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SSC Ultimate Aero II


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To quote someone else "It looks much better than the feces that preceded it."





According to a tipster, these are the first two photos of the new SSC Ultimate Aero II. Its a major leap forward compared to the purposeful-yet-derivative styling of the original, taking the angular look now Saab designer Jason Castriota used on the Stile Bertone Mantide and combining it with the wind tunnel-formed sexy-slipperiness of the Ferrari P4/5 for a look familiar to übercar enthusiasts yet a stand-out from both previous looks.


There's also now video of the car being unveiled for a select few individuals during the Pebble Beach Concours that was just posted to YouTube. In it, you can see the silver Saab Castiota drove around in during the festivities. The video also shows company founder Jarrod Shelby saying they'll have full-scale running prototypes mid-year 2011. He also goes on to promise the design "will not get watered down." Unfortunately, the video doesn't show the car. Fortunately, we've got pictures of it.


No word yet on exactly what's planned for the inside of this land-based jet fighter, but these photos of the first full-sized mock up are apparently from a shoot for a big European car mag and thus we'll hear more when they either release the magazine or freak out and publish everything early online from none other than Top Gear the magazine. Being the carefree chaps they are, they're happy to let us share them with you but would like us to remind you the exclusive full photo shoot of the car and details on info on just how it'll best the Bugatti Veyron will be available when the next issue hits newsstands September 8th.


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More Info from Top Gear Magazine






6.8 Twin Turbo V8 (9.0:1 compression ratio), 1350bhp (dyno-tested), redline @ 9000rpm, claimed 0-60 in ~2.8s, ~1200kg dry weight. SSC say it will do 275mph, but of course the performance hasn't been proven yet. Same gearbox, but with the option of paddles. Brembo carbon brakes.


Priced at £626,000, or $970,000.

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another car only the stupid rich will own and let sit in the garage most of the time... The only one I have ever really seen driven was the guy who had the ultimate aero tt on the latest gumball rally.


car is sweet as hell though and I still think it is great a old school twin turbo pushrod v8 will be faster than the quad turbo w16 the veyron has in it

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car is sweet as hell though and I still think it is great a old school twin turbo pushrod v8 will be faster than the quad turbo w16 the veyron has in it


You can make a 4 cylinder car walk both of those cars, difference is reliability and drive-ability.

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Looks much better because they hired an actual designer. I like it a lot better than the first, and hopefully it proves to be more than a glorified kit car with a big engine.


The side profile looks more like a Zonda to me.


PS - The rear end just got posted.


I like Jalopnik's comment that it 'has alien balls.' haha. Funky.

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You can make a 4 cylinder car walk both of those cars, difference is reliability and drive-ability.


don't for get build quality, fit and finish. High end luxury car vs a propose built speed machine. This agruement is like fighting over x-box and ps3 its never ending and boths sides are right.

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