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Should I go after this principal? heads up, all idiots will be banned.. except Greg

V8 Beast

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I took my neice in so that she could attend Hilliard schools and help her get past some past issues she had in her previous school. Today a kid was sending her racial text messages and saying she was going to get beat up. When she requested to speak to the guidance counsellor she was told an appointment has to be made. After school she beat the girls ass. Here is the part where it gets good...


The principal of the school attempted to call her mom and her dad who were both at work and unable to answer. He left a voicemail then asked her where she lived. She told him and he said thats a pretty far walk and made her walk home. My house is almost 2-3 miles from the school and she just moved out here so she isnt so great with navigating the area. The office closes at 4 but it was about 3:15 when he forced her to walk home... why couldnt he wait or put her in the care of another person in the office. He purposely made her miss the bus then sent her hiking. Thats what pissed me off.


I know she was in the wrong by getting into a fight. What I dont know is why a principal of a school (in an area where people have been killed by cars so much that safety is being stepped up) would make a 15 year old girl walk home alone rather than waiting for the parents to call back. She ended up getting lost but luckily found her way home eventually. To put this into perspective for those that know Hilliard she had to walk through the construction on Hillard Rome, got lost over by the Sonoco on Sciota Darby, and crossed Roberts Road by Walcut.


If you were me how big of a new asshole (if any) would you rip this guy? Going over policies he definitley violated a few. He also gave her a longer suspension than the last 4 girls that got into fights at the school. I know its more of the fact that shes a transfer than race. He even mentioned to her that this isnt columbus public when yelling at her for 30 minutes before attempting to call her mom. I'm kind of pissed and 2 seconds away from making a big deal of this... but in typical fashion I want to run it by you all before I start talking to the school board etc. If she got a 5 day suspension instead of 10 with a review for expulsion I wouldnt have even cared.. but now I do.


Sorry for the novel

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I don't think I would waste the money on a lawyer, what possibly legal action would you be bound to take action on? I mean in all honesty I would just take it up with him on a personal level, insisting that things of this nature aren't legal and that you will be contacting the school board. It is a shitty situation, just stay classy and firm and he should get the point.
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I don't think I would waste the money on a lawyer, what possibly legal action would you be bound to take action on? I mean in all honesty I would just take it up with him on a personal level, insisting that things of this nature aren't legal and that you will be contacting the school board. It is a shitty situation, just stay classy and firm and he should get the point.


Dover is correct skip the lawyer for now. I just told my mom ( who is a principal ) this tail and she said "does that person really want to lose their job?"


Fighting is wrong but the principal screwed up pretty bad. Try to meet with him and feel him out. If he wants to play games go to his boss, the board and let me know if you want to go to the news.

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I don't think I would waste the money on a lawyer, what possibly legal action would you be bound to take action on? I mean in all honesty I would just take it up with him on a personal level, insisting that things of this nature aren't legal and that you will be contacting the school board. It is a shitty situation, just stay classy and firm and he should get the point.


Yeah, I didnt mean lawyer I meant school board not lawyer in my post. I was talking to my wife about something and typed lawyer when I meant school board. I need to work on my multi-tasking. I want a lawyers take on the entire thing, not looking for representation.

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I'd rip the principal"s ass up







:lol: bwhahahahahahahahahahaha this shit never gets old.



On topic; not much legal action could go down, but id fuck the principal up verbally.

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She gets racial and threatening texts from another student and then has to make an appointment to talk to someone about them??? With everything that has happened around the country with race related violence and bullying in schools, how can the they have a policy like that? I say definitely go to the Principal and let him know that you plan to contact the Superintendent and the school board. I think you should try to be as civil as possible with him but let him know that you are not happy and follow through with going over his head. See what kind of response or action you get before you decide what to do next. That text should have been dealt with immediately by the school.
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I'd talk to the school board, then notify the news stations. They'll eat this one up. Everyone already hates Hilliard school administrators.


i agree. if you want to make a big deal, notify the media. then he will resign ha.

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Skip his ass. Go straight to the super. He is obviously dumb enough to deal with the situation poorly 1 time, don't give him another chance.


+1, bitching at him wont do anything. Go to his boss. His boss tearing him a new asshole is a lot more effective than you doing it.

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IMO the main issue is digital harassment that was ignored and also the fact that your neice was made to walk home that distance on a potentially unsafe route. I think that is what you should be upset about.


It seems to me that she could take at least some of the blame for the actual fight. Because she was pulled off of the other girl by her neck does not seem to be unreasonable to me either. If the other girl was on top, I don't think that you would care if she was pulled off by her eye sockets.


I am not a lawyer but I think that you would have to have some actual damages to be able to recover anything in a suit. It doesn't sound like there are any damages. Maybe going to the police would be smarter than going to a lawyer.

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She went to the school and asked for help. They didnt want to help so she did what she had to protect herself. That is what would piss me off. The kid got turned away while asking for help. Nothing after that would have happened had the school helped.
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Did they exchange text each other in class or at school? or was it off school property?


If it was at school and your niece probably was not allowed to use the phone in the first place. At the same time she did try to bring up the issue to a guidance counselor, so that is the school's negligence for that fight to happen.


I would try to talk to the principal and so she can attend school without out of school suspension. If that don't work out I would go to his boss/board.

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