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270 speedtrap


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Im keeping to my saying....

If your dumb enough to speed around 270 in those areas... you deserve the ticket hah.


It was funny watching the guy ahead of me get pulled over while I rolled on by in my bright blue, vinyl-covered, big-winged, loud-exhaust WRX. :D It happened in the same spot as above, just before Sawmill, and he blew past me doing 80+ when I was rumbling along at 70. I bet he was pissed!

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Just watch the typical hiding spots and keep an eye on trffic. 99.9% of the time some up ahead will break check upon seeing a cop. Let everyone else around you be your eyes ahead. Its also especially easy to provoke either a pimple faced kid in a Honda or a guy in an Audi thinking he's in a fast car to take the lead at 80mph.
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