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only people whining about this is the ones that dont race why is that a suprise

Some raced long before you had a license my friend. Long before there was anyone who had anything to really compete with. Keep in mind now, a weekend warrior can be had for about the same price as a daily. It wasnt always like that. Dont think just because theres not alot of racing going on now, that it was always like that, and for the record I havent heard of you throwing down a whole hell of alot either. And racing something that really doesnt have a chance anyway doesnt count.

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Some raced long before you had a license my friend. Long before there was anyone who had anything to really compete with. Keep in mind now, a weekend warrior can be had for about the same price as a daily. It wasnt always like that. Dont think just because theres not alot of racing going on now, that it was always like that, and for the record I havent heard of you throwing down a whole hell of alot either. And racing something that really doesnt have a chance anyway doesnt count.


Really before my car went down I was at the track and on the street jus as much as paul or anyone else on here. And for those who think the scene is dead your sadly mistaken. Its doing jus fine, jus less spoke of, and since my car has been back I've been out more in three days than u have in 3 years. And don't give me that whole uve got a family and better things to do speech, plenty of guys with familys kids and other shit to do come out still.

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Really before my car went down I was at the track and on the street jus as much as paul or anyone else on here. And for those who think the scene is dead your sadly mistaken. Its doing jus fine, jus less spoke of, and since my car has been back I've been out more in three days than u have in 3 years. And don't give me that whole uve got a family and better things to do speech, plenty of guys with familys kids and other shit to do come out still.


So I go out tomorrow and either build a car or buy a car. Who am I going to race? The track is boring to me and on the street, am I going to keep running the same cars? Oh I know I will just keep racing every slow POS or guy in a slow mullet mobile who thinks hes fast because he has a mullet mobile. Racing was funner when nobody really had the money to go fast, now that people do, wheres the thrill.

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So I go out tomorrow and either build a car or buy a car. Who am I going to race? The track is boring to me and on the street, am I going to keep running the same cars? Oh I know I will just keep racing every slow POS or guy in a slow mullet mobile who thinks hes fast because he has a mullet mobile. Racing was funner when nobody really had the money to go fast, now that people do, wheres the thrill.



That has to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever said. So your saying progression is a bad thing? We should all be on the same level so everyone feels good? I bet u put ur kids in sports for the social event more than the competitive nature. Sports are all about evolution and improvment. And for your info most of the fast cars arnt fbodies, its spread out now. You can run a vette vs a civic and most of the time it'll be closer than expected. I would rather. Have a close race at 130 than a close race at 85mph. Again you don't race or have a car to race so why even complain about people who are? If u can't compete gtfo. You don't see me posting in ray and matts threads, I can't compete so I spectate, u should do the same.

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Compete, hell, all I have to do is open the checkbook. That being the case, wheres the thrill. It is currently fun for you 1. because you just got your car back 2. your still a young guy. Sure theres guys who it sticks with throughout their entire lives but for the most part, it fades. Your reading way to much into my post if you think I feel that progress is bad. And where have you ever heard me state or comment/complain on anyone else who races? You just cant make stuff up in an attempt to create drama so you have something to share. Hell my kids first car will probably be faster than yours.
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Compete, hell, all I have to do is open the checkbook. That being the case, wheres the thrill. It is currently fun for you 1. because you just got your car back 2. your still a young guy. Sure theres guys who it sticks with throughout their entire lives but for the most part, it fades. Your reading way to much into my post if you think I feel that progress is bad. And where have you ever heard me state or comment/complain on anyone else who races? You just cant make stuff up in an attempt to create drama so you have something to share. Hell my kids first car will probably be faster than yours.


Open the check book, my pos vs wateva u buy Friday nite ill put up 1k says you don't show up or you give some excuse of why you won't do it. And for someone not working and struggling its gonna be real intresting how far that check book takes u

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Struggling I consider myself struggling when my savings drops below a certain amount. I wont show up to what? Not working, hell I make more on workers comp than most guys make whos actually working. Not only that, but my paycheck is guaranteed for the next 5 years after I go back to work. Struggling? I own everything I have(besides the house).


These are just some of the titles. Dont think because I dont go around stating what I have that doesnt mean I dont have it.



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Struggling I consider myself struggling when my savings drops below a certain amount. I wont show up to what? Not working, hell I make more on workers comp than most guys make whos actually working. Not only that, but my paycheck is guaranteed for the next 5 years after I go back to work. Struggling? I own everything I have(besides the house).



Open the checkbook, go get a car and let's run. I mean u own everything and ur bankrollin, get a car and let's go. You get a car to run Friday nite that u own. Title in your name and we will race.

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Oh kids. There you go yet again making stuff up. Own everything? I hardly think so. However if your going to sit there and tell me I am struggling, certainly I am going to tell you I am not. If I wanted to go buy a car just knowing I can is more than enough for me. You must think I fall for some sort of peer pressure if you think I am so easily concerned if I can beat you in a race. The point you so easily skipped over is the fact that you all of a sudden are calling people haters(even though there was nobody in this thread even hating) just because you finally got your car back. Surely you cant expect me to go spend $$$$$ just to take $ from you. Thats just stupidity.
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Oh kids. There you go yet again making stuff up. Own everything? I hardly think so. However if your going to sit there and tell me I am struggling, certainly I am going to tell you I am not. If I wanted to go buy a car just knowing I can is more than enough for me. You must think I fall for some sort of peer pressure if you think I am so easily concerned if I can beat you in a race. The point you so easily skipped over is the fact that you all of a sudden are calling people haters(even though there was nobody in this thread even hating) just because you finally got your car back. Surely you cant expect me to go spend $$$$$ just to take $ from you. Thats just stupidity.



Did u even read this thread? 80% of the people were btiching because the video contained agruging about the set up. Only a few of us have actually seen ths happen in person so we can respect the hustle. The others jus see a bunch of grown men yelling and don't get it. You on the other hand jus post to be posting. Kinda like tyler, no real input or anything useful. Jus post. I'm glad u have a ton of titles, but wat u missed was I said most of the people that don't get it don't race. Don't tell me how it used to be or wat u had or could have. Either get sumthing to run of stfu. That's it. No peer pressure no bs, put up of shut up. If I were in ur shoes, instead of being the typical bench racer, I would get my pennies together grab a car slap 150 shot on and take my money. But instead ur going to keyboard warrior it up act like ur awsome and not do shit besides hide behind ur computer.

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What the hell do I care about taking $1000 from you? You dont actually assume members of cr are to stupid to comprehend whats going on the video do you? Its not that difficult to see the game being played. As far as useless posts go hell do you really want to discuss the amount of times you have been banned for posting nonsense? Or how about all your so excellent intro threads calling all new members fags? Alright, put up or shutup, any of my quads vs. yours, my boat vs. yours, hell, my house vs yours, for giggles, my moped vs. yours(no not really I dont feel like getting anything running). I can do this thing where you try and call someone out using something you know they dont currently possess. The only other person who has as many threads as tyler dedicated to the discussing of permanet banning is you playa. And at least Tyler makes an effort. It is true I typically dont have anything to comment about when it comes to cars, racing or anything of the sort. Hell theres more aftermarket go fast parts for cars nowadays than I even know what they do. However when I do, I certainly dont base my comments on the few short years I have been driving. It is a little disheartening for some of us to know setting up a race used to be so easily with little repricussions now you stand the possibilty of jailtime. So has it lost its thrill, yeah just a little. But from all of us who remember the good times we appreciate all the effort your doing to legitimize it.
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What the hell do I care about taking $1000 from you? You dont actually assume members of cr are to stupid to comprehend whats going on the video do you? Its not that difficult to see the game being played. As far as useless posts go hell do you really want to discuss the amount of times you have been banned for posting nonsense? Or how about all your so excellent intro threads calling all new members fags? Alright, put up or shutup, any of my quads vs. yours, my boat vs. yours, hell, my house vs yours, for giggles, my moped vs. yours. I can do this thing where you try and call someone out using something you know they dont currently possess. The only other person who has as many threads as tyler dedicated to the discussing of permanet banning is you playa.


How many times did you swallow anthony before he made you a mod? I mean fuck if I was bobbin as much as you I would have owned this site by now. Try not to short change yourself. And ask me if I give a fuck about being banned. Ban me now my day will go on jus as planned. Guess what I get a permenant ban and ill still be at more meets more races and car shows in a wk than u will in 10. And ill take the moped race, and if u wanna race baots u know what ill do, go somthing that will wax ur ass 3x over. And ur rite I don't have a house (yet) but why would I need a house while I'm still in school? God forbid I get a job out of state. How about u stop being a web nerd and get a job. Not every job needs u to be standing all day, or on ur knees

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I love how u think I wasn't around for "back in the day", u make it seem like it was 1950s wen u were racing. Ur 32, omg 11 yrs older. What's this mean? In 01 u were my age doing what? Racing, and I'm sure some older guy was saying to u, racing used to be easier with less repurcussions. Blah blah. Same shit different day. Shit ain't changed, racing is as easy now as it was wen I first started wen I was 16. The only differnece is its online like crazy. People still race, rather u are around or not. Like brian said.....it too easy
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How many times did you swallow anthony before he made you a mod? I mean fuck if I was bobbin as much as you I would have owned this site by now. Try not to short change yourself. And ask me if I give a fuck about being banned. Ban me now my day will go on jus as planned. Guess what I get a permenant ban and ill still be at more meets more races and car shows in a wk than u will in 10. And ill take the moped race, and if u wanna race baots u know what ill do, go somthing that will wax ur ass 3x over. And ur rite I don't have a house (yet) but why would I need a house while I'm still in school? God forbid I get a job out of state. How about u stop being a web nerd and get a job. Not every job needs u to be standing all day, or on ur knees

Thats about on par for what i expect a kid to come back with. Dont assume I am saying my boat is fast, its just faster than yours. Sure theres always something faster (I cant believe I am explaining this like I do with my 9 year old). More meets. What about all the years I came to all the meets? I certainly dont recall seeing you at any of the meets I have been to this year. As far as being a mod, I dont even know how that came about. If you find out please let me know as well. Internet nerd, this is the only site I come to other than facebook every now and then. Go to work, you do realize that I do not control that. The dr states when I can be released. And the fact that I am having another surgery next month certainly doesnt mean I will be returning soon. Lets not get into name calling because racketball is about as queer as it gets. "In my day" I regularly lined up near the reynoldsburg PD and ran out towards pataskala. never fearing getting caught. You dont think things have changed in the last 11 years?

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Thats about on par for what i expect a kid to come back with. Dont assume I am saying my boat is fast, its just faster than yours. Sure theres always something faster (I cant believe I am explaining this like I do with my 9 year old). More meets. What about all the years I came to all the meets? I certainly dont recall seeing you at any of the meets I have been to this year. As far as being a mod, I dont even know how that came about. If you find out please let me know as well. Internet nerd, this is the only site I come to other than facebook every now and then. Go to work, you do realize that I do not control that. The dr states when I can be released. And the fact that I am having another surgery next month certainly doesnt mean I will be returning soon. Lets not get into name calling because racketball is about as queer as it gets. "In my day" I regularly lined up near the reynoldsburg PD and ran out towards pataskala. never fearing getting caught. You dont think things have changed in the last 11 years?



What's racketball? Oh you mean racquetball.. your rite its gay, I mean I only stand a chance of making an easy 40k next yr playing a sport. Must be gay getting to travel the world for free, being sponsored is really gay. Having 12 companies pay for you to play and have fun is gay. Nice, hey wen u can do wat I do 1/100th as good as I do it, ill give you props. I mean owning a national championship and having your name in ohio states record books as an all american has to be the gayest thing ever. Do me a favor, please hate on me some more, when I get my first set of jerseys this yr from my current company ill be sure to have i t say " jason says racketball is gay, while he limps around posting on cr talking about the good ol days". On the back ill make sure it has your picture with all ur titles to ur shit on it as well.

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Guest tbutera2112

fuck you both. ill race anything either of you got...phil, $500 on that beat dick camaro, when you wanna do it?



and jason, bring your broke ass suv out and ill give it 10 and the hit and leave in second gear and still take your money



nobody talks about racing on here anymore because we all get fucking banned for it...so how the hell can you complain about people making worhless posts? back before everyone got busted, i was goin out to meets, i was racing or letting other race my car when i didnt have my license, ill still go race now any time anyone wants


FFS what else is there to post here other than random ass shit since street racing is a bannable offense now


i dont give a fuck if you ban me or not, hell i dont even bother with this place anymore...i spend most of my time on ohioriders where the people arent all douchebags like you (jason..not phil, i love you my little chocolate smurf...no homo)

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Limp, rarely anymore. Its funny your so good at "racquetball" although my overweight brother in law had to take over the tournaments you use to run. $40k a year, I make more than that doing nothing, nice try. I dont need a fast car like you dont need a house. When I make the next payment on my house I'll be sure to remind the bank I know Phil the only ncaa champion on cr. As soon as they realize its in racquetball they'll give the same 2 shits anyone else does. But hey hold on to that claim for fame as long as you can.
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Guest tbutera2112
That hurts my feelings tyler I usually go to bat for you.:(


that surprises me since youre the one who told me to not try and be cool with you anymore because you disliked a few comments i made to you on here? hell, i thought we were all good, youre the one who flipped his shit and told me to stop being civil with ya...thats all on you man

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Limp, rarely anymore. Its funny your so good at "racquetball" although my overweight brother in law had to take over the tournaments you use to run. $40k a year, I make more than that doing nothing, nice try. I dont need a fast car like you dont need a house. When I make the next payment on my house I'll be sure to remind the bank I know Phil the only ncaa champion on cr. As soon as they realize its in racquetball they'll give the same 2 shits anyone else does. But hey hold on to that claim for fame as long as you can.



Your fat ass brother in law took the tournaments I brought back to life cuz I wasn't going to sit at premier 3 nites a week for a free membership. I get that at lifetime and the jcc. And yes u get that much by being a loaf, I do it for fun. Hey wen u go to the bank make sure u write that check ur ass can't cash. I mean since u have so much and all. If u have that much u would have a car worth running by now. But ur rite ur kids 1st car should be a low 400hp car. And wen they lose control of it and kill someone, you'll be able to pay for that with ur checks to while sitting at home posting on cr.

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