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Russian Scholar says US is going to collapse...


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WWIII, when Russia tries to take over the US.

A) they won't have to, the Libs and hippies will just hand it over because they feel bad for them because Russia is so cold and they don't have any real nice places

B) there will be no fight, Obama wants to take our guns so the radical Muslims can just walk in and take over, it'll be the Muslims and Russians fighting for North America, well be lucky to have a seat to watch from.

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C'mon Dweez, you don't really believe that do you? Srsly? :rolleyes:

You my friend, have WAAAAYYYYY to mch faith in humanity.

Likely, eh, I'm gonna say no

Possible, oh hell yes.

They've said for quite some time that they would conquer America from within, it's not so far fetched.

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I have little faith in humanity, but it's amazing what a little charisma and unity around a common cause will do to individuals - they cease to be individuals and become a group, with groupthink. I think if anything as drastic as the scenario that's painted were to even get rolling, it would get the kibosh pretty quickly.

Anything is possible. Its possible I'll be struck by lightning in the middle of a snowstorm, but I don't really worry about it.

You admit it's not likely, so are taking steps to plan for it, or just bustin' chops on libs, hippies, and Obama's chops?

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Have you seen how ghey'd up this site has gotten as the DTC grows? It's like gheyness is a contagious venereal disease.

Totally an indicator, and a sssssuper one at that.

Yeah......DTC is secretly a covert dark ops branch of the KGB. It's actually an anagram.....Just hold the letters upside down & backwards, while looking in a mirror with a blacklight & your official PlayGirl decoder ring :D

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Yeah......DTC is secretly a covert dark ops branch of the KGB. It's actually an anagram.....Just hold the letters upside down & backwards, while looking in a mirror with a blacklight & your official PlayGirl decoder ring :D


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Have you seen how ghey'd up this site has gotten as the DTC grows? It's like gheyness is a contagious venereal disease.

Totally an indicator, and a sssssuper one at that.

I have noticed. All talk circles back to taking advantage of sheep and 'meating' other members.... :nono:

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All we have to do is move all of those hot Russian girls over here for a year, watch them morph into fat cunts when they eat our food, then ship them back to the former Soviet Union. Then the Russian males won't want to fuck them, thus halting the birthrate of the Commies...

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