong too.


Not trying to defend him by any means, but playing devils advocate you cant really blame him. If she was willing to do what she did it wouldnt matter who she did it with. A cop, a mailman and sailor or a bartender on a cruise ship its all the same in the end. She whores around and you get shit on, and so it goes.


But its better you find out now rather than after you get married, buy a house and pop out a couple of kids. Im kinda surprised it took 7 years to find out how scandalous she is, usually women like this show their true colors sooner. Maybe she did and you didnt know?


EDIT: oh and if the guy really isnt splitting up with his wife why not just make a friendly call to the wife? or maybe an email or letter to her work letting her know? Just an idea.

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"o.k. first off, she was wasted, and secondly, if you must know......she didn't even let him cum inside her"



dude just did you a favor---uncovered her unfaithful side before you got married. now you're a free man. if you want retribution, write a letter to his boss, with a copy of all the texts/info, and see what happens. write the same letter to his wife, and see what happens.

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Well after 7 years my fiancee decided that she wanted out. Well that was the first shitty part of my week. Two days later my cell phone bill came and I noticed a couple of hundred texts to the same number over and over from her phone. When I looked into it a bit further I discovered that it was a piece of shit local cop/parttime fireman who IS MARRIED. He apparently hit on her while married and still is during a childs gym class. He of course lied and said that he and his wife were splitting due to her cheating which when I looked into turned out to be a full out lie. I guess one more reason to not like most cops. This piece of shit is supposed to be trustworthy and protect our safety yet he is doing his best to destroy my life and happiness. FUCK HIM Don't get me wrong she is in the wrong too.



while its shitty that this happened wtf does his personal life have to do with him being a police office.

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Don't hate the playa hate the game- snoop

Your girl chose me- r.kelly

Pimps up hoes down- magic don juan

Keep your hoe on a leash- steve carol



Maybe you weren't laying it down like she liked and he was.





Oh that was wrong wasn't it

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I agree that it could have been anyone. Police are always held to a higher standard, so I could see where that would be harder to take.


Years ago I had a fiance leave me. I was pissed at the time, but looking back it was the best thing that could have happened. I found many other opportunities and much more pleasure elsewhere. My case didn't last seven years, so I can only imagine how pissed you are.


My vote is to get a hold of his wife and tell her straight up. Chances are the two of them will see each other again and the wife will be super suspicious. Also, his co-workers and/or higher-ups would be interested in this information...

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You owe this cop a case of beer. Seriously.


If she is cheating on you BEFORE you are married, she obviously would have after. He got her to cheat and leave you before the marriage happened, resulting in far less mess, and letting you see what kind of person is before taking the plunge.


It's not his fault - it is hers.

Fuck me Wisdom.


But I still would beat his ass just for some karma bonus for his wife.

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"o.k. first off, she was wasted, and secondly, if you must know......she didn't even let him cum inside her"



dude just did you a favor---uncovered her unfaithful side before you got married. now you're a free man. if you want retribution, write a letter to his boss, with a copy of all the texts/info, and see what happens. write the same letter to his wife, and see what happens.


Fuck me awesomess.

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I read somwhere once that police officers are one of the most likely to cheat because of the way they are out and about all the time.


How do you even know if the cop knew she was engaged or not? Dirty whores tend to not wear engagement/wedding rings when they are on the hunt for the cock.


Im a firm believer that people go outside of relationships because they are'nt getting what they want at the house. Next time fuck her with a huge dildo.

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"o.k. first off, she was wasted, and secondly, if you must know......she didn't even let him cum inside her"



dude just did you a favor---uncovered her unfaithful side before you got married. now you're a free man. if you want retribution, write a letter to his boss, with a copy of all the texts/info, and see what happens. write the same letter to his wife, and see what happens.


HA, i didnt think anyone would pick that up.

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You owe this cop a case of beer. Seriously.


If she is cheating on you BEFORE you are married, she obviously would have after. He got her to cheat and leave you before the marriage happened, resulting in far less mess, and letting you see what kind of person is before taking the plunge.


It's not his fault - it is hers.


Well played and I agree 100%

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Just a little FYI, if someone is married here, adultery is still illegal.


From Wiki:

"In the United States, laws vary from state to state. In those states where adultery is still on the statute book (although rarely prosecuted), penalties vary from life sentence (Michigan), to a fine of $10 (Maryland), to a Class I felony (Wisconsin). In the U.S. Military, adultery is a potential court-martial offense. The enforceability of adultery laws in the United States is unclear following Supreme Court decisions since 1965 relating to privacy and sexual intimacy of consenting adults. However, occasional prosecutions do occur."


I'd definitely let his partner know and if you really wanna be a dick, send an anonymous letter to his boss, too. I'd put a good story with it and some proof would help in both situations, as well.


There are so many vindictful and dick things you can do. It's up to you how far you wanna go before you can move on. Just be sure to not let this situation, or getting back at someone, consume you. Sometimes, a little revenge is healthy, but there is a line. All in all, good luck with getting through and on with this bump in your life.

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