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I Freak'n HATE spiders - Yes that's a Quarter $.25!


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I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders


These Nasty Bastards come into my finished lower level and while I'm down there, walking in the Family Room of all places, they are just strolling along my carpet.


This is the second one I killed. Believe it or not, the first one must have been the Alpha Male as he was even bigger!


I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders






I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders


Insert Scream of a little girl :o

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I don't even know why I clicked on this. I scream when seeing a spider the size of a tiny dot. When I look at the lizards in petstores, I sometimes make the mistake of looking in a teranchula's home and instantly get chills and feel the color drain from my face.... Getting chills even thinking about the little bastards.:o
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brown recluse?



Likely a common Wolf Spider. Nothing harmful, but I bet that mofo would still hurt. What would hurt more though would be me breaking my toe on the steps as I ran screaming like a kid if it were to touch me. :o

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That actually looks like a wood or grass spider. Fairly quick, and they spin a funnel web when not invading peoples homes cause it's getting cold out. Thats a fairly large specimen, though. I'll wait for confirmation from our resident entemologist, as I only know this stuff from my scouting days. (imurobgyn)
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This is why i love having a smartphone...just zoomed in the picture until me putting a quarter on the screen was the same size as the image, then looked at that spider...thats fucking huge...howd you kill it without smashing it to get that pic where it still looks fine?
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This is why i love having a smartphone...just zoomed in the picture until me putting a quarter on the screen was the same size as the image, then looked at that spider...thats fucking huge...howd you kill it without smashing it to get that pic where it still looks fine?


That little shit was still alive in those shots, not dead.


I caught him in my kids bug catcher which is a cylinder with a screen on one end and a built in magnifying glass on the other that swivels to close off the tube.


Just like this pic:




I shook him hard a few times to knock him around and show him who is boss :bangbang:


He was dazed but alive. I literally just flushed his ass down the toilet.

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Good thing for the water mark too across the spider so I can't see shit, big money in spider pics I hear. Photographers..... :nono:


You would be surprised as there where I have found my images. I've even seen other photogs trying to pass my images off as their own. I've found 3 of my images over the past two years on Wiki without proper copyright being provided. That's the real :nono: Now if you can't see through the watermark on these, I suggest you not drive home.


Tim, ever notice any other bugs in your house? If not, there is your reason. Man up.


Yes. Big Mother F'n Centipedes. I haven't had the balls to catch one and photograph it alive yet though. :o

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You would be surprised as there where I have found my images. I've even seen other photogs trying to pass my images off as their own. I've found 3 of my images over the past two years on Wiki without proper copyright being provided. That's the real :nono: Now if you can't see through the watermark on these, I suggest you not drive home.




Yes. Big Mother F'n Centipedes. I haven't had the balls to catch one and photograph it alive yet though. :o


Those eat other bugs too, even more than spiders, they are why you don't see other bugs. Again Man up.


And dude about the copyright thing, it's fuckin CR, and if someone posts an image of yours, be flattered someone likes your work. It's fucking annoying. You have no plan to be paid for that spider image right? Then do us a favor, forget the water mark. We know you like to take pics and you consider yourself a Photographer.


I'm posting this one on Wiki in just a minute:


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Ben is just frustrated because he can't put a copyright on being a douche to newbie trolls. :)


Nope more frustrated my Lions are fucking 2 and 34 since 2008. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


I'm most likely taking my frustrations out on Tim. I'm only half as pissed as I was yesterday.


Sorry Tim, I have a short fuse, fucking Lions.......

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I've been seeing a few of them around too. Can't blame them for trying to get in because of the cold, but castle doctrine pwns you spiders!


That's nothing a size 11 won't take care of, just don't slip on the goop.

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