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You're fucking retarded. How about before you get embarrassed with your stupid rhetoric, you just decide not to post. People in Afghanistan are absolutely retarded, I live amongst them. Both Brian and I base our opinions upon the many months spent in Iraq. Get blown up a few times by them, we'll see how you feel. Get shot at on a normal basis, lets see if you side with them. Have good friends of yours blown away, and the video posted online weeks later with them praising "allah".


look up "ad hominem" and then get back to me ;) While I can understand why you feel the way you do about "those people", that doesn't make your feelings truth for EVERYONE. I am sure that it is difficult living amongst people that are trying to kill you. One must develop an "objectification" of the enemy to be able to kill without hesitation since it is either you or them. I do not blame you for this as it is normal to feel this way in your position but that does not somehow show that those feelings should be that way in a civilized society where "those people" are NOT trying to kill you.







No the "president" is standing behind the building of this attrocity. People that are rallying against this are NOT racist. Last I checked, being Muslim is not a race. Religious intimidation, you may have a small case, but not being so close to ground zero. Maybe you forgot that the hijackers were all Muslim. Maybe you forgot that the ones that carried out their attack against the world trade center met inside a Mosque. It's pouring salt into a wound is what the building is. It'll stand as a symbol for the radical muslims everywhere. You obviously didn't think of that in between the bleeding of your vagina. Open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC.


As well the president SHOULD stand behind ignorant people trying to stop AMERICAN CITIZENS from building a place of worship. I love how conservative minded people always assume that I am a democrat and that I spend all day watching MSNBC. If you would pick up a book every once in awhile or change the channel from FOX you might learn a thing or two about the rest of the world. The reason I use the term racist is because if you saw a white person you would automatically assume they are not muslim but see a "darker skinned" person with a headwrap and they MUST be a terrorist. Yes I have to agree that all the 911 terrorists were muslim but that does not extrapolate into everything. Muslim does not equal terrorist just as terrorist does not equal muslim. You obviously did not read the first post or look up the Army of God as they are a Christian terrorist organization. What breeds terrorism is ignorance and blind faith. This could be anyone with a few specific character traits.

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I've been to the rest of the world, it sucks, trust me. I'm not focusing on the "dark skinned folk", I was focusing on the religion itself. John Walker Lindh was as white as casper, and look what happened to him. Caught in Afghanistan with all his other Taliban brothers. You seem to be the one holding onto the stereotypes that all Muslims dawn the traditional man dress and turban. While the Taliban love the old school look, most of your good ol' fashioned suicide bombers don't fit that profile. I know about the Army of God, and I choose to leave it out because Anti-Abortion is far from THOUSANDS of dead Americans. I've had this debate before and don't feel the need to beat the dead horse, but look back in the most recent 20 years. Everything from Africa, United States, Europe and Israel. Guess 9/11 didn't do much for you or a few others in this thread, yet you'll be scared shitless when shit pops off again.
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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


Bitch Faggot was exactly what I called Obama right after I read this article.


I think I added Fucking before it tho.

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building a place of worship period is fucking stupid... organized religion is fucking stupid... the billions of dollars spent a year on religion is just insane when it could be spent on better things to help the american people. Or how about getting our national debt paid off.


Hell my uncle donates 2 million a year to his church yet his sister is barely getting by.... just because he's worried about securing his place in "heaven"


And even though there is supposed to be seperation between church and state, as long as we put people like Bush in power, there will never be that.

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my $0.02,


i really hope they dont put one up close to ground zero., our sense of patriotism is going down the shitter. we need a president devoted to the religion this country was founded on, Christianity. not some muslim-christianity convert.

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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


I agree with you. While we're at it, though, we're going to have to drag you out into the street and mow you down. I know its kinda late, but you were born into and raised in the same religious beliefs as Hitler, Moussolini, Robert Mugabe, Flugencio Bautista, the KKK, Slobodan Milosevic, and the Sinaloa cartel. So, unfortunately, due to the massive damage they caused to the world (certainly more than the combined 4,000 dead in the WTC and 5,000 in Operation Iraqi Freedom, a "military engagement" begun by Bush) your freedom of religion is currently in question, so we ask that you refrain from expressing your beliefs. In addition, any churches that have been erected will be scrutinized by their relative location to other important historical landmarks in the area.



You say you deserve the freedom to own and arm yourself with whatever you want. You say you deserve the freedom to speak and spew hatred of others. Why? Because you were born in this country? Or because you believe in the "right" God?



This country won't be free until the inbred, ignorant, intolerant minority is educated. Fortunately for them, the education system is apparently a brainwashing system to make people docile and easy to manipulate, right? Cuz if it wasn't for our heroes in camo and those who protect the flag with hot lead at home, all the blacks, muslims, jews, rich, poor, crackheads, arabs, indians, hispanics, and eurotrash would take over and make your life such a living hell. Surely your life isn't a living hell due to choices you've made.

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building a place of worship period is fucking stupid... organized religion is fucking stupid... the billions of dollars spent a year on religion is just insane when it could be spent on better things to help the american people. Or how about getting our national debt paid off.



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I was an angry drunk last night. Alex <3 u


My comments were minimally aimed at you, and primarily aimed at the many people who probably actually believe what you were saying.





Sad news, btw. My buddy is unable to move into a place with me so I had to go off and find new roommates/new place. Thanks for the help/info on Park Club though, we were going to sign a lease the day the shit hit the fan.

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I've been to the rest of the world, it sucks, trust me. I'm not focusing on the "dark skinned folk", I was focusing on the religion itself. John Walker Lindh was as white as casper, and look what happened to him. Caught in Afghanistan with all his other Taliban brothers. You seem to be the one holding onto the stereotypes that all Muslims dawn the traditional man dress and turban. While the Taliban love the old school look, most of your good ol' fashioned suicide bombers don't fit that profile. I know about the Army of God, and I choose to leave it out because Anti-Abortion is far from THOUSANDS of dead Americans. I've had this debate before and don't feel the need to beat the dead horse, but look back in the most recent 20 years. Everything from Africa, United States, Europe and Israel. Guess 9/11 didn't do much for you or a few others in this thread, yet you'll be scared shitless when shit pops off again.


I never stated that all terrorists dress in traditional garb. What I did say however is that anyone can be a terrorist that possess certain traits, namely blind faith and ignorance. John Lindh would fall into this category and strangely enough many pictures of him showed him in traditional garb and facial hair.....


My point about the AOG is that they are an American terrorist organization founded on blind faith (Christianity is this organizations flavor) and a terrorist could be anyone. What you are doing is saying that anyone who is a muslim is by extension a terrorist and filled with hate, anti American, etc and this is simply not true. We are at war with "terror", whatever that may mean and because we do not have a clearly defined enemy, we will never come to a resolution that is satisfactory. If we want to correct these issues we would need to go to "war" with faith based activities in general but the US is to afraid to go that route because that includes Christianity and other religions/ worldviews. To answer your statement about 911 having an affect on me, it most certainly did but I don't blame it on muslims or Islam as that is not the enemy, it is faith based religion. 911 helped me to see this.

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We are at war with "terror", whatever that may mean and because we do not have a clearly defined enemy, we will never come to a resolution that is satisfactory. If we want to correct these issues we would need to go to "war" with faith based activities in general but the US is to afraid to go that route because that includes Christianity and other religions/ worldviews. To answer your statement about 911 having an affect on me, it most certainly did but I don't blame it on muslims or Islam as that is not the enemy, it is faith based religion. 911 helped me to see this.


Somebody make this man chairman of the JCS

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WHERE do you think a majority of radical Islam starts? It sure as hell isn't inside of McDonalds, let alone a library. They'll take the building of the mosque as being a victory for them over US. This is another reason I see no hope in the world thanks to those in power. I'll be taking a trip to NYC in the near future for this.


fuck em, line em up and feed them all twelve gauge to the mouth. fuck you, fuck everybody. Get that shit out of my country. If you have a spot of cancer cut off that whole fucking appendage. Wanna be a bleeding heart liberal and cry about it we got plenty of ammo leftover for you too. Go ahead, call me an asshole. I live with worse things in my life than people's opinions and could care-fucking-less.


Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


They don't understand what so ever. I get sick and tired of trying to reason with liberals and the anti-"X" crowd. Stupidity can be taught, not to mention swallowed, hook, line and sinker. If this is any indication as to how things have changed in Afghanistan, they want us to respect Ramadan by not eating, smoking or drinking anything in front of them during the day. The United States is giving way to the Muslim way of life to save face.


You're fucking retarded. How about before you get embarrassed with your stupid rhetoric, you just decide not to post. People in Afghanistan are absolutely retarded, I live amongst them. Both Brian and I base our opinions upon the many months spent in Iraq. Get blown up a few times by them, we'll see how you feel. Get shot at on a normal basis, lets see if you side with them. Have good friends of yours blown away, and the video posted online weeks later with them praising "allah".







No the "president" is standing behind the building of this attrocity. People that are rallying against this are NOT racist. Last I checked, being Muslim is not a race. Religious intimidation, you may have a small case, but not being so close to ground zero. Maybe you forgot that the hijackers were all Muslim. Maybe you forgot that the ones that carried out their attack against the world trade center met inside a Mosque. It's pouring salt into a wound is what the building is. It'll stand as a symbol for the radical muslims everywhere. You obviously didn't think of that in between the bleeding of your vagina. Open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC.


Amen to all this



Slowbalt, go back to living under your rock.

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Amen to all this is hardly an argument for anything. I do not live under a rock, I have moved to living under an overpass. I am still waiting for ANY logical arguments other than "ur dumb, you retard" to anything I have said. Any takers???? Bring it on!
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Amen to all this is hardly an argument for anything. I do not live under a rock, I have moved to living under an overpass. I am still waiting for ANY logical arguments other than "ur dumb, you retard" to anything I have said. Any takers???? Bring it on!


You're dumb, you retard.

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Saw it was on fox news, did not read because fox news is more fail than me trying to win a bikini contest.


That being said if you think this is a good idea you should suck start a shotgun. I work with someone who did a tour in Iraq and she has told me stories that are just unreal.


To all who have served overseas thank you for giving me the ability to get on the interwebz and express my right to be a retard.


Fuck radical islam, kill them all and let their god sort them out. I hate to tell you it is us or them, that is how they look at it and no matter what you do that won't change. The sooner this country comes to grips with the fact that W. started a fight that he could not finish the sooner we can finish it.


Scotty when you get back I am buying you a shot of whiskey and maybe an underaged hooker.

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Amen to all this is hardly an argument for anything. I do not live under a rock, I have moved to living under an overpass. I am still waiting for ANY logical arguments other than "ur dumb, you retard" to anything I have said. Any takers???? Bring it on!


If your living under an overpass you might be offending the bums.

Kind like a mosque near ground zero?

You gotta be politically correct Bruh.

better end it all.

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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


not to say your right or wrong but would you consider a KKK member the same as a devout Christian?

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If your living under an overpass you might be offending the bums.

Kind like a mosque near ground zero?

You gotta be politically correct Bruh.

better end it all.


Not the same thing at all and I have no idea what the purpose of your post is. It adds nothing to the conversation. Are you saying I should be politically correct or are you making fun of me for being politaccly correct? Which one is it bruh?

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