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How did people hook up before the advent of the internets and phone?


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Maybe some old people can provide some insight. Back in the day before the internets and cellphones how did you hook up with chicks? I feel like if I was tryin to fuck some chick today and I called them up on my landline they'd instantly label me as a fag. Did you all just have one huge party out at the farm, in the barn, in an attempt to get everyone in one area and get everyone laid?


I mean think about it, if you are in college now, you txt this chick, facestalk them, or etc. Back in the day you'd have to send smoke signals, throw rocks at their windows at night, or go over to their house, call them on a rotary dial phone, which today would be just retarded.

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I'm old enough to say I through up smoke signals.


In reality, I did it all in person. In college I fucked around a lot and met my wife while hitting on her in class. Worked again on her only she kept comng back no matter how shitty of a typical college ass/guy I was. That said like a stray cat I began to like her and the rest is history.


Cliffs: be a man and talk to chicks face to face. If you don't get slapped a few times and fucked by a lot you're not doing it right.

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I'm old enough to say I through up smoke signals.


In reality, I did it all in person. In college I fucked around a lot and met my wife while hitting on her in class. Worked again on her only she kept comng back no matter how shitty of a typical college ass/guy I was. That said like a stray cat I began to like her and the rest is history.


Cliffs: be a man and talk to chicks face to face. If you don't get slapped a few times and fucked by a lot you're not doing it right.




U sir are on my hero list

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LOL, But seriously... I used to meet people at school. If I had to do it again I would go for the girls in the gym.



Wrong go for the ones in the buffet line, they have low self esteem so they feed the void


Drunk chicks at hole in the wall bars, clearly they will think ur the best thing ever


Any women at walmart.... enough said




Oh yeah and any women in the senior citizen home, toothless blow jobs are more exciting than a roller coaster with 30 100ft drops 20 loops and a happy ending all together

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