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anyone ever have colon sacks?


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My stomach's been killing me. Bothering me for months and craps progressed.After eating i can't breath, feel bloated,physically i am bloated, my stomach hurts to touch it, can't lay on my side, bad taste in my mouth, gas was coming out of both ends, stomach makes crazy noises after eating, i puked in my mouth on the way home today. Went to the docs yesterday he sent me to the ER they did all kinds of tests cat scan showed sac's on my intestines (colon), they called it Diverticulitis, and spots on my liver? said i need more fiber. Get a colonoscopy and more liver tests. they gave me vicodin, flagyl and ciprofloxacin now i'm up can't sleep all night, got the runs, my stomach is making all kinds of noise. It's felt like there's no room in my gut for anything this last week. Friggin sucks. I have to fly to Nashville Sunday not going to be fun...Anyone been thru this kinda thing before?

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Sorry to hear this man. I have an aunt who was diagnosed with diverticulitis when I was young, and I remember her having bouts with it up until she had surgery a couple years back. She put up with it for about 20 years before she finally had some portions of her intestine taken out. But I also remember her controlling it a lot with her diet and just not eating some things. Or when she did, she did so knowing full well she'd pay for it.

I hope your guts stabilize before you hop on the plane. I know I get bloated whenever I fly. I think I recall her being told to eat a lot fo yogurt due to the cultures in it, but don't take that as gospel.

Whatever happens, listen to your doctor and get better soon, mang!

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My stomach's been killing me. Bothering me for months and craps progressed.After eating i can't breath, feel bloated,physically i am bloated, my stomach hurts to touch it, can't lay on my side, bad taste in my mouth, gas was coming out of both ends, stomach makes crazy noises after eating, i puked in my mouth on the way home today. Went to the docs yesterday he sent me to the ER they did all kinds of tests cat scan showed sac's on my intestines (colon), they called it Diverticulitis, and spots on my liver? said i need more fiber. Get a colonoscopy and more liver tests. they gave me vicodin, flagyl and ciprofloxacin now i'm up can't sleep all night, got the runs, my stomach is making all kinds of noise. It's felt like there's no room in my gut for anything this last week. Friggin sucks. I have to fly to Nashville Sunday not going to be fun...Anyone been thru this kinda thing before?

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Man, sorry to hear this. Sounds rough. I can't relate, but I have had over 15 polyps removed in the past 7 years. Last colonoscopy was clear, thank goodness. Luckily I had a blood clot back in 2002 when I was taking NO2 pills and they happened to see a few which led to a colonscopy and removal of many. I'm glad I got that clot or I'd be dead before I got to the normal age of colonoscopies.

Best of luck man. Hope you recover fully soon.

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im a dietitian at jewish hospital man. diverticulitis is VERY common. as far as diverticulITIS is concerned you need to follow a LOW fiber diet, usually for about 7-10 days up to 2 weeks. after your bowels are healed you then want to change over to a HIGH fiber diet typically 25-35 grams a day. you need to avoid any foods with nuts seeds and corn. the only way your not goin to have diverticula present is to have your colon resected. usually its located in a part of your colon called the sigmoid, after the ascending colon. you can live with it man, but you need to watch what you eat!

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are they wanting you to get a full colonoscopy or just the sigmoidoscopy? Either way, just be sure you follow the instructions for the prep. It sucks, but will suck more if your prep is half ass (sorry for the pun) and you have to do it a second time.

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thanks everyone. my girlfriends making me eat fiber stuff...this stuff hurts..

the ER doc just said get a colonoscopy and follow up with the liver thing?...

Nick so why did they remove them? Did they have to cut you open or go in the out?

777 so don't eat tons of fiber bars and stuff just eat yogurts and things then after they heal crank the fiber..thanks

sucks i got my new Micron exhaust finaly and i'm to worn out to put it on.

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my girlfriends making me eat fiber stuff...this stuff hurts..

Nick so why did they remove them? Did they have to cut you open or go in the out?

777 so don't eat tons of fiber bars and stuff just eat yogurts and things then after they heal crank the fiber..thanks

fiber at this point is going to make your pain worse so i would lay off of it for at least a week or two. he did say diverticulitis right and not diverticulosis?

polyps are precursors to cancer. they dont cut you open, they stick a camera up your ass and snip them off

yeah dont eat fiber at this point. try to keep it less than 15 grams a day. when the diverticula are healed (called diverticulosis), typically 1-2 weeks, then you can up your fiber to 25-35 grams a day. i am not opposed to fiber supplements but try to get it the natural way through fruits, veggies and whole grains. make sure you avoid nuts seeds and corn, from here on out...yes that means the rest of your life.

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Nick so why did they remove them? Did they have to cut you open or go in the out?

As MrMako said they lead to cancer if not taken care of. Luckily I got all mine out while they were still benign. I now have to go in every 5 years for the rest of my life to prevent getting colon cancer. They just go in with a scope and cut them off then carterize them. You can't feel a thing when it's done though because the colon has no nerves of pain. Just eat fiber like it's candy man. Do what they tell you to do, so you can beat this pain you're having.:cool:

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fiber at this point is going to make your pain worse so i would lay off of it for at least a week or two. he did say diverticulitis right and not diverticulosis?

polyps are precursors to cancer. they dont cut you open, they stick a camera up your ass and snip them off

yeah dont eat fiber at this point. try to keep it less than 15 grams a day. when the diverticula are healed (called diverticulosis), typically 1-2 weeks, then you can up your fiber to 25-35 grams a day. i am not opposed to fiber supplements but try to get it the natural way through fruits, veggies and whole grains. make sure you avoid nuts seeds and corn, from here on out...yes that means the rest of your life.

the docs notes say diverticulitis.....i'm laying off the fiber like you said makes sense...thanks...mt.dew seems to sooth it. the pain goes away for 5 minutes or so.

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the docs notes say diverticulitis.....i'm laying off the fiber like you said makes sense...thanks...mt.dew seems to sooth it. the pain goes away for 5 minutes or so.

eh i would avoid caffeine for right now man. caffeine will stimulate peristalsis. maybe try some sprite instead

oh and make sure when you start to increase fiber you do it gradually especially with soluble fiber. soluble fiber is what most fiber supplements use and is found in oats, fruits, beans etc. soluble fiber partially ferments...remember the old tune, beans beans? the partial fermentation causes gas and could cause cramping with nausea and pain if you over do it. your bowels will have to get use to it first. insoluble is not as bad as it does not ferment. i usually tell my patients to eat shredded wheat cereal, it has a lot of insoluble fiber and it tastes good too.

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