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French Senate Passes Ban on Full Muslim Veils


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Didn't really think it'd go this far:


Don't really have an opinion. Other than now, if the law makes it way here, when I goto the store, I can't play the "let's see if I can get this woman to make eye contact with me" game. If you know about their culture, that's a no-no. Without the burka, I can't indentify the 'no-lookers'. ;)


Seriously, though, I wonder how the Islamic nation will react to this in France. It does appear to step on 'religious toes', so to speak. However, the vast majority behind the measure say it will preserve the nation's singular values, including its secular foundation and a notion of fraternity that is contrary to those who hide their faces.



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Wow I didn't think this would happen in France, but I read somewhere that the muslim population there has been getting kind of brazen there and shutting down streets and parts of towns because they can, and that the everyday frenchman is getting tired of that kind of behavior


I do wonder though if the French know that they just can't pass a ban, that they sometimes you have to enforce it

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Fuck em Thats all I have t say about that.



oh and Go France!


That's an abbrviated version of how I feel about them as well at this point. Not going to start an e-arguement, but I'm not so pleased with how we push things aside like they are no big deal and back everything up with "freedom"

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That's an abbrviated version of how I feel about them as well at this point. Not going to start an e-arguement, but I'm not so pleased with how we push things aside like they are no big deal and back everything up with "freedom"


What are the "things" that we push aside that we should not? What makes one come to the conclusion that an entire culture is worth less than another?

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If they dont like it they can always leave


^^ Agree. Tollerance only goes so far. You'll never please everyone and it's about time we stop worrying about those that aren't happy. They have a choice too. It's called STFU and GTFO. The U.S. needs to do a better job of this too. We spend too much time trying to protect the rights of a few and in turn impact the majority. Time, money, energy wasted.


Off topic, but nonetheless, we speak English in the US....learn it or GTFO. Here illegally, GTFO. I don't care so much about the muslim vails, but other things they want to do that the majority doesn't want, too bad. The majority of their women need covered. The rest that are hot, don't cover up anyway as they want to be seen.


Yeah....I'm in a pissy mood.

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It's called STFU and GTFO. The U.S. needs to do a better job of this too. We spend too much time trying to protect the rights of a few and in turn impact the majority. Time, money, energy wasted.


Yeah....I'm in a pissy mood.


Even being in a pissy mood :), I have to call you out on one detail.


The United States was founded with the idea of protecting individual rights against a tyrannical majority. That is one of 'the', if not 'the' most important aspects of being an American. While democracy is in place to a degree, democracy was only suppose to exist outside of the bill of rights. Especially regarding practice of religion. France, not so much, so passing such a law isn't quite as hypocritical there as it would be here.


Keep in mind I am in no way in support of, or even mildly sympathetic to, the dogmatic, and exclusionary nature of organized religion. I will even go so far as to say that the general practice of Islam is likely the worst version of a very familiar religious story, at least in regards to modern day practice(in reference to all of the Big 3 religions springing from the fount of Abraham, yes Christianity is an Arab religion).



So the question still persists .... may I eat FRENCH toast again ?

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Even being in a pissy mood :), I have to call you out on one detail.


The United States was founded with the idea of protecting individual rights against a tyrannical majority. That is one of 'the', if not 'the' most important aspects of being an American. While democracy is in place to a degree, democracy was only suppose to exist outside of the bill of rights. Especially regarding practice of religion. France, not so much, so passing such a law isn't quite as hypocritical there as it would be here.


Keep in mind I am in no way in support of, or even mildly sympathetic to, the dogmatic, and exclusionary nature of organized religion. I will even go so far as to say that the general practice of Islam is likely the worst version of a very familiar religious story, at least in regards to modern day practice(in reference to all of the Big 3 religions springing from the fount of Abraham, yes Christianity is an Arab religion).



So the question still persists .... may I eat FRENCH toast again ?


You can have Freedom Toast or you can :gtfo:!!!

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I just watched a documentary on HBO called "My trip to al-Qaeda". Pretty interesting and I recommend watching it. But in it they talk about an incident that happened in Saudi Arabia, where a school for girls caught on fire, and people would not unlock the doors to let the girls out because they were not wearing their veils. One girl was told by her father to run back to go get her's, she did and never made it back.


It's a terrible religion in my opinion. Problem is, like sol740 already mentioned, we can't do anything about it, it goes against what the US was founded on.

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I think you meant Minority. Majority rule would be...uh...Democratic?



I meant what I wrote. The United States is not unquestioned majority rule, and we are not wholly democratic, though we hold democratic elections.


Specific individual rights supersede the majority.

Edited by sol740
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I just watched a documentary on HBO called "My trip to al-Qaeda". Pretty interesting and I recommend watching it.


It's a terrible religion in my opinion. Problem is, like sol740 already mentioned, we can't do anything about it, it goes against what the US was founded on.


I also watched this today and can say its worth a look. The thing is that religion is used as a tool. It is OK if everyone wants to denounce Islam but remember to be consistent and denounce any faith based religions as well. At the very least, do it for the kids so they do not grow up already indoctrinated.

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Even being in a pissy mood :), I have to call you out on one detail.


The United States was founded with the idea of protecting individual rights against a tyrannical majority. That is one of 'the', if not 'the' most important aspects of being an American. While democracy is in place to a degree, democracy was only suppose to exist outside of the bill of rights. Especially regarding practice of religion.


I see your point. However, the founding fathers never dealt with nor could imagine half the fucking shit we deal with in this country today. We worry way too much about individual rights without balancing in doing what is right.


Take those guys who raped, tortured and murdered the doctors family in Connecticut. Do we really need to fuck around with a trial? Pa-lease.....kill them and be done with it. Ooops, my bad....we gotta live by the laws the country was founded on....yadda, yadda........oh well. In my country, we would kill those mofo's without a thought. Can't wait to buy my island.


Now you can each French toast if you want. I'm going to be busy with a French Maid. Enjoy.

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I see your point. However, the founding fathers never dealt with nor could imagine half the fucking shit we deal with in this country today. We worry way too much about individual rights without balancing in doing what is right.


Would you say the same if a ban on firearms were proposed due to the exorbitant number of handgun murders in the US ?


I may agree with killing the murderous folks you speak of, though I disagree with them being denied a fair trial. However I would love to cut through the red-tape appeal bullshit in cases of undeniable guilt, and get to the point, providing the loved ones with speedy retribution, thus preserving their time to begin healing. However I do not believe the death penalty should be legally applicable in cases where circumstantial evidence is the lead convicting argument, and yes, it can be.

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Would you say the same if a ban on firearms were proposed due to the exorbitant number of handgun murders in the US ?




I may agree with killing the murderous folks you speak of, though I disagree with them being denied a fair trial. However I would love to cut through the red-tape appeal bullshit in cases of undeniable guilt, and get to the point, providing the loved ones with speedy retribution, thus preserving their time to begin healing.


the folks I speak of are real. the story just re-aired on TV because they are in the midst of a fucked up typical court battle that IMO is a fucking complete waste of time. there is not "fair" trial when they were caught red handed and dead to rights guilty. Fuck them and the rights they gave up by committing the heinous crimes they did.

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