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Battle in Boston: Street thugs


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I wish the guy would have had a gun instead of a bat and blasted that loud mouth piece of shit right between the eyes with a bullet


this....or just not dropped the bat and went to town on him and his buddies....


love the sound that bat makes at full tilt!

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He also wasn't using it properly.


Yup, if he would have used both hands and swung threw they could have actually lost their heads and for sure would have broken a few forearms.


Great video either way. I was just hoping that when he lost the bat he was going to his car to get a gun to finish them all off. And he would be perfectly justified in doing so.

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haha awesome...and those guys were probably drugged out and/or drunk...probably helped them take those hits with the bat


looks like this happened in Chinatown, where everyone goes to hit up the sakebombing and strip clubs.




i love how quiet and peaceful they get on the walk back to the car.

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