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Grandfathers Pantera


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I was wondering if anyone might know where this car ended up.


My grandfather had a white Pantera that got sold after he died. Unfortunately he was the only car person in the family, at the time, and it got left to my uncle who could have cared less about the car and having it stay in the family. I guess no one expected his granddaughter to be into cars. I would love to have this piece of his legacy in my garage. I have no idea where to even start looking for the car. I have no real records of it, I am working on getting the vin, but I hear it got sold to a guy in Muirfield about 10 years ago. Who knows where it is now, but I would love to find it. If anyone knows of the car or knows where I should start looking please let me know!!

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post something bigger online. Not just on a forum but out there so others can see it.. If papa john can find his camaro I think in time you can find this car... Wou might not like the fact it maybe scrap r in any condition by now but its worth a shot
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Going to start the research process with her uncle. I found it hard to believe that there would be no documentation on the car anywhere in her family.


Fortunately due to the nature of Pantera's "generally" speaking the people that buy them are not wannabe high class people that buy the latest and greatest super car. They tend to be bought more by people who care for them and know what they are.


Yes, they are expensive, but I think being able to interact with the car and keep an eye on where it goes will be of help down the road.

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Thank you for the help, unfortunatly I don't think we still have the vin. I was hopeing someone on the board would have seen the car or known alittle bit about its where abouts. And yes, I know how much the cars go for but in the future I am willing to spend whatever I have to to have my grandpas car.
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FWIW - You may want to edit the above post as it could hurt your negotiating position down the road- the internet is a small world. I will edit this one if you do. btw I think I saw a white pantera the other day in a garage off of hyatts road in delaware
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there used to be one sitting in a vacant space across the street from commercial office along a 56 vett, i asked about the cars and was told they belonged to the leasing agent of those building..i don't remember his name but grubb elis is the leasing co for those buildings..good luck kid!!
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I did an oil change on a white one about 5-7 years ago when I used to work at Valvoline in Powell. That's pretty close to Muirfield. Maybe you can see if Valvoline would give you his info if its still in the system. If I remember correctly the thing was not in the greatest shape.
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  2highpsi said:


Yes, that is the car.


Yes, we already found that and yes that is her Uncle's ebay ad. We have also found the post on the Pantera forums from the person that purchased the car stating that he just won it on ebay, car number 4004 from Columbus, OH. All you had to type in was 1972 pantera VIN 4004, because her uncle did not post the entire VIN in the ad, although we do have the entire VIN and cannot find anything recently. As I am sure you found it, it took about 5 minutes to find.


He is no longer a member, but he uses the same s/n on ebay, so I sent him a message after looking at his feedback from around the time the car was sold. He has NOT sent me anything back as of yet.


We do know that the car/plates are still registered here in Ohio.


Thanks for the help though guys, who knows you may see something we missed when searching!

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can't one of you computer guys get the ip address from the poster on that forum and get their name and home address like csi?


  Crossle said:
Yes, that is the car.


Yes, we already found that and yes that is her Uncle's ebay ad. We have also found the post on the Pantera forums from the person that purchased the car stating that he just won it on ebay, car number 4004 from Columbus, OH. All you had to type in was 1972 pantera VIN 4004, because her uncle did not post the entire VIN in the ad, although we do have the entire VIN and cannot find anything recently. As I am sure you found it, it took about 5 minutes to find.


He is no longer a member, but he uses the same s/n on ebay, so I sent him a message after looking at his feedback from around the time the car was sold. He has NOT sent me anything back as of yet.


We do know that the car/plates are still registered here in Ohio.


Thanks for the help though guys, who knows you may see something we missed when searching!

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