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Up to 1,700lbs of bad ass


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Did the family thing at the zoo this weekend. Hot as a mother fu#$@# but not crowded. New bear exhibit is open. Had a close up hind leg stand up viewing against the glass with an Alaskan Brown Bear :eek:


I know the Grizzly's they have are big, but still not full size. Niether was this guy, but up that close 2ft from me as he was on his hind legs, I still about shit my pants even from the safety of the place I was at :o


Full size males go up to 1,500lbs of pure bad-ass with the largest on record being 1,700lbs.


Shot through some pretty buggered up glass:




The Polar Bear viewing was packed so shots weren't that feasable. Nice, but the jury is still out on my opinion of the exhibit. Having been to so many other zoos, we have a nice one, but no where near the top when it comes to viewing.


Shot through some pretty thick distortion prone glass:



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ide like to see a full size gorilla fight to the death with a full grown kodiak...my money is on the gorilla...where can we set this up?


A full grown Alaskan Brown would straight up rape a gorilla.


My dad's got pics from his Alaskan carabou hunt from about 10 years ago. Included in these are pics he took of brown bear tracks. The paw prints are absolutely massive and the claw imprints in the ground start about 5" after the paw stops.


Another tid-bit of info: an Alaskan Brown can run down a full bred race horse. :eek:

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Guest tbutera2112
A full grown Alaskan Brown would straight up rape a gorilla.


My dad's got pics from his Alaskan carabou hunt from about 10 years ago. Included in these are pics he took of brown bear tracks. The paw prints are absolutely massive and the claw imprints in the ground start about 5" after the paw stops.


Another tid-bit of info: an Alaskan Brown can run down a full bred race horse. :eek:


looked up the size and quickness of these bears and didnt realize they were so insanely strong and fast.... they can kill bulls with one swipe, run 45mph, and their mouth is so big they could bite down on the gorillas entire head......stronger, faster, bigger, 3x as heavy....youre right lol, the bear would destroy a gorilla

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The wife and I are members of the Cincinnati Zoo. We try to go at least once a month. I like the way the Columbus Zoo is set up but if you get the chance you should make a trip down to the Cincy Zoo, it really is one of the better zoo's I've ever been to.


BTW, great shots! It's always tricky to get some good shots with funky glass, pesky kids, and tricky subjects.

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Guest tbutera2112
We've had a similar argument here at work for YEARS.


Best Specimen of a SilverBack Gorilla and a Full 1 Ton Bull. Put them in a thunderdome to make all things equal.


My vote is for the Bull, one stick of the horns and it's over.



now for that match up, ide say gorilla...the gorilla is too fast and agile for the bull in a closed area like that...it would get its arms around the bull and mangle it



i wish we could get an illegal shipment of silver backs so we can make them fight other animals lol...somebody needs to set this shit up, just dont get us caught like ol vick

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