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Its time for a change


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With all this free time on my hands I have had an opportunity to see things I typically dont. While paying my kids school dues last year I noticed a lady who's husband owns several of the '99cents' type stores throughout columbus come in and sign up for free school supplies(given to families who otherwise may not be able to afford them). She then leaves and gets into a brand new lexus suv with 30 day tags. I know it is her husbands because my buddy is their neighbor and they speak. With the recent lack of income into our own home(we havent had to get any govt assistance as of yet, hopefully we wont), we look for ways to cut costs. recently we started doing some of the shopping at the new value king stores. Having shopped at walmart for years I was used to seeing the Ohio source card(welfare). But the people at this new place take it to a whole new level. We were in line behind 7 people. Each used the card, and in each of the next lines, everyone I watched used the card. Along in some of their carts were cases of beer(I dont think the card works and they have to use cash for these kind of purchases), and some actually purchased cartons of smokes. One lady was actually upset that the card wouldnt cover her beer and the man with her who also was upset finally pulled 3 dollars out of his wallet and that somehow took care of it. I have heard of my wifes parents when she was a kid fall on hard times when my father in law lost his job. My mother in law was turned down because they owned a car and was told to sell it before they were eligible. My wifes aunt actually spent her whole life on welfare, and somehow just got her 2 fat kids on it as well both of which are now 18(just now got on it). I understand some people need it, hell I may someday, but I would rather pay twice as much in taxes just to pay people to regulate who gets assistance rather than just give it to anyone. maybe there should be an incentive for turning people in and penalties for abusing the system.
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there is just not enough revenue in the sytem to check on these people.


It will happen and will keep on happening.


Fuck em one less retard to get outta my way when making the big dollars in life.


I;ll gladly pay my taxes to Govt so while I'm in my new diesel truck towing my race car to the drag strip burning leaded gas so they can breathe it in and get sick making them need more $$

Then they will be the fuckers who break into my house threaten my life then BANG. Whole clip unloaded. One less fucker collecting that check.


Call me an asshole but Karma is a bitch.

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