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Slow the fuck down when people are working on the side of the road.

I Eat Rice

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This is nothing more than a rant. I doubt it has anything to do with anyone on this site. Just letting out some steam. I was doing some weed wacking this afternoon after work off of state route 310 literaly less than a quarter of a mile before it dead ends into state route 37, some of you may know where this is. A good section of the property I have to do is in the ditch along 310. I was nearly hit by at least 3 fucking cars and almost got my head taken off by a mirror on an f250 crew cab. Each occurence was within inches of impact. Its like people just dont give a shit and give me no room to work with and im never in the actual road at all and rarely even on the little to no berm there. Hardly anyone will slow down, move to the other side of their lane and be somewhat respectful to the fact that I am running a loud tool that makes it to where I cant hear any on coming traffic and I cant always be looking up or over my shoulder wondering when the next asshole in a hurry to get home is about to take me out. I am just trying to do my job and the few cars that did throw me a bone I made sure give them a mouthed thank you, a smile and a wave. This is seeming to get worse everytime I go and work at this house and Im getting on my last nerve with this bullshit. Not to mention it seems no one is going 55 which is the speed limit on that road. Majority is traveling between 60 and 70 mph. Here soon I have a bad feeling I am going to get hit or my weed whip is going to end up in someones passanger seat... If anyone on here doesn't slow down when you see someone working close to the road please start to. Put yourself in their shoes, no one wants to feel like the tower when Mavrick is doing his flybye. Oh and if the driver of the silver evo is on the site it looked like an evo 9 mr and I know it wasn't Chad because it had a normal spoiler on it not the smaller plane lancer one that he has on his car. Your car looked good and this rant doesn't pretain to you. Car also sounded great and that says alot because I get ripped on for having a weed whip with a ported head because its that loud lol and I still managed to hear your exhaust note. And to the people that almost hit me:finger:
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Mabey u shouldn't play in traffic.... orr stay clear of the road where the drivers are legally driving on dumb ass...


Honestly why. Are u weed wackin so close to the road that ur in danger of getting hit with in inches... :gtfo:

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nuke ditch with killer


problem solved

That is what I want to do but since its an animal shelter they don't want me useing chemicals there because the fear the dogs may come in contact with them bla bla bla. Its also listed as a no spray area to the township as well so I have no choice but to whip it.



Mabey u shouldn't play in traffic.... orr stay clear of the road where the drivers are legally driving on dumb ass...

Honestly why. Are u weed wackin so close to the road that ur in danger of getting hit with in inches...

I stated in my post that I am never in the road and rarely even on the berm because of this problem. I have to whip that area because the township people out here by Johnstown are some old ass lazy hillbillys that rarely do any work ie mow ditches and or remove things that can impare someones ability to see when pulling out of the driveway of the shelter. Sometimes people do have to do work close to the road and remember pedestrians always have the right of way it is the drivers job to slow the hell down and give the person working a little bit or room to do their job. Construction works are working on the road all the time so your saying its ok to drive as fast as you want through construction zones and take out as many workers as you can because its your road and their just slowing up your day...
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I stated in my post that I am never in the road and rarely even on the berm because of this problem. I have to whip that area because the township people out here by Johnstown are some old ass lazy hillbillys that rarely do any work ie mow ditches and or remove things that can impare someones ability to see when pulling out of the driveway of the shelter. Sometimes people do have to do work close to the road and remember pedestrians always have the right of way it is the drivers job to slow the hell down and give the person working a little bit or room to do their job. Construction works are working on the road all the time so your saying its ok to drive as fast as you want through construction zones and take out as many workers as you can because its your road and their just slowing up your day...

soo what your saying is these cars are now offroading preety much to hit you? :bs:


nope those are construction zones …tickets are more pricy plus the big orange cones keep them inside from getting hit…


sounds like u picked the wrong profession to be in there bub. I heard jo ann fabrics are hiring im sure u wont get hit by anything there …mabey a thimble or a old lady in a shopping cart :eek: scarey

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Moon them next time and see what happens.

This is one of the many things that I have thought of doing or taking some of the old shirts that I wear when I am working there and writing in black markers SLOW DOWN on them. I mean I always wear stuff that helps me stand out from the landscaping around me so I dont blend in so I know people see me. This happens all the time with my day job to because I do landscaping for a living and these near misses do happen but it seems to happen all the time at this place and at my day job its more of a once ever couple of weeks kind of thing. Whenever I am driving I always try to make space for someone working because last I checked it was respectful and the right thing to do.

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soo what your saying is these cars are now offroading preety much to hit you? :bs:

Not saying that they are going off road to hit me they are just going out of the way to make my job alot more dangerous than it needs to be. I guess you have to work in my profession or in one that puts in you these same circumstances that I am in to understand... Which you obviously do not.

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Not saying that they are going off road to hit me they are just going out of the way to make my job alot more dangerous than it needs to be. I guess you have to work in my profession or in one that puts in you these same circumstances that I am in to understand... Which you obviously do not.


nope i work in a cubicle only thing im worried about gettin hit by is paper clips


sucks to be you. btw was it hot today?

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Sounds like the people who pay you feel stray Dogs>you. Seriously, I don't know the area but anything that close to the road isn't worth whacking.


Worst case set up some cones I'm the road.


I kind of agree with this because they expect me to be down there doing what Im doing and the owner even said to me I used to do it but I didnt like the cars flying by me all the time so I quit doing it maybe you can find a way to do it safer since you do this for a living... I am going to start setting up cones from here on out or something to give the people a heads up to help me out. Not every car acts in this mannor usually they move over and slow down to help me out but today was defently not my day.

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nope i work in a cubicle only thing im worried about gettin hit by is paper clips


sucks to be you. btw was it hot today?


That is what I assumed but you could loose an eye to a paper clip. To each his own I could never sit on my ass all day and get paid for it I would feel like I havent accomplished anything throught that day. The heat doesn't bother me I would much rather sweet than shiver. I played travel baseball every summer growing up and had to get used to playing in tournments down south in 100 degree weather with high humidity so the heat has little to no effect on me now.

Edited by I Eat Rice
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I know how you feel man. I replace the reflectors on roads. My head is overtop of the lines on the roads when i pop out the old ones and it's crazy how close people get to me. They do 70+ on the freeways and don't even get over far enough to hit the wake up strips on the side of the road. I've had to dive into my truck a couple times after hearing semis lock up there brakes and watch them come towards me. I don't like even glancing up at the traffic because its usually within a couple feet of my head.
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