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Oh Jesus..


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Again, I have no beef with the Japanese people. They did what they did 70 years ago to START a war. They thought they were right and they fought for their beliefs. Personally, I would never visit Hiroshima or Nagasaki OUT OF RESPECT for the fact that there are probably some hard feelings over what happened.

The US did what we thought was right in order to end it.


FWIW, I think you will find the opposite is true. I know several American's that have visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki in recent years. The Japanese people have established memorials and museums on the site and they want it to be an reminder to the world of what happened there and use that in order to advocate world peace. I think you would be welcomed there as long as you didn't have a smile on your face or talk about how cool it is. They WANT people to visit this site and learn from it.


Also, FWIW, I tolerate you opinion as you are entitled to it. Slowbalt, my view is slightly different than you in that I think the US is all about being tolerant of other cultures and ideals. When I run out of tolerance I resort to physical violence, which accomplishes nothing.

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Talk about an extreme approach.^ My opinion is no where near that of an anti-semtic bigot. If you have to go that far to prove a point, you might have just crossed a line that makes you sound foolish.





Goodnight. Just want to say that I tolerate all of your opinions. :) One issue does not define someone. I think each one of your opinions is based on a constitutional right to assemble. Believe it or not, I share your view at the end of the day.


I will agree that if this mosque were disallowed, it would set a slippery precedent for unwanted govt interference. If they can do that, then they have nothing to stop them from doing something unwanted to me.


Everyone wants consideration in this world. I don't think it makes anyone a bad person to ask for it in this case.



For some it would seem that an an extreme example is needed. I do not disagree with your ultimate end, I disagree with the logic you use to get there. You have continually misrepresented Muslim people throughout your posts which may not cause as much harm as "Jews should burn" but the logic is the same.

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We are going to hell in a hand basket, just the way they want us to.


I can see no good argument for any of this, but I see plenty against it.


America becomes less like the ideals it was founded on every day.


Does the phrase "Freedom of Religion" mean anything to you?


This thread is just full of fuck, and I don't mean the good kind.

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For some it would seem that an an extreme example is needed. I do not disagree with your ultimate end, I disagree with the logic you use to get there. You have continually misrepresented Muslim people throughout your posts which may not cause as much harm as "Jews should burn" but the logic is the same.


It's the usage of a sophist stance, a completely unintelligent and uneducated opinion mixed with such fervent assurance that his and the others like him that their view point is right that's making this kind of thinking not only completely unfounded and unsubstantiated, but dangerous because of its fallacies.

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Also, FWIW, I tolerate you opinion as you are entitled to it. Slowbalt, my view is slightly different than you in that I think the US is all about being tolerant of other cultures and ideals. When I run out of tolerance I resort to physical violence, which accomplishes nothing.


To clarify I am not saying that if ones opinion is unfounded than physical violence must be brought. I am saying that of course everyone is entitled to an opinion but do not be upset when people call you out on it especially when the same point has been brought up and shut down a few times in the same thread, haha. I am very much against violence whenever there are other possible outcomes. If my opinion is unfounded I would not expect you to take me seriously.

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I think the big issue is that people are taking it personally. If there was some kind of rub it in your face mentality when building this then I would be pissed... However, I honestly think the spot was available and they went for it. I live in a neighborhood full of Muslim people. They are quite, polite, and have very respectable children. Growing up I never thought I would be in a neighborhood where White, Black, Nigerian, Muslim, Indian, and Hispanic kids would all play together and go to the same school. I admit I was extremely predjudice for a few years after 9/11. Moving here has opened my eyes and has shown me that I was doing the same thing to them that old white ladies used to do to me. Its not right to judge an entire group like this. There are good and bad people all over the world. Dont let the acts of a group of idiots cause you to hate everyone... hate the ones that deserve it.
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Any justification for this? If you are posting this to get a laugh, its kinda dumb. If you are posting this to make a point, maybe you could back it up. At least the video was a contribution to the discussion at hand. This is just a NOBAMA pic. This is right there with the death panels and government takeover of (insert current issue). BTW did anyone see Countdown last night? Olbermann had a really good comment at the end of the show about this issue Mosque. Very well said. It is a community center where everyone is welcome as opposed to a traditional Mosque where only Muslims are allowed. It is supposed to have a basketball court and cooking classes.

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Dont let the acts of a group of idiots cause you to hate everyone... hate the ones that deserve it.


How is it possible to not hate all brown people? With their terrorist anchor babies destroying the country? Ugh!!!!1!11!


I started hating all white people after seeing what Timothy McVeigh did. Or wait, should I be hating all Americans? Or was it all American war veterans? He was born in New York so I should hate all New Yorkers too!

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How is it possible to not hate all brown people? With their terrorist anchor babies destroying the country? Ugh!!!!1!11!


I started hating all white people after seeing what Timothy McVeigh did. Or wait, should I be hating all Americans? Or was it all American war veterans? He was born in New York so I should hate all New Yorkers too!


THAT IS THE SPIRIT! Now we are on the same page. Trowa is not racist he hates everyone including himself equally. Everyone should die in an active volcano along with me.

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Apparently the term "sophist" means nothing to you slow with regards the posting of that pic :(


I get ya, I was just wanting to get the reasoning of why Noleaf pops in here after the dust has pretty much settled and finds it appropriate to put up an image like that. I am sure it is the same ol' retardedness that I hear day in day out but I was just curious. Love Obama or hate Obama but at least KNOW why you feel the way you do. To just go along in life not questioning things? What a sad existence.

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We are posting this as a joke right ?


I mean he literally, and I mean actual "literally" and not the rather annoying figurative "literally" that seems to be so popular these days, did the opposite of that picture in this exact situation.


It is supposed to have a basketball court and cooking classes.



You forgot to mention the full hijab pole-dancer-cise courses.

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Well obama has a lot to do with this thread, as the "voice" if the American people he personally supports the mosque.


I could understand if it was a video of Obama supporting the Mosque, if thats even the right word for the cultural center. What you have posted is supposed to be a joke but it is a joke in poor taste as it panders to the same crowd that think Obama is "Socialist" and born in Kenya. You understand Obama is a constitutional lawyer, right? I winder why it is that people just assume that Obama is a moron just because Fox news and teabaggers are so anti Obama?

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