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I can't wait 'til all you single fucks have kids too :p


Production of part II of that video starts at my house at 8am Saturday. Swimming lessons, yard work, lunch on the deck, dog park and BBQ and Beer with the neighbors. Outside home theater will be showing Avatar in 1080P. I know it's not kid appropriate but fuck it. (deposits $.25 in the Potty Mouth Jar)

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I can't wait 'til all you single fucks have kids too :p


Production of part II of that video starts at my house at 8am Saturday. Swimming lessons, yard work, lunch on the deck, dog park and BBQ and Beer with the neighbors. Outside home theater will be showing Avatar in 1080P. I know it's not kid appropriate but fuck it. (deposits $.25 in the Potty Mouth Jar)


not kid appropriate? my daughter is almost 3 and loved that movie...but i don't censor lots of things from her....

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not kid appropriate? my daughter is almost 3 and loved that movie...but i don't censor lots of things from her....




Way too much in that movie that my 4yr old daughter and 7yr old son don't need exposed to right now. They have way too many innocent years left in them. It's my belief that we don't need to expose our kids to these things at such a young age. Way too early in their developmental years and I personally feel it's unhealthy for their development. Way too many kids these days are exposed to it way too early.


It's only censorship when you hide them from something they can actually process and understand. They have decades of time to be exposed to such things when they are developed mentally and able to process the scenes with proper understanding. I just believe there's a time and place for everything. Everyone parents differently.


I highly recommend looking into how exposure in kids so young affects them Cognitively, Emotionally and impacts them Behaviorally with potentially long term social effects.


Cognitive Effects

Especially exposure to violence which has been associated with problems in children's cognitive processes and poor academic functioning.


Emotional Effects

Exposure to violence carries emotional consequences for kids. Exposure to violence has been linked to depression and more negative self-concept. It also puts them at risk for increased anxiety and depressive symptoms.


Behavioral and Social Effects

Exposing kids to violence has been directly linked to aggressive and otherwise maladaptive behaviors in school. You'll see it in kids in grades school just by watching them one day.




Sex & Nudity

PG-16 for intense action violence throughout, sensuality, scary images and some language. A male and female alien kneel down to the ground, and begin to kiss passionately. Slight moaning is heard. Sex is implied.


Violence & Gore

The ending battle is about twenty minutes long, and features numerous deaths. Some are more brutal than others. Numerous scenes of creatures being killed, some by other creatures, some by humans. A man is almost eaten alive by wolf-like creatures. A man gets thrown to his death from of a flying helicopter by a dragon-like creature. A man is shot with two large arrows and is seen suffocating.



4 or 5 uses of bitch, 11 uses of shit, 5 uses of ass, 11 mild obscenities, 6 religious profanities. (G***amn)



Frightening/Intense Scenes

The ending fight is intense and violent, a lot of people die. A large tree is destroyed by humans, and the natives get upset at the destruction of their home, They wail in mourning Human-like aliens get shot at by gunship helicopters, and large human-controlled robotic machines; also attacked with explosive weapons.

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I can't wait 'til all you single fucks have kids too :p


Production of part II of that video starts at my house at 8am Saturday. Swimming lessons, yard work, lunch on the deck, dog park and BBQ and Beer with the neighbors. Outside home theater will be showing Avatar in 1080P. I know it's not kid appropriate but fuck it. (deposits $.25 in the Potty Mouth Jar)


I just bring home my change from the day and put it directly in the Potty Mouth Jar. Have you figured out what exactly to do with the money yet?

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it's funny how we go from a sex jar to a potty mouth jar.


I didn't see anything wrong with Avitar.... there was no sex, no nudity, and no greusome violence so I'm confused what everyone is concerned with.


I watched it with my 13 year old, but I guess I probably wouldn't watch it with our baby that's due in 2 months, but that's more because she'd probably cry through the whole thing not because the movie is bad.

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it's funny how we go from a sex jar to a potty mouth jar.


I put my money in the potty mouth jar then when it reaches the right amount I put it in our sex jar :o


I didn't see anything wrong with Avitar..I watched it with my 13 year old


13 is a far cry from 3yrs old or 7yrs old. The movie is PG/PG13. In your case, no issue.

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I can't wait 'til all you single fucks have kids too :p


Production of part II of that video starts at my house at 8am Saturday. Swimming lessons, yard work, lunch on the deck, dog park and BBQ and Beer with the neighbors. Outside home theater will be showing Avatar in 1080P. I know it's not kid appropriate but fuck it. (deposits $.25 in the Potty Mouth Jar)



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