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AM radio - lightning interference


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Just a wierd observation - when I listen to the AM radio, I can guarantee when there is a thunderstorm within a 50 mile radius just from the static/crackle that comes across the radio everytime lightning flashes. Did anyone else notice this before? Just had that observation recently when driving through a storm, listening to a game...


FYI, I listen to 1460 The Fan for Indians games, and 820 WOSU for NPR...

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I used to notice it going under some power lines while driving...used to love listening to talk radio when i was delivering pizzas...always something different. Music got boring as fuck after awhile...but mid afternoon when rush comes on i couldnt turn that shit off quick enough before i wanted to stab my ears
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Electrostatic interference, totally normal. I stuck my radio on AM many years ago and never used FM again.


As a side note about AM. During a meteor shower (such as the perseids going on right now) you can improve your meteor sighting chances by setting multiple radios around you on AM channels for cities say 100miles away that you can't normally pick up well. Just as a meteor is burning up the signal will increase from that station and direction.

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