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Guys luck ran out


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I can completely understand that story. Some of you may know I was in a fairly bad accident on April 7th breaking a leg, both ankles, and my right hand from where an suv pulled out in front of me. Will it stop me from riding? Nope. I will be back before then end of this year. Riding does make you feel a way in which nothing else can. People out side of the riding community will never be able to understand it, but I am sure most riders do.
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Guest tbutera2112
Bikes are one of those things I just dont get. I owned one and never seemed to get the sensation or feeling some riders say when talking about riding. It was alright but really just seemed boring.


you were doing it wrong ;)

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My uncle was a motorcycle rider. He was struck and put into a coma. He came out and began riding again. Later, he was struck by another motorist and was put into a coma again. When he came out of it, he had to relearn everything like a baby. He was never the same again. It stole who he was and replaced him with a mean tempered shell of a man. He was later killed when his car settled on his chest while working on it. So, in conclusion, cars kill, I guess. *shrug
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I quit, don't miss it.



x2 i broke my collar bone after a car pulled out in front of me and I went flying over my hand bars as the bike hit the rear end of the car. Cars don't give a fuck! So... SCREWWWWW that.


and I always look for bikes!

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i had this asshole, ALMOST side swipe me as he flew up, on, and by me yesterday on 70. scared the shit outta me, it would have killed that jackass if I would have moved my car at all to the left as he cut between me and the car beside me.


if you drive your bike like that, u deserve what you get!



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x2 i broke my collar bone after a car pulled out in front of me and I went flying over my hand bars as the bike hit the rear end of the car. Cars don't give a fuck! So... SCREWWWWW that.


and I always look for bikes!

unfortunately more and more Im seeing bikers think they own the road and we should be watching out for them instead of them being safe especially driving up 71 every day now, it's a daily occurance that I have a bike cutting me off or driving down the berm or something else that is just plain stupid.

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Guest tbutera2112

im always going faster than the flow of traffic...ide rather be passing cars than riding right next to them...


if you guys think bikers should be doing 65 mph consistently while you fuckers tail gate, merge on us, cut us off, brake check us, etc etc etc, then youre all fucking idiots


when im on the bike, i look after my own ass....anyone else can fuck off because i enjoy living and im not about to let you people run my ass over because youre too busy txting or eating and decide to drift lanes

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Guest tbutera2112
so, driving 100 MPH doing fly bys in between cars is safe behavior? :rolleyes:



if I wouldn't have saw him and just moved to the left a couple feet, there would have been a thread about him.


yea, because i quoted you and specifically said riding in the berm and splitting cars at 100mph is safe


:jerkit: typical holier than thou cager


its just funny that people drive 80mph down the freeway all the time and its no problem, but god forbid a bike passes you on the freeway doing 80 and then its "omg those damn bikers think they own the road"

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Guest tbutera2112
not my fault you have a skewed opinion on bikes now because you werent paying attention and a car pulled out in front of you. cars always have the right of way, it appears you were the one acting like you owned the road. no wonder you have that view. see how far it got ya?
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Yeah, 1 VEHICLE PER LANE STUPID. When there is a car in a lane, a fucking bike shouldn't be coming into that lane to fly pass you when THERE IS A CAR BESIDE ME.


keep on with that attitude, and there will be a thread about u. you obviously are too caught up in the whole bike thing to see reality. i am done here.


and really, if I would have hit the bike, it wouldn't have hurt me AT ALL. SO I WAS LOOKING OUT FOR THE BIKE. fuck rag.

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Guest tbutera2112
Yeah, 1 VEHICLE PER LANE STUPID. When there is a car in a lane, a fucking bike shouldn't be coming into that lane to fly pass you when THERE IS A CAR BESIDE ME.


keep on with that attitude, and there will be a thread about u. you obviously are too caught up in the whole bike thing to see reality. i am done here.


and really, if I would have hit the bike, it wouldn't have hurt me AT ALL. SO I WAS LOOKING OUT FOR THE BIKE. fuck rag.


dude, where the fuck have i said lane splitting on the freeway is ok?? please, show me. i never said ANYTHING about passing a car in the same lane, or splitting between the two. please enlighten me jackass.


and i really dont give a fuck about you and that bike the other day, i wasnt even responding to you specifically with my first post, youre the one who took it as an attack from me, when nothing i said had anything to do with you. i said i ride faster than the flow of traffic, i never mentioned lane splitting, riding the berm, doing wheelies in traffic, none of that shit, nothing. learn to fucking read dude.

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Guest tbutera2112
im always going faster than the flow of traffic...ide rather be passing cars than riding right next to them...


if you guys think bikers should be doing 65 mph consistently while you fuckers tail gate, merge on us, cut us off, brake check us, etc etc etc, then youre all fucking idiots


when im on the bike, i look after my own ass....anyone else can fuck off because i enjoy living and im not about to let you people run my ass over because youre too busy txting or eating and decide to drift lanes



where in this post does it mention lane splitting??? please, show me.

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Dude, you said this nonsense when I was explaining the stupidity of the motorcycle. As if to say... I HAD THE PROBLEM.



not my fault you have a skewed opinion on bikes now because you werent paying attention and a car pulled out in front of you. cars always have the right of way, it appears you were the one acting like you owned the road. no wonder you have that view. see how far it got ya?




what view were you implying I had?

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Guest tbutera2112
again, show me where i mentioned ANYTHING about what you did specifically, or where i mentioned that the biker was in the right to be splitting between you and that car....please, show me where i mentioned any of that. i was responding to the general tone of this thread that bikes are always in the wrong, it had nothing to do with some jackass lane splitting you on the freeway.
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