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To the black Lexus on Riverside...


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Dude.. Really?


First off, I feel I should explain something to you. When someone leaves hard at a light, it does not me "I want to race the car three lengths back and on the right." I'm not sure where you got the impression that I wanted to race you, but I can assure you I didn't.


Yes your car is a Lexus and probably cost twice what mine cost when it was new. Yes, it is fast in a straight line when you push the pedal down a bit. Congrats, you discovered the accelerator pedal. Have a cookie.


But when you went through the underpass beneath Dublin-Granville Rd, you were SOOOO SLOOOOW. I wanted to take that curve with some speed, but your two ton tub nearly hit the guard rail while I was yawning behind you. Protip: Don't bring a hammer to a gunfight if you want someone to take you seriously.


And lastly, no, you didn't block my pass at the end. I was taking a right on Hayden-Run. Ultimately, you didn't prove yourself a better driver, and most certainly not a quicker driver. What you did prove, however, was that the idiot ricers out there don't just drive Hondas.

  • Confused 1
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Who's upset? This guy was comedy. Threads like this are for the lulz, not the drahma. I only wish I had the forethought in situations like this to get a license plate number. But I'm usually too busy making sure the idiot doesn't take me out with him if he screws up.

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Naw, he blew past me on riverside while I was driving the speed limit. Then he would drop back and speed up every time I got close. I was on his bumper through the curve. I was thinking of going past him on the inside, but decided not to encourage him.


Believe me, if that boat passed me on *that* curve, I'd have some respect for the guy. But his entry was late and he had no concept of an apex. His tires were maybe three inches from the edge of the asphalt and there's a guardrail on the outside. Any faster with that level of driving and he'd need paint at least.


Oh, this was in the STI.

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Naw, he blew past me on riverside while I was driving the speed limit. Then he would drop back and speed up every time I got close. I was on his bumper through the curve. I was thinking of going past him on the inside, but decided not to encourage him.


Two smart moves. A blowing-by ticket in a 40mph zone wouldn't be cheap. Maybe he can afford it. I wouldn't want the insurance hike. Although I do love the MS3's ability to have real him in like a fish. That alone is a priceless feeling. Especially waving bye bye. :)


But hey, no sense is playing with someone who can't play. No fun in that and in the end, he could end up killing someone with his lack of skills. I'm up that way a lot as I live close and often use 33 vs Sawmill to get to Powell.

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I will never understand threads like this. He got what he wanted... He made you upset enough to write a thread about it.




How many "Dear X driver" threads do I see on CR? Who the fuck are you talking to? You new age micro bloggers are fucking troll ass retards. Srsly I would ban the next idiot who crafts the next posts like this.

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Was in a rush to Aquarium Adventures before it closed yesterday and had an older gentleman in a 196x red convertible mustang. Looked restored and unmodded. I think the plates were POPPE or POPPEE or some shit. He pulled out in front of me and proceeded to try to haul ass in front of me. I was appreciative, (as I said, I was in a rush), and remained a safe distance behind him but there was no doubt as to my hustle. He decided to show me how much better that old Mustang (to be fair, the tire size looked original OE), was than the, wait for it... The RAV. Needless to say, and mostly due to driving error, Im sure, he put half the car in the gravel on a curve but somehow saved it. He was much more careful after that. This also meant slower. Just enough to make me just over 1min late. Luckily, the nice girl in the store let me in, anyway. :D
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Ill never get rants like this. More than likely he isn't on the board so why post. U should kill urself twice for making a retard post that the accused will never know about. Next time pull up to him, have the same rant at his cr then post his reaction.
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Don't mind cr there just a bunch of haters... phil mike an alex are abunch of internet warrrior who are too slow to keep up an they wish they could drive half as good as u donot nut swining just stating.u know ur doin things righjt when haters come out of the woodwork.:lol: fuck u cr mr goose out!
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Don't mind cr there just a bunch of haters... phil mike an alex are abunch of internet warrrior who are too slow to keep up an they wish they could drive half as good as u donot nut swining just stating.u know ur doin things righjt when haters come out of the woodwork.:lol: fuck u cr mr goose out!


Ha... If I let stuff like this bother me, I wouldn't post in the Romper Room. :D It's like running out into the middle of a dodgeball game. You'll get hit a lot, but you'll also be laughing your ass off at the same time.

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Guest tbutera2112
I will never understand threads like this. He got what he wanted... He made you upset enough to write a thread about it.


To people who feel the need to make threads like this: hang yourself.




How many "Dear X driver" threads do I see on CR? Who the fuck are you talking to? You new age micro bloggers are fucking troll ass retards. Srsly I would ban the next idiot who crafts the next posts like this.


Ill never get rants like this. More than likely he isn't on the board so why post. U should kill urself twice for making a retard post that the accused will never know about. Next time pull up to him, have the same rant at his cr then post his reaction.


+ 1 million


threads like this are fucking gay

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Don't mind cr there just a bunch of haters... phil mike an alex are abunch of internet warrrior who are too slow to keep up an they wish they could drive half as good as u donot nut swining just stating.u know ur doin things righjt when haters come out of the woodwork.:lol: fuck u cr mr goose out!


Coming from someone that takes pictures of himself on break, in the bathroom, at work. Im pretty sure Buffalo Bill did that. Then he ended up using womens skin to cover his weener. Thats your future Paul, covering your weener with a dead womans leatherized skin.





thanks Tyler. We wouldn't want any confusion with intercourse.

Edited by Panduh
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Guest tbutera2112
Thats your future Paul, covering your weener with woman skin.



not to be confused with "getting some", just actually applying the leatherized skin to said weiner.

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