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App holes


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This is why as soon as I can afford it I am switching to an android phone.


Who wants to own a device in which the manufacturer can have remote control over? I love my iphone but this is just bullshit.


Any recommendations on GSM android phones to pick up?

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They will not use it to kill phones that are just Jailbroken, they will use it to kill phones that end up spreading malicious software. iOS already comes with a App kill switch. Apple has never used it even with apps that have easter eggs that give us free services that would cost us money to use through AT&T. The latest is Handy Light. Lets me tether to my Mac over 3G. That is $20 a month from AT&T. Apple pulled the app from the store, however if you got the app we got to keep it and it's functionality. Apple may have applied for a patent, but they will not abuse it.
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This is why as soon as I can afford it I am switching to an android phone.


Who wants to own a device in which the manufacturer can have remote control over? I love my iphone but this is just bullshit.


Any recommendations on GSM android phones to pick up?


The irony of this is ironic.


You obviously missed the whole Droid fiasco where Motorola can brick your phone if you root it.

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GSM devices...


Galaxy S (not a big fan of what samsung did to the OS, cant even install non-market apps on the AT&T version)

Nexus One (currently out of stock for high demand, high price tag since it is now a developer only phone)

T-Mobile G2 (yet to be released)


Basically if its on T-Mobile, you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

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LOLOLOL, It's not just apple: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/06/google-flips-remote-kill-switch-on-android-apps/


Google can remotely uninstall apps on your phone, and has done so. And Ben has already mentioned motorola's newest rooting cock-block.



This is just BS. I'm going back to the two paper cups on a string phone.

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This is just BS. I'm going back to the two paper cups on a string phone.


I heard they just invented something that could cut that string at any time. Scissors or some shit??

Did you also know if you hack your cable box, they can quit your service. Even hacked DirectTV boxes... They can fry them.

All this stuff JUST started happening....

Oh wait, this is 2010.... Nm, I guess it's been going on for a while.

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I heard they just invented something that could cut that string at any time. Scissors or some shit??

Did you also know if you hack your cable box, they can quit your service. Even hacked DirectTV boxes... They can fry them.

All this stuff JUST started happening....

Oh wait, this is 2010.... Nm, I guess it's been going on for a while.


I knew that, I think it just sucks. I guess it comes down to deciding who is the lesser of the three evils. The pair of scissors, Google, or Apple?

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The irony of this is ironic.


You obviously missed the whole Droid fiasco where Motorola can brick your phone if you root it.


Thats a straight up lie. The Droid X "e-fuse" is to prevent corrupted firmware from being loaded, not rooted firmware. They can not brick your phone if you root it. The only one who can brick your phone, is yourself.


My moms droid x is rooted, with no problems whatsoever. There may be a custom bootloader out now too, I just haven't looked.

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Thats a straight up lie. The Droid X "e-fuse" is to prevent corrupted firmware from being loaded, not rooted firmware. They can not brick your phone if you root it. The only one who can brick your phone, is yourself.


My moms droid x is rooted, with no problems whatsoever. There may be a custom bootloader out now too, I just haven't looked.


If it's rooted, they can kill it at anytime. It's already been discussed dude. Just as with Apple, just because they can doesn't mean they will. But they can.


And don't call me a liar, fuckface.








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If it's rooted, they can kill it at anytime. It's already been discussed dude. Just as with Apple, just because they can doesn't mean they will. But they can.


And don't call me a liar, fuckface.










Wait, did you even READ any of those links in comparison with what you originally said?


"Motorola's primary focus is the security of our end users and protection of their data, while also meeting carrier, partner and legal requirements. The Droid X and a majority of Android consumer devices on the market today have a secured bootloader. In reference specifically to eFuse, the technology is not loaded with the purpose of preventing a consumer device from functioning, but rather ensuring for the user that the device only runs on updated and tested versions of software. If a device attempts to boot with unapproved software, it will go into recovery mode, and can re-boot once approved software is re-installed. Checking for a valid software configuration is a common practice within the industry to protect the user against potential malicious software threats. Motorola has been a long time advocate of open platforms and provides a number of resources to developers to foster the ecosystem including tools and access to devices via MOTODEV at http://developer.motorola.com."
They do NOT kill your phone and they do NOT activate it remotely.


Go right ahead and remove me from this thread, but you are simply wrong here. Remote destruction of a device has never been a part of any android phone. Do you think Google would be happy with that?


Oh, and thats horse face to you.

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If you have a custom bootloader, you cannot install OTA updates without the signatures removed. Therefor I believe that if you do have a custom bootloader, there is nothing motorola can do. If you are flashing custom roms, you are probably going to be running a different bootloader.
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Wait, did you even READ any of those links in comparison with what you originally said?


They do NOT kill your phone and they do NOT activate it remotely.


Go right ahead and remove me from this thread, but you are simply wrong here. Remote destruction of a device has never been a part of any android phone. Do you think Google would be happy with that?


Oh, and thats horse face to you.


If it's rooted, they can kill it at anytime. It's already been discussed dude. Just as with Apple, just because they can doesn't mean they will. But they can.


The ability is most certainly there. That's the point of the chipset. If A=A, fine. If A==A or A=B, new code is loaded into the chip on the fly. It's the point of the chipset. It's what it does. You can say Google will never use it, but they've already remotely killed apps whereas Apple has not. It isn't that far of a stretch to believe Motorola and/or Google would remotely disable a phone.

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You can say Google will never use it, but they've already remotely killed apps whereas Apple has not. It isn't that far of a stretch to believe Motorola and/or Google would remotely disable a phone.


Bullshit Apple has never killed an app. And the only thing Google did was remove 2 malicious apps from the market.

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nerds have non iphones so they can say they are not under "the man" and make themselves feel better about knowing how to mod a phone...which dosnt need to be done in the first place.


"Do not tell me what I can't do" is all I keep hearing from the droid camp..

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Bullshit Apple has never killed an app. And the only thing Google did was remove 2 malicious apps from the market.


Apple has never killed an app. Period. True story. They have removed apps from the store, but NEVER removed them from phones. NEVER. Even the flashlight app that gave free internet tethering wasn't removed from phones.


Google has. And the apps were NOT malicious. They did nothing. They were a research project for a security research firm. They were designed to see who downloaded what. The apps themselves did nothing. Those who downloaded them weren't given the option to delete them from their phones themselves. Google did it for them.




Nice try though Google fanboy.



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The 2nd malicious app was found last week. It was a snake type game.




And lets see what Symantec has to say about it...




Who gives a shit if they are able to remove dangerous and malicious software from your phone? I believe thats a GOOD thing. But tell me that I can't run a custom theme on my phone, and then wiping the phone...fuck that.

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nerds have non iphones so they can say they are not under "the man" and make themselves feel better about knowing how to mod a phone...which dosnt need to be done in the first place.


"Do not tell me what I can't do" is all I keep hearing from the droid camp..


Would you buy a Mustang from Ford if they told you that you weren't allowed to modify it ever, and if you do we will remotely disable your vehicle. I'm not even talking warranty issues, this is just in general. FUCK NO you wont, you'd be running around saying how fucking gay Ford is.


Don't tell me "phones dont need to be modded in the first place. People say the same shit about cars. "Only stupid fucking hillbillies modify their cars"

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