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My house project over shutdown, made some shelves for a/v crap in the living room

Trouble Maker

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I don't have any before before pictures, but everything used to be on a regular old TV stand. This was the plan when I hung up the TV 6+ months ago, but I finally got around to doing it.





Shelves made and hung on the wall



Final results


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Knew someone would be a hater about that. :)


I live in an apartment so I'm not going to go through the trouble of running cables through the walls and installing wall plates everywhere. It's also easy to 'hide' all of those cables you see when you have a big tv stand like most people do.


I might still run the front channels (L & R) and sub signal cable 'behind' the wall. The steps to the basement are behind this wall so I can just run the cable through the wall, down the hallway and back through the wall to 'hide' them. That's easy enough to do. That won't do anything about that cable you see going 'up' the middle of the TV. That's the power (120VAC) to the sub and there's only 1 outlet on that wall behind the TV. It would also be a ton more work to run the rear speaker cables, way more than I'm willing to do in a place I'm going to be for another ~2 years.


It would also just be more shit I'd have to fix when we move out of here.


The parts to do all of that is relatively cheap, my time is not. If you want to come do it, I will buy all of the parts. I only pay in old Mexican pesos. You can still buy donkey rides in Tijuana with those. At least that's what Mitch claims.

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Tits! Where did you get those shelves? IKEA?


Home depot. I made them. Plywood and screen on the edges to round them off. The sprayed them with a glossy black to basically match what I already had (tv, components, speakers). I looked everywhere for the right size and style I wanted and didn't find exactly what I wanted. My woodworking skills could use some practice, but that's why I made these! They are far from perfect, but they look OK.


I got the wall mounts from The Container Store.



You could easily hide what some of those cables in a couple of minutes. Make the ones coming from the TV go to the right behind the TV, then down with the rest of your cables. Then take that bundle and zip-tie it.


Joe, either I'm not understanding you right, or you're not seeing the cables right?


The only cables that you see in that picture are speaker, power for the sub and sub signal (RCA). All of the power (except for sub) and a/v cables are behind the TV and a/v components. The cables that go from TV to the a/v stuff are run sideways behind the TV directly to the a/v components.


Are you saying to bundle the cables that you can currently see to make them look 'neater'?

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Joe, either I'm not understanding you right, or you're not seeing the cables right?


The only cables that you see in that picture are speaker, power for the sub and sub signal (RCA). All of the power and a/v cables are behind the TV and a/v components. The cables that go from behind the TV to the a/v stuff are run sideways behind the TV directly to the a/v components.


Are you saying to bundle the cables that you can currently see to make them look 'neater'?

You have a cable going from the bottom of the TV straight down to the floor. Secure that cable behind the TV, and have it go down behind your shelving like the rest of the cables.


From there, zip-tie everything else. It will look a lot better tied together. I was forced to do that at our condo due to the location of our TV and speakers (no way to in-wall wire it, otherwise I would have), and this helped hide the wiring some.


You could also fish the wires under the carpet, but I'm not sure if you want to go that far or not.


If you eventually decide to invest the time into doing all in-wall wiring, the wallplates are all fairly cheap and easy to get @ monoprice. I still need to do HDMI plates and a splitter to feed our living room equipment to the master bedroom TV.

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