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weekend house project


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here is the before




we had a water issue in out basement that from the looks of the attempted repairs has been that way for years. well i want to refinish the basement and the water was holding me up untill we got it fixed. my house is kinda on top of a hill and this is the highest point in the yard. even though its the highest point its also like a bowl and holds all the water and moves it towards the house insted of away.


first we removed all the bushes. then i used a mini back hoe and dug about a foot and a half below the current level. then we installed rubber membrane about 8" up the wall and then away from the house. after that we backfilled and added about 8-10" higher than when we started. since it was kinda a useless area and didn't look that good i dug a pond.


this is what we ended up with. still have a few plants we want to add and then some lighting to the house.


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is there anything you cant do?


no, no there is not.


here is where i got the stones from




and here is after, still need to finish a few things.


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i think that about does it for big outside projects this year. i have 3 more big projects to do and hope to knock next summer. new deck, new fence and build my back yard up about a foot to drain better.
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