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Tailgating Asshole with payback


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Nor does it entitle him to be a complete douche and not let him over by intentionally accelerating to a speed faster than he was traveling before seeing the signal with the sole purpose of blocking him from entering the lane thus keeping him pinned in his current lane and blocking/obstructing merging traffic.


CLIFFS: Doesn't entitle him to be a tool either.


So, when the other guy "pisses you off" you can cut him off and then slam the brakes? Hmm...sounds like you are over thinking and both the OP and the other driver were being stupid. I guess it's too hard to see that.

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However, just because your signal is on doesn't mean that he has to let you over or that you should get over on top of him.


I thought I made it clear in my follow up replies that I understand that part. However, it doesn't mean that I won't jump over either, so if he was smart, he would be aware of the situation and perhaps act more appropriately human and do the decent thing....let a person who's giving him the courtesy of signaling over. His choice not to.



The whole "my wife is a lawyer" comment really makes you sound like a douche.


Perhaps, but hey, if someone wants to point out they are out to put an 8,500lb truck up my ass, I'm going to freely state that I will gladly let them.



now I realize the mentality of the people who think "My signal is on so I am going to get over". Thanks for clearing that up :)


I worked in NYC for quite a while. You're lucky to see a signal and if you close the door on someone there, you will get very likely get clipped without the driver even caring. If your front bumper isn't ahead of the other guys front bumper, you're expected to yield the fuck off. Welcome to real world east coast rules.

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So, when the other guy "pisses you off" you can cut him off and then slam the brakes? Hmm...sounds like you are over thinking and both the OP and the other driver were being stupid. I guess it's too hard to see that.


Again, I didn't cut him off. I had plenty of room. Cutting one off implies he had to hit his brakes to keep me from clipping him. That wasn't the case. I had plenty of room and just quickly slid the fuck over before he could block me again and politely treated him like the dick he was being to me and gave him the bird to his failed attempt to close the door on me again.


The fact that we had to brake hard was just due to heavy traffic coming to a halt. Didn't phase me a bit as I even had room to look up and see how he was doing back there ;) Guess he should have just left a little more room instead of tailgating my ass.

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Again, I didn't cut him off. I had plenty of room. Cutting one off implies he had to hit his brakes to keep me from clipping him. That wasn't the case. I had plenty of room and just quickly slid the fuck over before he could block me again and politely treated him like the dick he was being to me and gave him the bird to his failed attempt to close the door on me again.


The fact that we had to brake hard was just due to heavy traffic coming to a halt. Didn't phase me a bit as I even had room to look up and see how he was doing back there ;) Guess he should have just left a little more room instead of tailgating my ass.


I'm just going to quote this one to save time and effort. Basically the other guy was being a dick to start and you reciprocated, correct? This doesn't really make him more of a dick than you, just that he was the one that initiated it. Do you really think that he would be "a decent human being" after your initial exchange with him? I believe you were trying to "outrun" him from your initial statement. That in itself is funny. He didn't want to compare penis size, he just wanted past you. One last thing, people swerve into lanes without signals all day long here too. I get to see these morons in action everyday on 270. I can't believe that there aren't more accidents based on what I see. Either way, you were upset over the guy not wanting to let you back over and he most likely learned nothing from this other than what cleaner to use to get the pop off of his dash :).

By the way, people piss me off on the road almost daily. I just don't post about it on here for this reason :).

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lol... I put some sweet blue light windshield wiper fluid things on my Corolla when I was in HS and they just turned freely and it was during the 2004 election and there were Bush people on one corner of 256 and Refugee Rd. (big intersection) in Pickerington and Kerry on the other. I went into a McDonald's parking lot right there, aimed my sprayers to the side then went back out to the Bush corner and sprayed them. Good times.



Also, a couple years ago I caused these 2 teenage girls in a white Sebring convertible to drive off the road because they were about to fly up on me. I was going about 30 in a 25 and I saw them blow through a stop sign behind me so I slow to 25 and they come up on me going at least 45 and just go to pass me in a double-yellow without even looking, car coming right at them, they swerve off the road. I lol'd.



Picktown's turning out some bright minds these days

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I had some douche bag fly around me once getting onto a own ramp and almost lose it. Was pretty damn funny


I had a douche bag whip around me to get on a ramp and did loose it. Was moving too fast to make the left hander and rolled onto the right side of his car. As I was going past him I saw him whip a bottle over the side of the ramp.

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I'm just going to quote this one to save time and effort. Basically the other guy was being a dick to start and you reciprocated, correct?


Reciprocated implies I was a dick in return. I was not. I simply pulled away from him quickly on two occasions to see if he would follow at a similar pace. He didn't thus I took his actions to be not that of wanting to "play" but rather to just be a "bullish dick" who wanted to tail me until I let him by. Thus I was cool about it, shrugged it off and just let him pass as I moved to the center lane.


This doesn't really make him more of a dick than you, just that he was the one that initiated it. Do you really think that he would be "a decent human being" after your initial exchange with him? I believe you were trying to "outrun" him from your initial statement.


Tailgating me to the point that his headlights are not visible in my rear view does make him more of a dick than me. My actions were not that of a dick, but rather someone who initially thought we'd have a few burst of fun with a car who potentially could have been looking for the same given how he rolled up in my rear view.


Either way, you were upset over the guy not wanting to let you back over and he most likely learned nothing from this other than what cleaner to use to get the pop off of his dash :).


I was upset that he was 1. tailing me and then, 2. proceeded to be a dick again and close the door on my well intentioned signaling to move over. He did it purposefully on two occasions, thus I have no doubt he knew very well I slid over as I did with a simple one blink and a burst of speed because of his dick-head actions just a few minutes earlier. If he was/is at all surprised, then he's a dumb ass as well as a dick head.


Incorrectly so, he probably did leave the situation feeling pissed about what happened, but so be it. If he wouldn't have been tailing my ass as he was even after I moved over, his car would still be clean inside. I had plenty of room in front of me and not one item in my cabin moved when I slowed in response to traffic. IMO his end results are all on him. Litterally too :D


By the way, people piss me off on the road almost daily. I just don't post about it on here for this reason :).


You need to get over being so bashful. This is CR after all. ;)

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I drive around here so much that I gave up caring what people do and just get out of the way. People change lanes without looking and others stop at the yield sign on on ramps and wait for a clearing. Tailgating is normal and I just ignore it though the spraying washer fluid thing is a pretty cool idea. Now days though I'd rather not find out that the dude I spray is unstable and get into a mess I could have avoided.
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If it's posted, then I'll comment. That is why I don't put up stories about stupid shit. I guess that's too hard for you to understand.


You're right. I usually find it hard to understand why people can't see contradictions in themselves.


You say you don't care enough about peoples opinions to post yet you continually post on peoples opinions.


My bad. I'm an idiot.

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