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Driving trip: Put-in-Bay, Maine, Boston, Washington DC: Input/suggestions please


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My wife and I are taking vacation starting September 10th @ 12:30pm and going until Sunday September 19th.


Our rough plan:


Friday (10th @ 12:30pm): Drive to Put-n-Bay straight from work. We have a cabin with a bunch of friends to party.


Sautday (11th): Leave from there heading towards Maine, spending the night somewhere in NY.


Sunday (12th): Start traveling again and the goal is to arive in Maine sunday evening.




Sunday (19th): Leave Washington DC around 8AM and arive in Westerville around 4pm.








Here is where we want some insight as to which place to spend the most time (Maine/Boston/DC). We have 6 days for 3 locations. It takes only 2 or 3 hours to get to Boston from Maine, but 7.5 hours to get from Boston to DC. So in reality, 5 days for 3 locations. Here is our thoughts based on having never been to any locations.


Monday: Maine (whale watching, light houses)


Tuesday: Leave around 8am, arrive around 11am: Boston


Wednesday: Boston


Thursday: Traveling from Boston to DC


Friday: DC


Saturday: DC


So 1 day in Maine, 2 in Boston and 2 in DC.


What kind of activities/dining/events/must sees do you all recommend in the 3 locations?


Also, would you guys shuffle the number of days? 2 in Maine, 2 in Boston, 1 in DC? etc?


Please help us out, we need to make plans and reservations within the next 48 hours and are very excited. I know a lot of you guys have traveled and your insight would be appreciated.


Thanks guys.

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If you have any specific questions about Boston LMK. I've been there about 5 times in the last 4 years.


For Boston there is the Freedom Train that will take you through almost all of the cool historic stuff and its free! Fenway is also worth a look. There are nice views of the city to be had from the Prudential building(I think that was what it was called).


Somewhat close to the Freedom trail is Mike's Pastries definitely worth a stop. Have dinner in little Italy but make a reservation if possible, the area gets PACKED.

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Thanks guys, I'll take a look at the suggestions listed.


As far as H2O, We already have the vacation scheduled or this would have definetly been on the list.


How would you guys split your time up between the 3 locations?

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When I got to go to DC we were there for 1 day and I felt sorta rushed, didn't get to hit any of the museums. But we did have enough time to see the monuments. If you have NEVER been, may want to stick with 2 days if you are a sight see-er. If you have been once or twice I would think 1 day would suffice to re-visit the places you enjoyed/want to spend a little more time at.


Another thought is that pending tourism seasons I would think a Saturday would be really busy at DC, I want to say we were there like on a Wed or Thurs. because it was mostly older folks and less tour buses of small children.

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Not sure man, just trying to gather info.


A Fag told me about getting a place in RI, and visiting places like cape cod, boston, mystic, new hampshire, newport, RI, niantic, point judith, narrangasett pier area, etc.

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