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Best setup for home camera I can view with my iPhone


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I want to setup 1-2 cameras in my home, that I can either watch from in my house, or through my iPhone.


My whole house is wired in CAT5, so I want a network camera that can be linked into my router. I want at least one to have audio with it.


Any suggestions? I've seen several iPhone apps for this, and they seem to each be linked to certain brands of devices. I want to do this on the semi-cheap (as far as the hardware goes) - I am looking for suggestions.

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My friend had a iPhone app that let him see what whatever his webcam was seeing... Don't think thats waht you want though.

I want basically that except with a stand-alone IP based camera (as in, no PC attached to it, just hooked direct to my router).

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I want basically that except with a stand-alone IP based camera (as in, no PC attached to it, just hooked direct to my router).



I think you would need to have it run to a PC first (through the router) then have a app on the PC link to your phone.

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