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Not sure who can help me with this:


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It might sound crazy, but I'm looking to mill off roughly 3-4mm of mounting pad on the backside of some wheels I'm picking up. Granted, if it's even possible after I take a look at how much material I have to work with.


That aside, is there anyone out there with a mill, lathe or etc. that might be able to help me? These would have to be done extremely precise, otherwise I'd have some fucked up wobbles, and I understand that there is a liability behind this, but I'm willing to take a chance if it's possible to do.


I haven't contacted wheel medic yet, but I'm willing to bet they'll just laugh at the idea. I know this can be done, and has been done, but it also differs in each occasion depending on the wheel.



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If Wheel Medic is willing to cut a rim in half and weld in a band of metal to widen it, or cut more to narrow it, I don't see why they wouldn't want to do what you're looking for. The only hurdle I see is having a mill large enough for a whole rim.
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Bring the wheel in and talk to bryce, go early so jack is still there. Shouldnt be any problem.


edit, mounting to the lathe might be an issue. i know he mill the face of the wheel.


I'm sure we can get creative with the mounting, as long as it works out I'd be ecstatic.

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