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Verizon People - I don't want this new $10 data plan bullshit


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My sons both have phones which require it. I refused to pay it and they made it go away. My son had an env3 and did the same thing but we let it go until he got a env touch from Alex. I refused to pay the charge when we switched the phones over and after some reluctance they did it. My other son had some piece of shit that we had 5 of break in a week. They upgraded him and removed the charge as well. My mother in laws droid just broke as well. In 6 months my in-laws account(kids on their plan) has seen 7 broken phones. I only speak with the manager anytime I deal with anyone with any company and he instantly took care of it both times. I was certainly impressed with his customer service but not verizon. I called in and negotiated for all the phones when they bought them new. I received 2 droids an env3 some other piece of shit, free cases and 3 free months of service all for free.
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My sons both have phones which require it. I refused to pay it and they made it go away. My son had an env3 and did the same thing but we let it go until he got a env touch from Alex. I refused to pay the charge when we switched the phones over and after some reluctance they did it. My other son had some piece of shit that we had 5 of break in a week. They upgraded him and removed the charge as well. My mother in laws droid just broke as well. In 6 months my in-laws account(kids on their plan) has seen 7 broken phones. I only speak with the manager anytime I deal with anyone with any company and he instantly took care of it both times. I was certainly impressed with his customer service but not verizon. I called in and negotiated for all the phones when they bought them new. I received 2 droids an env3 some other piece of shit, free cases and 3 free months of service all for free.


So kids are breaking phones and you are asking for managers to give you free phones to replace them.. or are you saying the phones were faulty?


Please tell me the free stuff was on 7 different calls... or that you are exaggerating. Thats a lot of stuff.

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The env3 kept shutting off but we let it go. My other son had a phone i cant think of the name but it was just junk, I went in with 4 different phones they kept sending me to try and fix the issue but everyone was broke straight from the box. they stated it was a common issue and were discontinuing it so they just automatically upgraded it anyway. We added them to my in-laws account since my wife and I dont really need cell phones like these, our kids wanted them(I am not one to let my kids be the odd man out). I called verizon store and told them what i wanted to do, which phones, how much I was willing to pay and the manager said come on down. When I got there, they brought out covers, i assume to try and sell me, but after asking he said i could just take them, then he took off the first 3 months for free. Dont know why.

What kind of parents have $10 walmart phones with pay per use service while their kids have brand new phones with features.

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The only thing is with certain phones you HAVE to have the data plan. Its not up to the person in the store. You are better off going in there and trading in for a decent phone that does not require one...


There's no such thing as a "decent phone" that doesnt require a data plan. Its either a "data phone" or a shitty flip phone that is really only good for making calls and nothing else, which is great for some i guess.


I still have my LG Voyager that i got a long time ago. The reason i havent gotten a new phone (blackberry, droid, iphone) is b/c my bill is 53$ a month and i dont want or need an extra 10$-20$ data plan on top of that when im not going to use it. Its complete bullshit and im dreading the day my phone breaks or i need a new one. I dont know where i am on my contract but if its close to over i may switch to an Iphone even though i hear their service is shit.

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The env3 keep shutting off but we let it go. My other son had a phone i cant think of the name but it was just junk, I went in with 4 different phones they kept sending me to try and fix the issue but everyone was broke straight from the box. they stated it was a common issue and were discontinuing it so they just automatically upgraded it anyway. Whats "7 different call"


I never liked the env3. If you look them up online you find that the LG warranty phones are crap. If you get a new one and never have to switch it out you are usually ok. The second you use the warranty you will probably get crap.


7 different calls... As in did a manager give you $800 in perks on one call/visit or was it over time.


I just read the rest of your post. You must pay a hell of a lot of money per month. Stores will negotiate but to get it for free is not a usual thing.

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I agree that it is annoying about Verizon requiring the data plan for any 3G phone, and since my wife doesn't use data, we just got her the Samsung phone with the full qwerty keyboard because she wanted the full keyboard for txt'ing.
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Gf has Verizon. She doesn't use the data shit and just recently upgraded her phone with her current plan. This particular phone is not a smart phone but has gps, internet ability, etc. She did not plan on using that stuff and does not have to pay the data rate. I do think some of their phones online say you have to purchase the data rate plan. I think it's stupid. However, there are good phones at verizon that do all the basics you want, (calls, texting, pic messaging, camera, etc) without having to pay for the data plan. Her new phone is a Samsung Intensity as a 'for example'.


Honestly, I wondered about the whole data plan thing. I can only assume that they sell those phones at a cheaper price and look to make up for it with a montly data plan. Basically, if you're not going to use the phone to its potential and pay an extra monthly fee, then you dont' get to use it. You get away with a cheaper smart phone or the like without putting back into Verizon, so to speak. Eh, just a thought.

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