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Anyone have TMJ? Or know anyone who does?


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Just wondering if anyone on here has or knows someone who has TMJ. I've known that I've had this for about a year and a half now, and I've been given the run around from doctor to doctor and no one seems to help me. I have extremely bad pain in my jaw and ear, and its sometimes affecting me going to school, and to work.


So, if any of you have it, or know someone who does, what did you do to make it feel better? Any doctor recommendations, or anything at all you can tell me to help?


Thanks in advance.

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Just wondering if anyone on here has or knows someone who has TMJ. I've known that I've had this for about a year and a half now, and I've been given the run around from doctor to doctor and no one seems to help me. I have extremely bad pain in my jaw and ear, and its sometimes affecting me going to school, and to work.


So, if any of you have it, or know someone who does, what did you do to make it feel better? Any doctor recommendations, or anything at all you can tell me to help?


Thanks in advance.

I have/had mild TMJ. I used to wake up with a sore jaw pretty frequently (no homo). I mentioned it to my dentist and he felt around on my shoulders and said it's definitely TMJ, which I had never heard of prior to that. Apparently it was causing tension in the muscles down the side of my face also. After that I noticed that I was kind of holding my jaw funny and the more I tried not to the more it would get sore.


He gave me a generic "Boil & Bite" mouth guard thing to try out and said it would help. I couldn't get used to it. I even went out and bought a fairly expensive one and it would always end up on my pillow right after I fell asleep. It may have worked fine for someone else, but my jacked up teeth probably would have required a custom guard. He also mentioned trying to force myself to keep the tip of my tongue pressed up against the roof of my mouth when I'm laying down.


I just kept trying to force myself not to think about it and just keep my jaw straight. Oddly enough after a couple of weeks I stopped having issues with it. Prior to knowing what was causing it, I'd say it bothered me for over a year. Maybe try your dentist if your doctor isn't helping. I can recommend a good one if you want.

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I got this a couple years back from chewing gum. It got bad enough to where everytime i would try and talk or eat my jaw would click and pop, got to the point were i felt like i was being stabbed in the face with a knife. I went to the dentist and he told me i needed to see the doctor, and the doctor told me i needed to see the dentist..they were very helpful. After awhile the dentist gave me painkillers and one of those mouth guards, That never worked. I just took painkillers and iced down my jaw. after a couple weeks of not chewing gum, painkillers and ice it started to go away.
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i have it and they tried to fix it back in hs with a thing in my mouth i forget what it was called. but it didnt work for shit. my jaw dont really hurt unless i chew gum for a long time. and it does pop and click with every bite i take. if i open it to wide it will also lock open, so i have to be very carefull when i yawn and shit. it locked open on me when i yawned while hunting one time and it was stuck open for 3hrs untill the dentist was able to pop it free, talking about painful. its not fun at all. i have to have my wisdom teeth removed soon and im all kinds of worried about opening my mouth to wide for them to work back there.



o ya and feel free to go through and change words to make a funny story, its to easy.

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Hah, Yeah.. Probably not the best place for me to ask about this stuff. But, worth a shot. Most people I've talked to said they used to chew gum and when they quit, it went away. Unfortunately for me, I don't chew gum, I don't eat very hard things, or anything that requires me to chew too much, and I wear a mouth guard, but its not helping. I cant even lay on my right side anymore or put pressure on the right side of my face at all.
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