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I get $2.50 bout to cop a four loko.....


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I think Ryan has worked his way up to Mike's Hard from the Loko, now... talk about a fucking drunk ass. :D


I haven't collected enough courage points to try Mike's Hard. I can barely drink an entire bottle of Smirnoff Ice without crying.



No chigging four is a bad idea i care who you are. I didnt it and it came right back up


Its carbonated to shit, yes, which is IMO the hardest part about getting it down. You could cheat and open it and leave it in a fridge for a bit. It would probably make it taste more awful than it already is though. Unless its grape. GRAPE FTW.

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Why not just wine? That's ~14% I believe. You can get a lot of wine for less than $10.


Normal bottle of wine is about the same amount of liquid as a loko, and just a little less alcohol content. Two dollars<ten dollars, therefore loko>wine unless you're trying to be romantic or drink something that won't give you a heart attack in ten years.

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