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I just came over from the "dark side"


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I just made the transition from the "dark side" aka localriders.com :D

Hopefully this is a friendlier place and I am looking forward to lots of exciting exchanges and may be a few rides together.

I won't be very active here because there are always so many other things to take care of when I get home. But I will be lurking. :)

BTW: someone told me this forum hosts the younger crowd. I have no idea what that means, but I hope at 44 I am still acceptable :D;)

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I just made the transition from the "dark side" aka localriders.com :D

Hopefully this is a friendlier place and I am looking forward to lots of exciting exchanges and may be a few rides together.

I won't be very active here because there are always so many other things to take care of when I get home. But I will be lurking. :)

BTW: someone told me this forum hosts the younger crowd. I have no idea what that means, but I hope at 44 I am still acceptable :D;)


Who told you this forum was the younger crowd? We have all ages on here. 18 - 87 (I checked). Any and all riders are very welcome. I hope you enjoy the site. And if you need a way of getting around the filter at work, let me know.


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Vera- Welcome!!

Younger was probably meant as mentality. Meaning, these folks are primarily enthusiasts more into the motorcyle community and groups than at LR where the groups are old school metality folks. The guys over at LR are in a tight knit group and as you have seen, unless you play by their rules, you don't fit in. Here, it is a totally different scene. Cool folks, a lot more sport enthusiasts (Hell, 90% plus of that board couldn't tell you anyone in any of the race series w/o looking it up on the internet...) and have a genuine interest in a vast spectrum of our industry.

Welcome and enjoy. Hell, just look at the posts and number of folks on here at any given time. We blow LR away!

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Vera- Welcome!!

Younger was probably meant as mentality. Meaning, these folks are primarily enthusiasts more into the motorcyle community and groups than at LR where the groups are old school metality folks. The guys over at LR are in a tight knit group and as you have seen, unless you play by their rules, you don't fit in. Here, it is a totally different scene. Cool folks, a lot more sport enthusiasts (Hell, 90% plus of that board couldn't tell you anyone in any of the race series w/o looking it up on the internet...) and have a genuine interest in a vast spectrum of our industry.

Welcome and enjoy. Hell, just look at the posts and number of folks on here at any given time. We blow LR away!

I should put you on the payroll! Oh wait, we don't have one. :(


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DEFINITELY! So? What's the trick?

These sites load the page you want to view. Most will get around your filter at work. If they don't, let me know and I can show you another trick.








And here's a list of a ton more:


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Kinda off topic, but our Websense at work blocks "Proxy Filter" sites... apparently they've flagged a group of pages, including most of those above, so any other helpful tips around?

Setup your own proxy server at home.

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These sites load the page you want to view. Most will get around your filter at work. If they don't, let me know and I can show you another trick.








And here's a list of a ton more:


All of those sites say "Access denied" here at Kodak. So these wouldn't work at my work. FAIL! :nono:

Oh and :welcome: to the site VERA.

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