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Cops evacuate my street...


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So CPD is having everyone on east 9th evacuate the area. There is a guy literally across the street from my house holding himself up in an apartment. SWAT is here now and the ghetto bird has had the spotlight on for a while now. I'm going back to my parents in powell, where shit like this doesn't happen lol


Thought it was pretty crazy... I guess he said he wants to kill cops, SWAT and then himself..

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maybe I don't understand what happened, but from reading the article, the man gave up around 11:20, walked out to go into custody and he got tasered.... why taser the dude if he gave himself up? seems kind of excessive....
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maybe I don't understand what happened, but from reading the article, the man gave up around 11:20, walked out to go into custody and he got tasered.... why taser the dude if he gave himself up? seems kind of excessive....


It's the fact of the matter. If swat comes out somebody's either getting shot or tasered. Hope they took turns tasering him for wasting our tax moneys

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My friend had an apartment in Whitehall for a while and I remember there was a guy there threatening to commit suicide for some reason (why do we put so much effort into stopping people from stopping their drain on society?) so SWAT and everyone was there. He didn't have to evacuate. Said some of the SWAT dudes used his bathroom and one of his cousins gave them lemonade and stuff. Good times.
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