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Anyone been to small claims court


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I won a judgement in small claims in Arizona and won,the guy did not pay and I slapped a lien on his house that made me feel better for about 5 minutes.

I just googled it for Ohio and it said 3K.



What the issue? work related?

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I took a couple guys to small claims. Max is 3K. It's like $65 to file. They have 30 days to reply. Typically you all will meet with a mediator first and they will try to come to a resolve. If no resolve, then prove your case in front of the Judge. Be sure you add the filing fee into the amount you want paid to you as long as you don't exceed 3K.
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I took a guy to court when I was 19 and had been working for myself for a few years. A guy broke a contract by allowing other contractors on the job while lacquer I had just sprayed was drying. Needless to say the guy refused to pay me after sawdust became imbedded in the paint. The judge took one look at me and stated I looked to young to know what I was talking about and declined to hear my case. he then stated if the other guy had made a counter claim against me he would have awarded him damages. All without either said even making a statement.
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