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help with webpage


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A few years back we started a webpage for the cakes done here at the house. I need to edit it, but I cannot remember who I set it up under. It was one of those places that assist with the creation and charge a small monthly fee. The site is www.sweetdesignsspecialtycakes.com I need to find a page to login-in and edit it. Thanks in advance.
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Cant help with anything to do with the website, but those cakes are awesome

I wish I could take the credit, but my wife is the talent behind the operation. I am good for an idea every once in awhile and coming up with the elements required to transport some of the larger ones. I actually got the site updated a bit today. I need to work on the homepage and find a place to hide the pics of the adult themed cakes. Nobody give me shit, I am not a website builder and kinda fumble my way through it. I literally have thousands of pics of cakes but alas theres not enough room for them all.

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I would rewrite the site. Some of the things on deter some credibilty. Just one example:


Cake Flavors






Orange Cream-sicle

Red Velvet



Italian Wedding Cake


Hot Chocolate

(just ask)


Remove the (just ask) from each section. That is against the professional norm. Also, define "Yellow". The common customer will ask, "What does 'Yellow' taste like?"


I'd be willing to rewrite/script the pages for you free of charge, but it's up to you. I don't want to seem like a pushy know it all. I just enjoy writing/editing. Yeah, I'm one of those "anal guys that corrects forum grammar." I am usually very lax on here though and keep it simple. :)


Let me know. Of course if I do and you don't like it you can scrap it and tell me to shove it. Won't hurt my feelings. :)


EDIT: Basically what I'm saying is the awesome cakes need to be reflected at every lever and the branding should be uniform.

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Actually, setting up a gallery or flickr account might not be ab ad idea for her business. You can link them all to the website. You can do the free one for 100MB a month, or you can do an annual fee (I do this) for unlimited @$24.95 a year.


Im not sure how your website is setup, soi dont know if settign up a gallery is an option for you, but there are lots of gallery freebies out there (ZenPhoto is one) :)


two little thing i might HIGHLY suggest.. Please get rid of the red background on the front page.. its harsh on the eyes.. detracts from teh picture of her lovely cakes. Neutral Colors are a good thing for backgrounds.


Stick to one theme. Dont change colors on each page, its fun to change it up a little bit.. but comformity will keep a customer on your site longer, as it seems like a more professional business.


If my (or anyone elses) critiques bother you, i wont say another word, but those are some issues that will help you out a lot.


it looks MUCH better than it did last night ;)


I disagree about the "Yellow" cake. if you dont know what Yellow cake taste like.. well.. there is no other way to describe it.. its just.. yellow cake. Even Betty Crocker calls it Yellow Cake.


Also.. if you are able to see/edit the code any, edit this on each page (if its a wwisyig editor, see if it has somewhere for you to edit the Title of the page.

 <title>Page Title</title>

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Actually, setting up a gallery or flickr account might not be ab ad idea for her business. You can link them all to the website. You can do the free one for 100MB a month, or you can do an annual fee (I do this) for unlimited @$24.95 a year.


Great idea. You can show a few on the site and hotlink to an album.


two little thing i might HIGHLY suggest.. Please get rid of the red background on the front page.. its harsh on the eyes.. detracts from teh picture of her lovely cakes. Neutral Colors are a good thing for backgrounds.


Stick to one theme. Dont change colors on each page, its fun to change it up a little bit.. but comformity will keep a customer on your site longer, as it seems like a more professional business.


This touches on what I mean by uniformity and a coporate brand identity. Your site, business cards, brochures, etc. shoul flow together thus building a brand. When you see the Golden Arches and the colors red and yellow on anything who do you think of? Brand identity is key.


If my (or anyone elses) critiques bother you, i wont say another word, but those are some issues that will help you out a lot.


Agreed. If you post on a forum, especially this one, though I can't help but believe you are not only able to accept constructive criticism but are seeking it and activly using it to improve.


I disagree about the "Yellow" cake. if you dont know what Yellow cake taste like.. well.. there is no other way to describe it.. its just.. yellow cake. Even Betty Crocker calls it Yellow Cake.


That's awesome. Betty Crocker has a brand identity. This now, as a consumer, makes me believe that your yellow cake is Betty Crocker yellow cake and I can save money by baking my own. Sure, yours will look cool, but I can bake Betty Crocker shelf mix and ice it myself and save a ton. Not really the message you want to convey.


If not changhing the flavor name I would change the title from "Cake Flavors" to Cake Options". This would also help with "Italian Wedding Cake". As an assumed unkowledgable consumer I have never been to an Italian Wedding and therefore do not know what one tastes like. Yes, some consumers will believe this is the only origination of a flavor. They will take things at face value and more literally than you can believe.


I would do the same with "Icing Flavors". "Icing Options" helps the consumer by leading them into the questions you want them to ask. The conversation forming questions. If a consumer is afraid to ask questions, and believe me they are (I see it every day in my line of work), then they'll avoid those options and stick with what is known and easy. While a customer may like Italin Wedding Cake, Flavored buttercream icing (which should just be 'buttercream'), and fondant they may be afraid to ask what each is and go vanilla, chocolate filling, and German chocolate because they're more common. It's up to you to profile the customer, learn their needs, and advise them as to what will work the best and give them the results they are requesting.


You are responsible for raising the customers curosity to the level where the most simple minded, socially awkward individual is willing to carry on a thought provoking conversation with you.


EDIT: Also NEVER, NEVER, and again I say NEVER assume your customer knows the in's and out's of cakes, or any product for that matter. It is YOUR responsibility also to educate the customer on all areas of your product. I never assume that the average customer that walks into my branch can explain a HELOC with a fixed rate option. Is it complicated? Not really, but that doesn't mean that a construction worker, baker, police officer, athlete, or anyone else with a profession outside of banking fully understands it no matter what their level of intelligence is. YOU are a specialist in what you do. NOT your customers. You don't want to tell them, "Oh yeah...it's just like Betty Crocker yellow cake. It's that flavor."


Also.. if you are able to see/edit the code any, edit this on each page (if its a wwisyig editor, see if it has somewhere for you to edit the Title of the page.


Also agreed. One of the first things that caughtmy eye, but as I said I have more to offer in the branding and identity field than the web code editing. :) I use to edit/build training courses but realized my passion is more in writing and helping people. I am considering going back to school for writing actually. Hmmm...

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For the most part yellow cake is a just that. Most people are aware especially when ordering a cake what they are getting. And the cakes are made with namebrand cake batter. The cakes are sold for their decoration. The criticism doesnt bother me and I wouldnt have posted if I didnt realize people would offer opinions. The colors and the page templates were what was offered by the website I used to do it. Its very simple for me to use and since I dont have alot of computer experience I need it to be easy. The front page is still getting worked up. The colors are meant to attract the eye kinda like with kids toys. I hope to tone down the red on the homepage by adding more pics to hide some of it. I really wasnt sure what else to do with it last night so i just slapped some stuff onto it. I put "just ask" because alot of times people have family recipes or have heard of someone else doing something with a cake and I didnt want them to feel that whats listed is all that is offered. It would be impossible to list everything you can do with a cake. My favorite is the tiered cakes because of the neutral colors. I am not sure what is meant when you say you can rewrite the script. Are you saying re-word?
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For the most part yellow cake is a just that. Most people are aware especially when ordering a cake what they are getting. And the cakes are made with namebrand cake batter. The cakes are sold for their decoration. The criticism doesnt bother me and I wouldnt have posted if I didnt realize people would offer opinions. The colors and the page templates were what was offered by the website I used to do it. Its very simple for me to use and since I dont have alot of computer experience I need it to be easy. The front page is still getting worked up. The colors are meant to attract the eye kinda like with kids toys. I hope to tone down the red on the homepage by adding more pics to hide some of it. I really wasnt sure what else to do with it last night so i just slapped some stuff onto it. I put "just ask" because alot of times people have family recipes or have heard of someone else doing something with a cake and I didnt want them to feel that whats listed is all that is offered. It would be impossible to list everything you can do with a cake. My favorite is the tiered cakes because of the neutral colors. I am not sure what is meant when you say you can rewrite the script. Are you saying re-word?


Totally cool. It sounds like you have everything you want and are really just looking for opinions. You got a few of those. :)


I was talking about rewording and/or rebuilding a site but that's totally up to you. I don't want to force my opinion on anyone. I'm jsut willing to offer assistance. :)


If you still want to leave it as is that's fine. It's not my site. :) I would reword (just ask) to (More options available upon request). Just another .02 though. I think I'm up to about .12 now. Hahaha.

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