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Jack Hanna almost Grizzly Food


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Somewhat humorous that it was only a 125lb cub, but the real scary part that would most likely have turned out different is that Mother Bear was there too. He can tout Pepper Spray all day long, I don't think an angry mother bear with cubs there would be phased by it.


Jack, you officially have given up one of those nine lives you seem to have.






TV host and zookeeper Jack Hanna says he took his own advice and used pepper spray on a grizzly bear headed toward him.

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The Columbus Zoo keeper and frequent David Letterman TV talk show guest said he was with his wife and other hikers in Montana's Glacier National Park on Saturday when a bear cub, weighing about 125 pounds (57 kilograms), charged them. Hanna told The Columbus Dispatch that he held up a canister of pepper spray, which he takes routinely on hikes.


"At about 30 feet (nine meters), I unload my pepper spray, and the wind takes it," he told the newspaper.


But the bear kept coming. Hanna sprayed toward the animal again, but still it kept coming.


"Then the third time I unload that pepper spray right in his face," Hanna said.


The bear turned around and fled.


Hanna said he's been carrying pepper spray on hikes for 15 years, but Saturday was the first time he's used it.


The group was returning from Grinnell Glacier by way of a narrow trail with a cliff on one side and a steep drop-off on the other. They rounded a corner and saw a mother bear and two large cubs about 30 feet (nine meters) away coming toward them, the newspaper reported Tuesday.


"We thought of letting them go by, but the trail was cut into the rock and was too narrow," Hanna said. "So I said, 'Everybody talk loud and we'll back up until we can get off the trail.'"


They moved slowly back up the trail to a clearing.


"I said, 'Crawl up the hill and put your backs against the wall,'" he said.


Then they stood still while the mother and one cub passed by. The other cub, instead, charged toward them.


Hanna had recently filmed a message for the National Park Service encouraging hikers to carry pepper spray.

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He is a cool guy. I had a flight with him from D.C. to columbus and got to talk to him for a bit.


I agree. I met him in their business office back when I had the Cbus Zoo as a customer. He was very friendly and took the time to get my card and ask about my family and our experiences at the zoo.

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Why is it he seems to be attacked constantly? I remember seeing him in tv interviews on talk shows etc long before I ever moved here. It seemed everytime I saw him on tv, the animals acted weird around him or even attacked him. lol He seems like a cool guy who really cares about the animals they just don't always seem to like him. haha
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Why is it he seems to be attacked constantly? I remember seeing him in tv interviews on talk shows etc long before I ever moved here. It seemed everytime I saw him on tv, the animals acted weird around him or even attacked him. lol He seems like a cool guy who really cares about the animals they just don't always seem to like him. haha


you dont know what he does to them late at night in their cells....

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17 rounds of .40 will do fine. I hope I could get one of 17 in the head.


I hope you get a chance to fire all 17. My guess is if you encountered a grizzly and were charged, you might be lucky to get off 3-4 shots and hit with any of them. I would no doubt drop a few rounds in my pants :o

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Is this a video game? Once He/She knocks me down I am not allowed to fire anymore at point blank range? I would think a couple in the mouth would do it. Hell I read that article where a woman fought one off with nothing but rudimentary tools. I think I am not going to run an leave my family behind. Would you? I understand Fight or Flight but when your children are involved I'm pretty sure it's gonna be fight. That would be the instinct.
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By the way it is a pointless argument, if you are attacked by a bear in Yosemite or Yellowstone and shoot it you are going to jail. Good thing Jack wasn't in Yosemite, he's be in jail for pepper spray.





As of February 22, 2010, a new federal law allows people who can legally possess firearms under applicable federal, state, and local laws, to legally possess firearms in this park.


It is the responsibility of visitors to understand and comply with all applicable state, local, and federal firearms laws before entering this park. As a starting point, visit the California Attorney General's website.


Federal law also prohibits firearms in certain facilities in this park; those places are marked with signs at all public entrances.


Discharging or other use of a firearm for any reason is illegal.



Other Weapons

The possession, use, or discharge of pepper spray (including bear spray), pellet guns, and BB guns in Yosemite National Park is prohibited.


I fucking hate California, yeah, Human life is less valuable than a bear's. Never mind Cali Rangers are going to kill the bear that killed that person and hurt others this week. Fuck I wish that state would fucking break off and float to China.


I guess you have to carry a compound bow or a cross bow, and a feather in your hair. Don't see that in there.

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"Discharging or other use of a firearm for any reason is illegal."


I doubt that would hold up in court. Federal law states that you can now legally carry a weapon in national parks..............for a reason. Not just because you think it looks cool, but because you feel that you might have to use it. Cali isn't known for playing by the rules and would most likely get bitch-slapped in court if they tried pulling that horseshit.


If I need to shoot a bear, I'm shooting it, regardless of what the hippies say.

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Somewhat humorous that it was only a 125lb cub, but the real scary part that would most likely have turned out different is that Mother Bear was there too. He can tout Pepper Spray all day long, I don't think an angry mother bear with cubs there would be phased by it.Jack, you officially have given up one of those nine lives you seem to have.


I dont know... think it might work if it was aimed correctly.

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Speaking of bears...


This thread inspired me to fire up my RockChucker and load up some of the new boolits I got.


275gr. Barnes XPB solid copper HP


2,200fps/3,000ft/lb. of 1/2" goodness.


These haven't been crimped yet.


That's a .22short in the HP cavity...




carry on.

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