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True life

Alex L.

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If you get hit by a bitch.


It depends entirely on your motives. If you simply need to get off, wait until after you get the money, and preferably at least a week after so suspicion won't be as high. If you can't wait that long, just avoid doing it on the scene since you'll be a primary suspect.


If, on the other hand, you feel the need to cause some severe mental anguish along with permanent self-loathing, you'll need to plan ahead. I'm assuming this won't work since you've probably already swapped insurance paperwork, but for future reference, never give any hint as to who you are the next time you're in an accident (with a female). She will otherwise remember the rapeglare you gave her, and again you'll end up the prime suspect.


In these cases, you have to be extremely careful, but also conniving. Play upon the female mindset that mysterious = good by avoiding telling her your occupation, insurance provider, real name, etc. Insist that everything is okay and that it was "only a scratch". Make sure to remember any information that she gives you. Make small talk. What's her favorite movie, etc... anything to keep her there long enough to memorize her license plate, vehicle description, etc.


Once you part ways, follow at a distance and find out her address (again, being careful). It helps if she thinks you work or live near her in case she happens to spot you following, because even though she's a woman driver, she might have a heightened awareness after a fender bender.


Once you know where she lives, you have access to an infinite amount of information, including whether she has a husband, kids, dog, etc. At this point, it's important to lay low. She'll initially forget about the accident, but it will pop up now and then over the next month (female guilt). You don't want to make a move during that time, as you'll be the first person she remembers.


Once a month or so is up, you're free to make your move. Make sure the rest of her family is gone. Bring rope and chloroform along with your webcam-equipped laptop.


Don't use the chloroform initially, just the rope (anything makes a good gag, preferably a used gym sock). Turn on your laptop, aim toward the bed/kitchen table/bathtub/wherever you're doing the deed and set it recording.


Remember, anal is tighter, warmer, and more degrading. Remember though, you're not doing this for pleasure.


As you slide in, say "Remember your Suburban and my Supra? This is happening because you RECTUM". Then smack her like the whore she might be.


Once you're finished, THEN use that chloroform you brought to knock her out for a while. Get on your laptop, edit down the video to the highlights, and burn a DVD.


Remember when you asked what her favorite movie was?


Find it.


Replace the DVD with your brand new version, using your pre-printed label from home. After a rape, a woman isn't going to want to do any "family stuff" until she's once more comfortable. And that's when your second strike occurs.


Sits down with the family for movie night... you get the picture. Use your imagination after this point.


Hope this helps!

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