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errayday tings dat annoiie u.


Recommended Posts

- Wheennn ppplll tyyppeeee likeeee thiiis

- Unfaithful spouses

- Lazy people on welfare or with a handicap placard that don't really need it

- Michigan

- People who come into the bank and get in line unprepared

- People who blame others for thier short comings

- WWB ammo

- Tree hugging hippies

- When Wendys upped their Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from $0.99 to $1.29

- Target, Kohls, and any other store that hates fat people

- Wal*Mart having 9,364 lines and 4 cashiers working at any given time

- When people act as if their fellow humans life isn't worth squat

- Jargo's

- The cancellation of Saved by the Bell

- Pecans

- VW's

- "Lady" Gaga

- People who pass on a double yellow

- Jack Links guys not leaving Sasquatch alone

- Shoe laces

- People who scratch the plate with the tines of their fork

- Sporks

- Justin Bieber

- Elevator farters

- Chaco's and man-pri's

- Bro's

- Duck face profile pics

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Any post on Facebook that has to do with your kid; exception is the birth of.


Coworkers that could suck the passion out of ghandi and nelson mandella, not in a good way.














Holla atcha boy


-Coworkers that post about their kid on facebook like the bastard child is the next coming of Jesus himself. Who gives a fuck your kid learned to shit on a pot vs in their pants?


-people who can't or won't control the demon spawn kids. fucking make your kids act like humans or I WILL.


- fat people, like really really fat people that do nothing but take pride in their fat, complain that the rest of the world should bow to their fat needs. FUCK YOU FATTY STEP AWAY FROM THE PIE HUMANS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE SIZE OF FARM ANIMALS


- people who act like they are better than others because they think they have money. money may buy you nice things but everybody still hates you.

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Dumb people

Ass kissers

Foriegn people who have been here longer than 10 yrs and still act like the are brand new in this country

Jealous dudes

Facebook whores

Bitches who don't put out on the 1st nite

Bitches who put out on the 1st nite when I'm not there

My dog sleeping under me and taking up 90% of the bed

My bitch not swallowing

Jerking off to a 39 min video


Peop.le who smoke cigs

People who post on cr about the car on the highway who did somthing that tried to eg on a race/ the " do u know this car threads/ anything igor does/ ray ( just because he's old and fast)

Buckeye fans that can't name but 3 players and wanna act like they are die hard fans

Die hard buckeye fans

Anyone who routes for anything from boston/ new england/or anything from that area

People who don't get family guy

And last but not least. Mother fucking naggers!

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Dumb people

Ass kissers

Foriegn people who have been here longer than 10 yrs and still act like the are brand new in this country

Jealous dudes

Facebook whores

Bitches who don't put out on the 1st nite

Bitches who put out on the 1st nite when I'm not there

My dog sleeping under me and taking up 90% of the bed

My bitch not swallowing

Jerking off to a 39 min video


Peop.le who smoke cigs

People who post on cr about the car on the highway who did somthing that tried to eg on a race/ the " do u know this car threads/ anything igor does/ ray ( just because he's old and fast)

Buckeye fans that can't name but 3 players and wanna act like they are die hard fans

Die hard buckeye fans

Anyone who routes for anything from boston/ new england/or anything from that area

People who don't get family guy

And last but not least. Mother fucking naggers!

We used to live on north campus and i roved seeing fat asians and fat Indians

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Pretty much 97% of the things mentioned in this thread, plus that Geico commercial with the annoying ass mother fucking screaming pig. Fuck that shit



I love that shit , its hilarios








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-When my fucking Iphone turns itself on silent

-When people walk back in the shop and watch me when they prob have no fucking idea what im doing

-Stop traffic on freeway

-When I get hard rice in my chipotle

-When I try to get on the laptop and there no internet

-Ohio state gets wooped by wisconsin

-Frost on my winshield


-Whinny girlfriend

-People that want something for nothing.

-When people stereo me and know nothing about me


-Firesafe Cigs


-Bad drivers

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-When my fucking Iphone turns itself on silent

-When people walk back in the shop and watch me when they prob have no fucking idea what im doing

-Stop traffic on freeway

-When I get hard rice in my chipotle

-When I try to get on the laptop and there no internet

-Ohio state gets wooped by wisconsin

-Frost on my winshield


-Whinny girlfriend

-People that want something for nothing.

-When people stereo me and know nothing about me


-Firesafe Cigs


-Bad drivers


Buying FWD Talons thinking its AWD

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