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Need recommendations on Vehicle Appraiser


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What I don't get is if someone has insurance and they rob me of $10...how is the insurance company only obligated to give me $5? that's not what was taken from em, $10 was taken from me and I can prove that was taken from me. It's the same thing. You took something that was priceless to me, would sell for $4250 on the open market, but you only want to give me $3000? It's unethical. If they don't like the facts, than they need to raise their clients premiums and tell her to stop floating through red lights at 50mph.


"Yeah, sorry our client destroyed a year of work and an item you won't be able to replace for under $4000. Here is $3000...thanks for the $1000 we still owe you but don't have to pay you."


A holes.

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