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Struggling I consider myself struggling when my savings drops below a certain amount. I wont show up to what? Not working, hell I make more on workers comp than most guys make whos actually working. Not only that, but my paycheck is guaranteed for the next 5 years after I go back to work. Struggling? I own everything I have(besides the house).


These are just some of the titles. Dont think because I dont go around stating what I have that doesnt mean I dont have it.




your so cool

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Guest tbutera2112
You should keep arguing with the guy that is practically a pro driver with the amount of experience he has behind the wheel. :nono:


what does sams driving experience have to do with me and phil racing?

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Tyler, your bike has nothing to do with giving you credit. I give 0 credit to your riding skills. How many times have you dig raced that bike against a car, and how many time have you raced a car from a dig that is already goin 30+ mph past you which you gotta make up on the go. 20$ says you fuck up the launch so bad that you either wheelie the bike or (hopefully not) you lose it on the launch. I hope to god you dont plan on looking back at his car when he is leaving.
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Guest tbutera2112
Tyler, your bike has nothing to do with giving you credit. I give 0 credit to your riding skills. How many times have you dig raced that bike against a car, and how many time have you raced a car from a dig that is already goin 30+ mph past you which you gotta make up on the go. 20$ says you fuck up the launch so bad that you either wheelie the bike or (hopefully not) you lose it on the launch. I hope to god you dont plan on looking back at his car when he is leaving.


i guess we will find out whenever me and phil do it then!...and i wasnt planning on looking back, i was planning to leave as soon as i caught him in my peripheral vision and hope for the best


ive launched against a few cars, but never any that i really thought could put up a challenge...and i gotta say, ive never raced from a dig against a car already rolling - but theres a first for everything


hell, win - lose, doesnt matter to me...im down to give it a shot though

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