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Please list the features and benefits his Pune trumps apple with.



Are you asking what features are better on my antique than what you'll experience in a day or so? Cause there is a list, but hey....enjoy your Apple day.

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Are you asking what features are better on my antique than what you'll experience in a day or so? Cause there is a list, but hey....enjoy your Apple day.


Yes. List the features and what you see as thier benefits. I want to see what the hype is about.


Not a pissng contest but a real business case. I've put my jabs in on apple and some less than exciting features on the new phone.

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Please list the features and benefits his Phone trumps apple with.


Then take those back to the entire android pools of manufactures and teach them how to sell those features and create a real value to it's user base/potential user base. Buy one get one free has been thier biggest push. Wow, selling on price. How dated and old school is that shit.


I can strap a high power motor on a Dodge Neon but guess what.....it's still a fucking Neon.


I've listed these things a million times. It doesnt matter what I tell you Tim, or any other one of you brain washed iphone people. To you the iphone is always going to be better because that's what you have, and that's what the general population is telling you. You will come back with the generic answer like "it just works better", or "it has apps". You're blaming advertising, which you are correct, Apple marketed the ipod better, and now you have an ipod with a phone in it, and if you are so easily sold buy all that crap, then the iphone is perfect for you.


I dont get the neon reference.

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To you the iphone is always going to be better because that's what you have, and that's what the general population is telling you. You will come back with the generic answer like "it just works better", or "it has apps".

I always said I'd never own one, but I liked the iPhone best at the time I decided to go with a smart phone. Now that the Android phones have caught up (maybe even surpassed the still current iPhone) it makes the choice less clear if you're coming in fresh from a dumb-phone.


Mainly its that I've been with AT&T for years and have never had any reason to jump ship. It's also the best phone I can get on their network, so it's an easy option for me in addition to the fact that it does anything I need of it. Even if my iP4 is the best ever it's going to be "outdated" in a few months or at least by June of next year when Jerbs releases his new form of iCrack, but I'll probably hang onto it until well after my 2 year obligation is up. I didn't go with the 3Gs, as it didn't seem like enough of a change to lock myself in for 2 years, but I'll take the 4.


Overall it's not only maybe the best choice for me but mostly its the easiest choice for me. I'm not one to bounce around to different providers for the phone flavor of the month. It's cool that T-Mobile/Verizon's crop of Android phones gives you some freedom to choose where AT&T's "Flagship" is specifically the iPhone. I'm sure that's the way they planned their deal w/ Apple to begin with.

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I've listed these things a million times. It doesnt matter what I tell you Tim, or any other one of you brain washed iphone people. To you the iphone is always going to be better because that's what you have, and that's what the general population is telling you. You will come back with the generic answer like "it just works better", or "it has apps". You're blaming advertising, which you are correct, Apple marketed the ipod better, and now you have an ipod with a phone in it, and if you are so easily sold buy all that crap, then the iphone is perfect for you.


This pretty much sums it up.

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I don't have any issues with it at all. It did take a few extra secs to start to play, but everything else seems to work good. I love how on using muti e-mails goes into one grouped inbox. Still dont' know if that was in the update before this one or now, but I so glad I don't have to switch back to each inbox.
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I love how on using muti e-mails goes into one grouped inbox. Still dont' know if that was in the update before this one or now, but I so glad I don't have to switch back to each inbox.


Unified inbox was part of this update. The spell-check is kinda nice also.

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I've listed these things a million times. It doesnt matter what I tell you Tim, or any other one of you brain washed iphone people. To you the iphone is always going to be better because that's what you have, and that's what the general population is telling you. You will come back with the generic answer like "it just works better", or "it has apps". You're blaming advertising, which you are correct, Apple marketed the ipod better, and now you have an ipod with a phone in it, and if you are so easily sold buy all that crap, then the iphone is perfect for you.


I dont get the neon reference.


Perhaps you have and I've looked at the posts in a different way. This time however I'll take you up on a business case scenario and see if it makes sense.


I truly want to know if there's anything air real value to your points. If you don't want to chime on that's okay perhaps someone else will. I look forward to hearing the insight.

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Perhaps you have and I've looked at the posts in a different way. This time however I'll take you up on a business case scenario and see if it makes sense.


I truly want to know if there's anything air real value to your points. If you don't want to chime on that's okay perhaps someone else will. I look forward to hearing the insight.


I'm looking at it from a user's perspective. I dont care if it made apple or google or verizon or at&t more money. If I'm paying for something, i want to get the most out of it. I'm not looking at it like "I will give my money to the company that's making the most money".


Either way Google doesnt care, they have apps on both devices.

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I updated last night and so far......I have to say that it's not the wow factor that I thought it would be.


My Google sync crapped out (seems that Google is going to do some server update over the weekend and maybe that will fix it) and the multi-tasking isn't exactly what I thought it would be. I imagined something more in tune with Windows where I would see which apps are active without double clicking the home button each time.


I saw the little multi-tasking icon pop up for a brief second and haven't seen it since so maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Is it just me?

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I'm looking at it from a user's perspective.


Me too. What are the features that users of an Android have that iPhone users don't and what are the benefits of them?


The previous one was multitasking. And I admitted it would be nice and was a feature I was waiting for. However, for me it was to play Pandora in the background while doing other things. Not a huge "value" but a nice to have. However, a business value to me was having being able to have my GPS feature continue to route me as I talked on the phone. I knew that was coming and viola, now we have turn by turn spoken voice with my caller on the line as well. I can hear the GPS tell me when to turn or I can mute it and simply watch the onscreen display as I talk.


So what can and android do that my iPhone can't? Flash isn't a big deal. Again, I don't need it on my phone as I don't surf only on my phone. Even so, Flash isn't a big part of anything other than the occasional CR Street racing vids. Otherwise, I've never run into a situation where I've "needed to access something" and not been able to.

Talk speeds/feeds all day, etc.....I'll gladly compare. My 3Gs isn't by any means slow even with the new OS4. it's actually humming along faster in many respects. So 1ghz or whatever snpadragon processors, blah, blah don't mean anything to me. Fast is fast. I'll likely upgrade my phone well ahead of the future of bloated apps that won't run on my current setup.


I do want to know as now I'm curious.

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Is anyone else having problems with iPod functionality after upgrading? At first it would come up and only stay on for maybe 3 seconds. After restarting the phone it comes up and completely locks up. Hard reboot didn't fix it either!


Andy, wish I could help. I had zero issues. iPod has been working fine. Had it playing along with MotionX Drive GPS guidance kept me on route. Checked emails at stoplights and did all of it without a hitch or even a blip in music.

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What are the features that users of an Android have that iPhone users don't and what are the benefits of them?



  1. Coming in 2.2, built in free tethering. Plenty of tether apps available for free by other means.
  2. Removable battery
  3. Upgradeable/removable storage
  4. Verizon, or for that matter, any network that ISN'T at&t
  5. Widgets
  6. TRUE multitasking
  7. Syncing of contacts/calendars/email for free, no $99/year mobileme bullshit
  8. System-wide notification system, instead of the iphones "view notification now or never"
  9. No need to use itunes
  10. App refunds

I'll stop at 10.

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Why does one always have to be better than the other? Why not equal and both great? I moved to iphone and thought it was the best thing i'd ever used, simply cause I was jailbroken and I could make it work the way I like it. Out of the box, it SUCKS! or sucked (have not used ios4) I started messing with Android and noticed the freedom. I have not even rooted this thing and I can get widgets and things that make the experience exciting. The social interaction, screen qual, cam, processor speed among other things makes the Android a better choice, if you like those things. If you just want a solid device that does basic stuff, iPhone is great choice. I can manipulate every aspect of this phone and it's not even rooted. As for apps, the Market has every app I used in appstore. Regardless of how many devices come out every month, each of them are on par if not ahead of the iPhone. I'm not afraid to say the iphone has some features that are better.


Along with what Ryan posted, if list form is what you want.

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Why does one always have to be better than the other? Why not equal and both great? I moved to iphone and thought it was the best thing i'd ever used, simply cause I was jailbroken and I could make it work the way I like it. Out of the box, it SUCKS! or sucked (have not used ios4) I started messing with Android and noticed the freedom. I have not even rooted this thing and I can get widgets and things that make the experience exciting. The social interaction, screen qual, cam, processor speed among other things makes the Android a better choice, if you like those things. If you just want a solid device that does basic stuff, iPhone is great choice. I can manipulate every aspect of this phone and it's not even rooted. As for apps, the Market has every app I used in appstore. Regardless of how many devices come out every month, each of them are on par if not ahead of the iPhone. I'm not afraid to say the iphone has some features that are better.


Along with what Ryan posted, if list form is what you want.




And to add to what Ryan said. Removable storage, OTA syncing and updates, and no need for itunes is a big advantage and they all tie in together. I've seen how the update process works for an iphone, and its flawed and a pain in the rear.


System wide notification, having a desktop with widgets, and having a back and menu button is something I miss every time I pick up an iphone. I feel...trapped, out of place and not in control when I try to use one, until I realize that I was simply not meant to be able to navigate the device the way I want to, but how apple wants me to, that's the best I can describe that right now.

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until I realize that I was simply not meant to be able to navigate the device the way I want to, but how apple wants me to, that's the best I can describe that right now.

[Hypnotist Voice]

But this is the way you want it to work...

[/Hypnotist Voice]


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  1. Coming in 2.2, built in free tethering. Plenty of tether apps available for free by other means.
  2. Removable battery
  3. Upgradeable/removable storage
  4. Verizon, or for that matter, any network that ISN'T at&t
  5. Widgets
  6. TRUE multitasking
  7. Syncing of contacts/calendars/email for free, no $99/year mobileme bullshit
  8. System-wide notification system, instead of the iphones "view notification now or never"
  9. No need to use itunes
  10. App refunds

I'll stop at 10.



Consumer viewpoint:

Free tethering. Cool. Certainly a nice to have. Haven't needed the free wifi card I've been given from my company much if at all, but hey, some will use it. This user won't. No value to me. Wifi is everywhere and if the Droid "does" everything so well, and allows for surfing the web so nicely, why do you need tethering? Again, I'm not going to VPN into my company from a parking lot in the middle of now where.


Business Standpoint:

Now, looking at that one feature from a business standpoint of the makers, why would AT&T and Apple offer it for free? Ask yourself why is it that the Android market is?


Removable Battery


Consumer viewpoint:

Why would I care? I've yet to ever replace a battery on a cell phone or iPod. Not even on a laptop. With so many portable charging devices, I've never needed it. Not to mention, the new battery life is fine for even strong usage. No value.


Business Standpoint:

Higher price to manufacture removable batteries. Even higher costs to support such a trend as time goes on. Build it strong from day one and let the aftermarket support add ons. Consumers win and partners love you.




Consumer View:

Likely the main reason folks should chose a particular phone ....the network and their coverage needs. Many don't however, and yet they still complain. Valid point for folks needing a strong network. However, not related to the topic at hand...the Droid vs iPhone and features/value of them.


That said, I personally can live without 3G in certain areas. Even less coverage. I however, trade those for rollover minutes and better rate plans. That changes I know, but so do plans on both sides.




You got me there as I'm no expert, but if they are what I believe and give you the ability to customize your phone a bit more, right on. Love them. Wish we had them. However, I signed on knowing the limitations. There are several functions on the iPhone and notifications, etc. that I would love to edit. Likely can through jailbreaking it, but I already have enough things going on in my life vs playing with tweaks.




Jury is out in my book. The new ability on the iPhone does all I need it to do. Again, share with me the details of benefits and perhaps I may change my thoughts. Not sure however, if being able to do it any differently would lead me to say one is better.


Syncing Wirelessly


Can't say I see a $99 value in Mobile me either, however, I have a Google Calender the wife and I share along with my Work's Exchange server email, calander, contacts, etc....along with 4 emails on my iPhone no problem.




Again, elaborate. I'm not familiar with how Droid notifies vs iPhone.




Not having to use iTunes....not sure why that's an issue. I don't buy music :ninja: either...but if your referencing iTune capabilities...hey, I've used a few other management apps and honestly, iTunes works beautifully. Again, for me, the value is in things being fucking seamless. Works perfectly as advertised every time with near zero skills. My wife and kids use it and have zero issues. That's true value.


App Refunds


I've only ever had an issue with one app. and the vendor made it right. Besides, tons of apps have trial editions and for $.99 to a few bucks, no issue to me.


Good info. Keep it coming. Maybe I'll be a advocate someday :) At the very least, I'm opening to learning more.



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And to add to what Ryan said. Removable storage, OTA syncing and updates, and no need for itunes is a big advantage and they all tie in together. I've seen how the update process works for an iphone, and its flawed and a pain in the rear.


Removable storage...why? What are you using it for and how?


How is the Apple update system flawed? I think it works pretty damn well and smooth. Plug your phone in, iTunes fires up, notifies you of any updates, you decide yes or no or later and move on. OTA is cool, but needed??? I use OTA syncing for photos and videos but even that isn't a huge WOW factor to me.


System wide notification, having a desktop with widgets, and having a back and menu button is something I miss every time I pick up an iphone. I feel...trapped, out of place and not in control when I try to use one, until I realize that I was simply not meant to be able to navigate the device the way I want to, but how apple wants me to, that's the best I can describe that right now.


Again, I admit I don't undertsand a real world example of system wide notification and how it works or compares. School me..I do want to know. Not sure what you mean by back or menu button either. Compare and contrast it?

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My choice was simple - best smart phone cell rate we could get was through AT&T. iPhone is the best phone they carry. This = me having an iPhone.


The iPhone is a good, solid phone. But honestly, it is a phone. Occassional web surfing, a few aps that are useful, check the e-mail, camera, music, and that's about it. There is a point where I just want it to work and not deal with customizing.


Had AT&T carried a GOOD Android phone, we would have had to play with both and decide. Most of the Android phones are shit. Played with an Incredible today - niffty, I liked it, but other than the screen size, it didn't make me die to have one over my iPhone.


In the end, most Apple products are way overpriced - the iPhone wasn't compared to the competition. OS X sucks badly, but since iPhone doesn't run on that - no biggie. These iOS 4 updates have been all good, so I'm happy. :)


I still don't get the point in the iPad.

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I keep getting error 3259! It will download all of the update and at the end it says something about network error and I should check my settings or try later.



That's what happened to me. I updated my old PC at home to the newest iTunes and it restored just fine and was running on 4.0 - however since I hadn't been syncing to that PC since February I mas missing some stuff. Fortunately After the phone was working again I was able to sync my apps back from the main PC that had been failing on me prior.


Cliffs: Try DFU restore. If you can't get it to work (I couldn't), try DFU restore on another PC. Then sync your apps back from your primary PC after it's working again.

It is working now! I had to disable NOD32 and firewall to get it to work!:rolleyes:

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Removable storage...why? What are you using it for and how?


It's cheaper to replace an SD card. If you fill one up, just pop in another one, or get a bigger one. I can unplug it, pop it in a buddies phone to install an app that I have on there, or if I dont have a cable, i can stick it into a laptop and copy files over. All without the need for a special Iphone cable or Itunes. I just need a simple and standard microSD cable or something that will accept an SD card.


How is the Apple update system flawed? I think it works pretty damn well and smooth. Plug your phone in, iTunes fires up, notifies you of any updates, you decide yes or no or later and move on. OTA is cool, but needed??? I use OTA syncing for photos and videos but even that isn't a huge WOW factor to me.


It's the whole thing where you have to rely on specific software thats installed on a specific computer. I will receive an OS update OTA, where ever I am, and all I have to do is click OK. If there is an error (which is less likely because the phone isnt dependent on an outside computer that might lock up or lose communication while in the middle of the update and cause harm) the update can be done completely independently by simply booting the phone into recovery mode (which unlike the iphone recovery, is independent and doesn't require itunes), reinstall the update.zip, or do a complete wipe and reinstall. When it comes back up, everything is sync'd OTA and you are back to normal....see above post.



Again, I admit I don't undertsand a real world example of system wide notification and how it works or compares. School me..I do want to know. Not sure what you mean by back or menu button either. Compare and contrast it?


Android has a notification bar at the top, where all your notifications are displayed to you. It is a drop-down/pull down bar. So say you are on a call, and you receive an email. The Email icon pops up, you can pull the bar down and click on it to view it, or click clear. You can view them from anywhere at anytime. This video shows you what it looks like.



The the Back and Menu button, you have physical buttons at the bottom of the phone. The menu button will bring up additional settings, options and features to an app. For example on the iphone, all app settings are under the settings "app", where on android you have a general applications settings under the OS settings, but also when in an app, you can click the menu button that will bring up additional options. It's similar to a computer, how they have "File, Edit, View...etc". The back button will always take you one step back to where you were before you clicked on something. Iphones do have that in a way, but its not a physical button, and it's the difference between hitting the back button on the browser, and clicking the "previous" URL on a webpage. I also don't think it's always there on an iphone.

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Please list the features and benefits his Phone trumps apple with.


Then take those back to the entire android pools of manufactures and teach them how to sell those features and create a real value to it's user base/potential user base. Buy one get one free has been thier biggest push. Wow, selling on price. How dated and old school is that shit.


I can strap a high power motor on a Dodge Neon but guess what.....it's still a fucking Neon.

why? Always hating on neons :wtf: haha
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