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my dogs foot

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

my dog has been licking her foot non stop for the past few days, and its to the point where she wont even stop when we yell at her to stop


not sure if she got clipped at the groomer or something, or if she stepped on something in the yard, idk..


i got a flashlight and checked her foot out all over, under the hair, between the toes, everything and nothing looks out of place...the skin on her knuckle where shes licking is kinda red and irritated - but im thinking thats from licking it too much



i think on monday ill take her in to the vet if it doesnt get better...but i looked and looked and didnt find anything



basically what im making the thread for: i took a small sock and put it over her foot...it kinda goes up her leg half way since shes a small dog..and i put a zip tie on it and zipped it up...its not very tight, but i dont think it will come off (it may if she had teeth and could grab it and pull it off, but she has no teeth)......but my dog is real old (15) and she already has bad balance and now when she walks she wont walk on it and she just jumps around on 3 legs...she managed to lay down and fall asleep no problem



is it bad to put a sock over her foot like that? dont want to do anything to irritate it or have her hurt herself...i plan to pick her up and take her out to the yard when she has to go out, or would it be better to just remove the sock while shes outside and put a new ziptie on it when she comes in?


is there any kind of spray or cream or anything i could get to put on it to get her to stop licking it?


ill take her to the vet monday if it doesnt get better - just hesitant to do it now since im low on money and i cant physically see anything wrong her foot, afraid the vet wont be able to tell me very much....i think itll go away if she quits irritating it

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I wouldn't recommend a zip tie, I'd think there would be a good chance it would cut off the circulation. We've got this stuff called bitter yuck! to keep the puppy from chewing furniture. It is water based and it specifically said that it could be used to keep dogs from licking or chewing wounds, irritations or stitches. You might hit up a pet store and look for something similar.
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No issues with a sock. If you remember i had to do that with our boxer. Just use ace bandage wrap. The kind that sticks to itself. I used it all the time on him.


I have a very nice inflatable collar that is excellent at keeping them from licking thier feet. Your welcome to borrow it.

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It is probably allergies my dog is doing it right now..... This is a bad time of year for it and they usually are late onset. what i mean is it will just start all of the sudden they arent usually born with it. lots of times it is started by food changes and food allergies. If you havent changed food it may be the ragweed u can give dogs benadryl but if going to vet ask them if small dog quarter the pill. My dog wieghts 78 pds and takes a whole pill vet said its ok.


be ready for them to do a food trial wich is expensivebecause the special foods are ridiculas i found nutro is what is best for my dog lamb formula read on net that chicken allergies are most common....

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At Wal-Mart I found a few good products for my dog. They have an anti itch spray which should help if it is allergies. I also got a "healing" spray kind of like neosporin in case it is an actual wound. They also have the bitter apple spray everyone suggested.
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Guest tbutera2112
I wouldn't recommend a zip tie, I'd think there would be a good chance it would cut off the circulation. We've got this stuff called bitter yuck! to keep the puppy from chewing furniture. It is water based and it specifically said that it could be used to keep dogs from licking or chewing wounds, irritations or stitches. You might hit up a pet store and look for something similar.


i made sure to leave the zip tie very loose just to be sure to not cut off circulation...its loose enough i can move the sock around on her foot freely, i just put it on the ankle area so it cant slip over her foot


It is probably allergies my dog is doing it right now..... This is a bad time of year for it and they usually are late onset. what i mean is it will just start all of the sudden they arent usually born with it. lots of times it is started by food changes and food allergies. If you havent changed food it may be the ragweed u can give dogs benadryl but if going to vet ask them if small dog quarter the pill. My dog wieghts 78 pds and takes a whole pill vet said its ok.


be ready for them to do a food trial wich is expensivebecause the special foods are ridiculas i found nutro is what is best for my dog lamb formula read on net that chicken allergies are most common....



cant do a food trial...my dog can only eat one type of food, shes ate IAMS since she was a puppy and now shes on the old dog formula from them, if we give her anything else she throws it up


my dog is 15 and only weights like 9 or 10 lbs, so i dont think ide give her a pill made for people, maybe the vet has an ultra low dose or something...and it could be allergies i suppose, but it seems weird it would be just that one foot


No issues with a sock. If you remember i had to do that with our boxer. Just use ace bandage wrap. The kind that sticks to itself. I used it all the time on him.


I have a very nice inflatable collar that is excellent at keeping them from licking thier feet. Your welcome to borrow it.


my dog is so small i dont think your collar would work, but i do appreciate the offer...shes a miniature schnauzer, but shes so old shes starting to wither away so shes super small (we had her checked by the vet for weight loss, and her thyroid and everything is good, shes just getting old is what they said)





i put the sock on her and put her in her sleeping cage for the day, ill see how she does....shes 90% blind in one eye and 75% in the other, so she goes in a cage at night so she doesnt hurt herself stumbling around...so while the socks on i have her in there since i wont be home and dont want her jumping around on 3 legs hurting herself


i might try that sour apple stuff and see if it works....it wont hurt her spraying it onto irritated skin will it?

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Guest tbutera2112

my dog is not nasty, and i see no reason to put her down


so she has problems seeing and hearing stuff from far away, oh well?


she still eats, plays, runs around the yard, goes to the bathrooom outside...she does everything she has always done....most people see her and cant believe shes 15, she still runs around the house like a puppy does


her balance isnt that great though sometimes - and she runs into shit a lot since she cant see too well

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my dog is not nasty, and i see no reason to put her down


so she has problems seeing and hearing stuff from far away, oh well?


she still eats, plays, runs around the yard, goes to the bathrooom outside...she does everything she has always done....most people see her and cant believe shes 15, she still runs around the house like a puppy does


her balance isnt that great though sometimes - and she runs into shit a lot since she cant see too well


gettin old.


i hadnt seen ours run in years. it would walk around the yard instead of running/jogging or w.e. was a sad site to see. like yours, no teeth, no hearing, super cataract eyes. had ossues breathing.


sock shouldnt be a problem though. some people buy them for their dogs to keep them warm in winter. :rolleyes:

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It's allergies(if it hasent already been mentioned in the thread); our dog does the same thing. Ragweed is high.


If you wanna get crazy about it your vet can give an allergy shot or a steroid shot. now back to the real world, we use a spray made my "earthbath" and it has tea tree oil in it( the GF picked it out, probably at petsmart). Anyways just spray it on her paws and shell stop chewing

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Give it half a pill of benadryl (or knock off Walmart brand) each day. We have to do this with our two dogs every year due to allergies. This was the vets advice and works great.


+1 here.


Who ties up a dogs foot with a zip tie because she licks too much? re-fuckin-tarded.

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thanks sturg


does it work better than the sour apple?



Two totally different products....one relieves itching and helps the skin,the other is a product that tastes nasty so the dog doesnt lick itself. I would recommend going to Petco buying some medicated shampoo and a medicated spray. This will releive the problems.

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Guest tbutera2112
+1 here.


Who ties up a dogs foot with a zip tie because she licks too much? re-fuckin-tarded.


fuck off jackass, i put a sock over her foot to prevent her from licking the skin open and having an open wound, since it was already getting raw and irritated and turning red....my dog aint a puppy, an infection could kill her...maybe if you knew how to read you woulda seen that the sock still moved freely on her foot and that the tie was in the ankle area so only prevented it from slipping over the paw - it made no contact with her at all it was so loose



please escort yourself off a cliff and die on some sharp rocks

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Guest tbutera2112
The Dr. says get some hotspot shampoo. Also, don't put anything on the leg that could cut off circulation, aka a zip tie.


how could a loose ziptie cut off circulation? it wasnt zipped down to her leg, i didnt even have to cut it to pull it off



please have the doctor explain to me how i was cutting off my dogs circulation with something that made no contact with her skin

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how could a loose ziptie cut off circulation? it wasnt zipped down to her leg, i didnt even have to cut it to pull it off



please have the doctor explain to me how i was cutting off my dogs circulation with something that made no contact with her skin


the dog could get irritated with it and tug at it tightening it. You should only use tape. Are you seriously trying to question a fucking veterinarian? LOL

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