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I'm getting sued!!!


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I'm not trying to be a dick....but something's not adding up. If you were on the wrong side of the road, you had to be doing something. Not paying attention, going too fast, or you spun out...due to too much throttle.

It's horrible that this has happened to you, but just be lucky your alive man. It could have been alot worse, especially looking at the car.

Your car comments got to me. There are TONS of people your age, and younger who own gt mustangs. I've had one (02) and quite a few other nice cars. Gt mustang's are a dime a dozen, Your lucky you got more than 5-7k after the deductible. I wouldn't pay more than 5k for a 99 gt stang. Maybe 6k because of the low miles, but that's about it. Besides....camaro's do it better anyway.

I've never been sued, but i'm sure there's gotta be something you can do. Fight it until you can't anymore. She's just obviously looking for a pay-day.

Good luck man.

I realize I did something wrong to end up on the worng side of the road but I do not remember three days of my life from that wreck. I got hit so hard I dislocated my right shoulder from getting impacted by the passenger door. And not to be a dick back that aint no gt thats a cobra. Number 1989 out of 4077. Look at my screen name. You said gt and made me :lol:

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I'm not trying to be a dick....but something's not adding up. If you were on the wrong side of the road, you had to be doing something. Not paying attention, going too fast, or you spun out...due to too much throttle.

It's horrible that this has happened to you, but just be lucky your alive man. It could have been alot worse, especially looking at the car.

Your car comments got to me. There are TONS of people your age, and younger who own gt mustangs. I've had one (02) and quite a few other nice cars. Gt mustang's are a dime a dozen, Your lucky you got more than 5-7k after the deductible. I wouldn't pay more than 5k for a 99 gt stang. Maybe 6k because of the low miles, but that's about it. Besides....camaro's do it better anyway.

I've never been sued, but i'm sure there's gotta be something you can do. Fight it until you can't anymore. She's just obviously looking for a pay-day.

Good luck man.

Here's what I am wondering. If you didn't contest the wreckless opt charges, you're fucked. You apparently were doing something that netted you being going the wrong way. Whatever the case, she wasn't at fault and therefore you were.

Not sure where you're pissed as I understand it sucks, but if the cops did a full accident site investigation (Seeing the damage, they certainly would have) and didn't charge her, but did you, you're going to have a tough time.

Yup, car got hosed, you got fair value for the car even though it may have been less than you wanted, etc., but at the end of the day, it all wouldn't have happened if you hadn't messed up, right?

Sometimes, life lessons suck. Just be thankful that you are ok and it wasn't worse. Thanks God she and her baby were fine, as well... Had one or both died, you'd be in some serious shit...

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I realize I did something wrong to end up on the worng side of the road but I do not remember three days of my life from that wreck. I got hit so hard I dislocated my right shoulder from getting impacted by the passenger door. And not to be a dick back that aint no gt thats a cobra. Number 1989 out of 4077. Look at my screen name. You said gt and made me :lol:

Hey. No problem man. I'm just glad you made it out of that. From the looks of the car.....it could have been 10 times worse. I'm a car person and though it...might be a plymouth prowler lol. Since it's a Cobra, 7-9k probably would have been optimal. You got over 10k, i think you got a pretty good deal there, but that's just me. The cobra's are pretty sweet though. I just don't feel the need to pay that much for one lol. When i can go out and buy a LS1 Camaro for 4-5k.

With your injuries, are you able to ride ok?

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yeah I am good to ride I have chronic shoulder problems on both sides now kinda limits how long I can ride but its all good. Oh and lizard what I am pissed about is no recreation was done no investigation they just wrote me a ticket and called it done. They are sueing me but my insurance pays up to 100k without me getting involved

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yeah I am good to ride I have chronic shoulder problems on both sides now kinda limits how long I can ride but its all good. Oh and lizard what I am pissed about is no recreation was done no investigation they just wrote me a ticket and called it done. They are sueing me but my insurance pays up to 100k without me getting involved

Sucks to hear you are getting sued. One of things the other parties lawyers almost always do in cases like this is get a copy of your insurance application or find out what your limits are and go from there. Hopefully it works out in your favor.

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Inow that it is almost a year to the day since the wreck she has decided to sue me for 100,000 dollars for tissue damage. I am no doctor by any stretch but I dont even know what tissue damage consists off and definitly seems like you would not wait a year to sue me. And ironically sueing me for the exact amount my insurance company will pay out.

I just went through this regarding an '07 accident (me vs. two cars)

In this wonderful state of Ohio, she will sue you for your max insurance pay out and will win unless your insurance fights it on your behalf. IF you really want to fight this and win, you will need to get an accident investigator working on this. When it comes to victim rights, the state of Ohio sucks.

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Dont sweat it dude. I re-ended a lady a few years back. She was a drama queen, but swore she wasn't going to sue me blah blah. one year 10 months later, Just before the statut of limitations was up, I got a letter saying I was being sued. so did my mom. Turns out both her, and her husband (who wasnt even in the car) was sueing both me, and my mom (since it was in her name) for blah blah.

My insurance was wonderful. They sent us a lawyer. He handled everything. Turned out she went to one of those "have you been hurt in an accicent " lawyers who promised her all this money "she deserved" She ended up walking away with LESS than they originally offered her... She was just trying to be greedy...

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