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Health and fitness - Did p90 half way, about to start P90X.


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For the p90 workout all you need is some dumbbells. For the p90x yes, you need a pullup bar but the one from beach body is actually pretty sweet for $60 bucks. It doesn't require anything but a door jam frame bit and that's good enough for me.
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I have a copy of p90x on its way to me. My women (now ex) just broke it off so now I'm taking all this free time to focus on this 100+ pounds to lose. I'm 6'3" and weighing in a 317 so I figured what the hell right? I know its gonna tear me up and spit me out in the begining but in the long run I think I can manage. Couldn't be any worse than 3-a-days back in high school.
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Veritas, How many copys of p90 power do you have?

I need to get in on something like this, since it's something I can do in my house. I was swimming 5 days a week, but then I switched jobs and lost my gym membership. I'm not overweight or out of shape, but I need to increase my strength and endurance.

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If you come by the house I have the fitness guide and an excel spreadsheet to track your progress; it keeps track of which workout you should be doing, and on what day. I have all of the info and all of the videos for all of the P90 series; P90, P90M, P90X, and P90X+.
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Do CrossFit, not P90x.


Can you explain why you say that? I thought they were similar, except that CrossFit is scaled to your fitness level, while P90X isn't (but they scale the workout intensity by having different levels; P90, P90M, P90X, P90X+...)

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CrossFit is always varied. You will learn functional movements, major lifts, OLY lifts, gymnastics, proper running/rowing techniques.


CrossFit is scaled to your fitness level, but that doesn't mean the intensity will drop. I don't expect a 100lb girl to do 50 cln/jerks in my class with 135, so we'll scale the weight to 65lbs. The intensity will be just the same as a guy using 155 or more.


One good thing about P90X is that its a cheap program and you can do at home

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That's the reason why I'm a fan of them because you can do it at home without having to worry about someone else seeing you if you're self conscious or anything like that.


I got the spindle so give me a bit and ill have them together this week so people can come down and meet up with me at random.

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That's the reason why I'm a fan of them because you can do it at home without having to worry about someone else seeing you if you're self conscious or anything like that.



That's a good thing if you can get motivated to workout. CrossFit gyms add a bit of competition to the WOD's as well since you'll be in a group and not wanting to be the last one who finishes. That keeps the intensity high.


I'm biased towards CrossFit though as I'm an instructor and have seen some amazing results with some of my clientele. CrossFit is the system that Navy SEALs use for their training, just check out sealfit.com as well as other branches of the military, LEO's and Fire.

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That's a good thing if you can get motivated to workout. CrossFit gyms add a bit of competition to the WOD's as well since you'll be in a group and not wanting to be the last one who finishes. That keeps the intensity high.


I'm biased towards CrossFit though as I'm an instructor and have seen some amazing results with some of my clientele. CrossFit is the system that Navy SEALs use for their training, just check out sealfit.com as well as other branches of the military, LEO's and Fire.


Yeah, if there were a CrossFit gym near my work that had classes at noon, a shower in the locker room, and didn't cost $150 a month I would do it. I've heard great results with CrossFit and I like that it incorporates gymnastics. Some of the WOD's sound similar to what we would do for 'dry land' swim team practice in high school.


But as it stands now, I need something that I can do after work consistantly and cheap, which means setting something up in my basement.


Keep me posted Veritas.

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For the p90 workout all you need is some dumbbells. For the p90x yes, you need a pullup bar but the one from beach body is actually pretty sweet for $60 bucks. It doesn't require anything but a door jam frame bit and that's good enough for me.


I saw several brands of door jamp pull up bars at Target for $20, BTW. For $50 you could get a pack with the pull up bar, 'ab straps,' and rotating push up handle grip things.

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Spend 20-30 bucks at lowes/home depot and make your own pull up bar.




On a date:


Girl: Whats that?

You: My situation wanna see?

Girl: yeah!

You: Take your clothes off

Girl" Why?

You: That will be a situation lol




On a serious note Veritas Thanks for making backup copies.


Well I think my gain will happen better put in a order on BodyBuilding.com tonight for some Optimum Nutrition Protein, 100% whey and some Casien Should help me gain some muscle.


Also got some Multi vitamin packs.


I should be well on my way but I'm getting pumped checking out these vids of people completely ripped after the p90 workout.. It seems if you keep with it and a somewhat strict diet you cant fail.


2nd week of January I will be starting p90.

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I saw several brands of door jamp pull up bars at Target for $20, BTW. For $50 you could get a pack with the pull up bar, 'ab straps,' and rotating push up handle grip things.


I bought mine at Wal-Mart. $45 but it's the one with several grip locations and is pretty hefty. Nice thing vs Home Depot stuff is this one comes with me on the road simply by popping it in my trunk. No installation whatsoever. just leverages right into a door way.

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Wait they have the ones like that at walmart too? I might go get that tonight... I've still got a little under 2 weeks left though till I start it in earnest once im done with 3-4.


I have about 4~5 cd's together for people who posted or PM'd me so its now just a matter of time for us to meet for me to show you it and hope that I don't forget the darned things, I'm so forgetful :(

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Wait they have the ones like that at walmart too? I might go get that tonight... I've still got a little under 2 weeks left though till I start it in earnest once im done with 3-4.


I have about 4~5 cd's together for people who posted or PM'd me so its now just a matter of time for us to meet for me to show you it and hope that I don't forget the darned things, I'm so forgetful :(





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this spring early summer i got up to 194lbs at 14% body fat (34" wasit) then just started eating cleaner reducing about 500-700cals.

now i am at 180lbs at 10% body fat, 31.5" waist.

and still can rep 325x10 on the bench, 345x10 on the squat and 545x2 on deads

hit a 550squat, 500 bench, 585dead im my gear

and 475squat 405bench and 555 dead raw.


screw p90x, it dont help you pull over 500lbs of the floor.

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this spring early summer i got up to 194lbs at 14% body fat (34" wasit) then just started eating cleaner reducing about 500-700cals.

now i am at 180lbs at 10% body fat, 31.5" waist.

and still can rep 325x10 on the bench, 345x10 on the squat and 545x2 on deads

hit a 550squat, 500 bench, 585dead im my gear

and 475squat 405bench and 555 dead raw.


screw p90x, it dont help you pull over 500lbs of the floor.



Nice numbers.


This is what I'm talking about.. functional movements. Deadlifts and squats. We pick shit up all the time from the floor, so why not get stronger at it by doing the actual movements, not bicep curls.

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this spring early summer i got up to 194lbs at 14% body fat (34" wasit) then just started eating cleaner reducing about 500-700cals.

now i am at 180lbs at 10% body fat, 31.5" waist.

and still can rep 325x10 on the bench, 345x10 on the squat and 545x2 on deads

hit a 550squat, 500 bench, 585dead im my gear

and 475squat 405bench and 555 dead raw.


screw p90x, it dont help you pull over 500lbs of the floor.


Out of curiosity, how tall are you?

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