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"He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana."


OMG, based on the testimony of a 6 year old, he may or may not have touched her over her clothes. But keep making up stories about rape guys. He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.



You're right since it was on top of her clothes then that makes it ok.

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Apparently you have very unconventional ideas about sentencing. You do realize your opinions are nowhere close to mainstream, yes? And entirely unsupported by legal precedent?


Yes. I dont think this way cause I want "mainstream" people to like me. I also think the judicial system is a total joke.

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Yes. I dont think this way cause I want "mainstream" people to like me. I also think the judicial system is a total joke.


TRUTH! The idea of "mainstream" is why this country is doing a neat circle around the drain of fail.

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I mean... for all you know, he was just some mexican guy who happened to be standing in the wrong place when the cops were looking for some other mexican guy. His public defender could have told him that he was unsympathetic due to his age, gender, appearance, and legal status, and the DA might have offered a battery charge because he realized he didn't have much of a case beyond the eyewitness testimony of a 6 year old. So he took the deal.


Or maybe he's a serial rapist and the cops were lucky to catch him before he could do more damage. I don't know. I just know that being happy about anyone getting beaten nearly to death seems pretty messed up to me. He was punished, the beating should never have happened, and now the prison is getting a reasonable slap on the wrist for their negligence.


Ummm... He's an illegal alien and should have no rights here. Period. Maybe the enough rights for us to put him in handcuffs and take him right over the border. We have laws for a reason and he obviously didn't follow any of them from the start considering he was breaking them from the very first time he set foot in America after running from border police.


I don't wish the man dead, brain dead, or anything but do I feel sorry or care about his 'problems' now? Not one bit. Believe it or not America can not save the entire world from their hard lives. Just imagine if you had a six year old girl that got raped or touched or whatever by an ILLEGAL mexican who is stealing money in the way of not paying taxes and already breaking the law by simply staying here.


And if this is a fake doesn't really matter because there are stories out there just like in that we treat these illegal criminals with the upmost kindness and respect all the time.


I'm still waiting for them to just place a marine core sniper in a 50ft tower every mile along the border and solve this problem.

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I leave for lunch and this thread takes off lol


I was thinking about this the whole time I was at lunch.... I LOVE yes LOVE the fact that no matter what you are in jail for no matter how bad the crime was the fact that our worst cons still come together and beat the shit out of anyone convicted of harming or assaulting children... You would think that these cons would be the worst of the worst and not give a shit so it is awesome to see that everywhere across our nation they still agree that anything done to a child is wrong.. So that still gives me some hope for our country that they will serve the justice...


on a second note I was trying to think how in the hell we can pay someone any amount of money to someone who is not a citizen??? Because they wont pay taxes on it... we have no record of who the money is given to as they don't have a green card or social for this country????


So how can we give him even $1 legally????

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my mistake but it says he is a illegal alien so he at least doesn't pay taxes in this situation so again how do we pay him anything???


Yeah, illegal is a completely different story and this is what I think the real issue here is. Should he have received money because he's an illegal? He was put in a US prison, where he became the responsibility of the US.


I think he should have been placed in a Mexican prison.

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I think he should have been placed in a Mexican prison.


I'm sure the california DA had the option of deporting him and letting the Mexican justice system deal with him, but you can imagine how well that would go over with the "string him up" crowd. They chose to try him in the states because they wanted control over his punishment, and then you're absolutely right, he became the responsibility of the state of california.


His legal status or country of citizenship is immaterial at that point. If I'm visiting Cancun over spring break and a mexican postal truck rolls onto the beach and stops on my testicles, the mexican government sure as shit better pay out. Even if they later find out that my passport was expired and I shouldn't have made it through customs. That's irrelevant to my crushed balls.


Renob - I don't have a dog in this fight really, except that vigilante justice leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We have this weird acceptance of prison abuse/rape that's not only crude, childish, and uncivilized, but it defies the logic of our sentencing guidelines. Our elected officials will decided that 3 years is an adequate punishment for something, but then we tacitly understand that it's "3 years plus a bunch of ass-raping." That's not right.

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Guest tbutera2112
I'm sure the california DA had the option of deporting him and letting the Mexican justice system deal with him, but you can imagine how well that would go over with the "string him up" crowd. They chose to try him in the states because they wanted control over his punishment, and then you're absolutely right, he became the responsibility of the state of california.


His legal status or country of citizenship is immaterial at that point. If I'm visiting Cancun over spring break and a mexican postal truck rolls onto the beach and stops on my testicles, the mexican government sure as shit better pay out. Even if they later find out that my passport was expired and I shouldn't have made it through customs. That's irrelevant to my crushed balls.


Renob - I don't have a dog in this fight really, except that vigilante justice leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We have this weird acceptance of prison abuse/rape that's not only crude, childish, and uncivilized, but it defies the logic of our sentencing guidelines. Our elected officials will decided that 3 years is an adequate punishment for something, but then we tacitly understand that it's "3 years plus a bunch of ass-raping." That's not right.


if you molested 6 year olds, you deserved to get your balls crushed. by any means, even a truck.

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I'm sure the california DA had the option of deporting him and letting the Mexican justice system deal with him, but you can imagine how well that would go over with the "string him up" crowd. They chose to try him in the states because they wanted control over his punishment, and then you're absolutely right, he became the responsibility of the state of california.


His legal status or country of citizenship is immaterial at that point. If I'm visiting Cancun over spring break and a mexican postal truck rolls onto the beach and stops on my testicles, the mexican government sure as shit better pay out. Even if they later find out that my passport was expired and I shouldn't have made it through customs. That's irrelevant to my crushed balls.


Renob - I don't have a dog in this fight really, except that vigilante justice leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We have this weird acceptance of prison abuse/rape that's not only crude, childish, and uncivilized, but it defies the logic of our sentencing guidelines. Our elected officials will decided that 3 years is an adequate punishment for something, but then we tacitly understand that it's "3 years plus a bunch of ass-raping." That's not right.


if your in mexico and their mail truck runs over your nuts, good luck on them paying you anything lol. youll be lucky if they dont put you into their prisons for that

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Write to your state representatives then, because they disagree with you.


Have you ever wrote to your state representative? Have you ever talked to someone who works for them? Do you really know what they do with your thoughts on a given subject?


Politics are not based on rational thought process.

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Yup, the same people who are now bitching, are the ones that wanted him here.


Wrong. Get him out of our country. I wanted him out before he got caught. In my New World Order, he would have had the shit kicked out of him then dropped on the other side of the border. If he tried to crawl back across the border then shoot him.

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Our elected officials will decided that 3 years is an adequate punishment for something, but then we tacitly understand that it's "3 years plus a bunch of ass-raping." That's not right.


Who is the we that "tacitly understood" that? He got a beating from prisoners. It's not like they tossed him in a Gladiator like arena with Rampage, Liddell, CroCop, Lesnar, a wombat and a few Dobermans. I didn't vote fore him to get bludgeoned within an inch of his life.


He came, he touched, he got sentenced, and your justice system worked out in the end. He wants to fondle six year olds and now he's mentally on their level.




He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.


What did the mentally challenged do to be made fun of? They have a low brain capacity and now they're all "retards"? Way to add to the sterotype. lol Kidding, kidding. :)



Anyways, I don't have a dog in this fight either and say good riddance to paying crap to ANYONE who is here illegally, regardless of the back story. I don't care what race/creed you are. If you're here illegally GTFO.


EDIT: I also don't know Greg from Johnny Appleseed so understand these are my views on the issue in general, not towards Greg himself.

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GREG how can you say it doesn't matter that he is here illegally??? You back it up by saying if you went to Mexico and something happened but said you were there and went through customs with a passport... you did not hop the border and say to hell with it... That would be a different story if he was here on a visa or had his green card AND WAS LEGAL....


so by your means anyone can just come into this country and if something bad happens to them by any means they have the right to sue someone because they feel even though they don't have the same rights as a citizen they should get the same justice??? Then why do we have a border patrol anyway lets let everyone in and just give them all the benefits we have... It seems like you think if they make it here then they should stay and ahve 100 percent the same rights that you do...

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Wrong. Get him out of our country. I wanted him out before he got caught. In my New World Order, he would have had the shit kicked out of him then dropped on the other side of the border. If he tried to crawl back across the border then shoot him.


I think we should run for office and restore this country. God, Guts, Guns, And Glory will be our slogan.


My first act in office would be a Shoot On Site order for all who try to enter this country in a non legal sort of way. This should stop the flow or at least kill the dumb ones off.


Then my second act would be to make Ted Nugent our Secretary of State, who would want to fuck with the United States then?

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Then why do we have a border patrol anyway lets let everyone in and just give them all the benefits we have... It seems like you think if they make it here then they should stay and ahve 100 percent the same rights that you do...


I'd prefer that, yes. But I don't think that's going to win me any friends in this argument.


If a human being who happens to be a US citizen is wronged due to someone's negligence, and our legal system determines that they are rightfully owed money, I don't think that finding should change if that human being happens not to be a US citizen and/or is here legally or illegally. They're still a human being and we should treat them as such.


Of course, this is a special scenario because he was in US custody, specifically he was property of the California DoC. How can you say they're not legally on the hook for his well being? He'd get the same legal status as any other inmate there. They can't very well drop a truck on him and then throw their hands in the air and say "well, he was here illegally."

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