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Ghost Adventures +Ghost Hunters real or fake ?


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There is supposed to be some house out near Licking that's haunted. I can't remember the name for the life of me but I've had friends go up there and come back scared out of their minds.


I'm not a believer in this stuff. I think most people just put it in their mind and make it real.


i know the legend...story goes if you spread your buttcheeks apart and stand in the middle of the foyer at night, a ghost named billy bob will tickle your prostate

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i know the legend...story goes if you spread your buttcheeks apart and stand in the middle of the foyer at night, a ghost named billy bob will tickle your prostate


Roflmao!!! Holy hell I am laughing hard....


Where are all these supposed "haunted" places in Licking County? Again I have been to pretty much every one of the supposed haunted places and have yet to be scared. I have been back to old white chapel church which is supposedly housed by a cult and was scared shitless, because it really is a cult lol. Thats a whole nother story in its own right...back to haunted places and ghost

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Where at in Licking County? I have been to just about every known "haunted" area around the county and have yet to have anything like that happen. I am planning on doing the Mansfield 24hr stay next spring/summer as well. I am into this shit, most times you have to be more worried about someone shooting you for trespassing, then you do actually seeing a "ghost".


I like Ghost Hunters, I don't like the other show with the muscle bound dude. Atleast TAPS trys to debunk most of the things they encounter before saying "omgz its casper". Anyone remember MTV's show Fear, I used to love that show.


Sorry not saying where it is. I grew up in Licking County and some people that lived in the area told me about it. We had permission from the guy that was watching over the land to be there because he knew we won't mess the place up. He died a few years after we stopped going and we haven't had any contact with anyone to get permission to be out there.


My wife and I are volunteer's at Mansfield for over night ghost hunts. The schedule is already up for 2011, so you better make your reservations soon, we sell out very quickly. Let me know when you are going to be up there and I will try to be there that night. Maybe able to get you into some areas that most don't get to go.


Oh and yes I remember the show Fear on MTV. A cousin of my wife actually was a research consultant for the show. Other than going to some haunted locations, the show was completely fake and staged.

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There is an Office Max in this city where late at night and early in the morning you can watch cases of printer paper,furniture,printers being thrown off of the top of the gondolas. Oh and when the radio station is playing something that whatever is there doesnt like it will be turned off and when its good it goes up to full blast. I can go on and on about that place...made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.
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There is an Office Max in this city where late at night and early in the morning you can watch cases of printer paper,furniture,printers being thrown off of the top of the gondolas. Oh and when the radio station is playing something that whatever is there doesnt like it will be turned off and when its good it goes up to full blast. I can go on and on about that place...made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.


Sweet see if the ghosts will throw a nice HP laser print in my truck for me.

Oh and a toner and case of paper would be cool too.

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